Take It With You.. prt 2

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Searching this endless woods filled with trees, Sy was nowhere to be found. Growing anxious while I continued searching, I've began to wonder if they had already completed the ceremony. The further into the woods I went I could hear voices off in the distance, crouching down in the bushes I watched five people stand around Sylas. Of course they had already begun the ceremony but that came to a quick stop due to shots being fired, seeing all of them but one run towards the gun fire I crept out of the bushes to move behind the guy then grip his head and snapped his neck,


Freeing her from the stake she was tied to she was quick to hug me.

Me:"We need to leave and go help the others."

She pulled away to step back, the look in her eyes told me there was no changing anything.

Sylas:"I'm sorry Sean, they already risen the King."
Me:"No! You can't leave us.."
Sylas:"Sean, listen to me."

I watched her carefully to see her pull her wedding ring off, she then grabbed my hand placing the ring in the palm of my hand before closing my hand to look me in the eye,

Sylas:"Hold onto it for me."

Pushing the tears back she shook her head before releasing my hand.

Sylas:"They need our help, he'll be here any minute."

Was the only thing I could manage to say knowing the fate that lies before us, Sylas darted through the woods leaving me to rush after her. Catching up to her I managed to keep the same pace as her as we ran towards the others to aid them. Both of us jumped out of the trees to see our friends were fighting for their lives, quickly clearing my head Sy and I began helping them. Just as we only had one Royal remaining, he soon began laughing uncontrollably. Getting furious I soon realized why he had laughed, a large shadow seeped out of the trees and soon a tall creature stood behind Sylas who then was lifted into the air,


Soon all of us surrounded the creature who had Sylas in the air, none of us made a move just watched carefully since Sy was able to raise her hand indicating us to back off. Standing completely still my attention had remained focused on Sylas who was still in the creatures grip, the pressure of the grip must have loosened due to her gasping for air.

Nick:"Who are you?!"

Damn you Nick.. the creature then looked to Nick and smiled a creepy sinister grin while a nerve rattling growl seeped from his mouth.

Creature:"I am the one and only King of Hell, Asmodeus. You peasants shall bow before me!"
Nick:"Why are you here?"

Nick needs to shut his mouth! I was the only one who was supposed to know..

Asmodeus:"To claim my wife. You fools kept her hidden from me along with my fucking heart! I should light you all on fire!!"

The roar he had released had me trembling, she was right..letting her go is the only way, but as her husband, how could I? We have a daughter who needs us both, I can't let her go through with this! Glancing quickly at the others, I gathered all the courage I could to keep from trembling before him, I then sprung towards him only to see the others had the same idea. What we didn't think of was his strength until we were flying in different directions in the air. Just one look?! Seriously!? Coming back to reality the second I slammed into a tree I became a gasping mess, his strength...there's no beating him at all but we're just too stubborn to let go of Sylas.

Sylas:"Sean! Come on you need to get up!!"

Tightening my jaw I pushed myself up only to be held against the tree, it felt like a pair of hands gripped onto my skull but there was nothing around me. With a quick shove, the back of my head smacked against the tree and then a second time. Before it could happen again I heard the most defeated cry come from Sylas, hearing that was the most unbearable thing any husband could ever hear in a lifetime. Unable to move my vision grew blurry only to go black altogether.

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