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The cold air stung your face as you stepped out of the helicopter that brought you to your new base in Russia. You shivered as you regretted not wearing heavier clothes. All you had on was your black polo shirt and khaki cargos. Not the most ideal clothes for Russia, but it was all you had on.

You picked up your bag from beside you in the helicopter and slung it across your back. This was it, your new beginning. You had finally gotten away from home, and everything that happened there was left behind. It gave you peace of mind that everything was over now, and you could now focus on serving this taskforce.

As you stepped out of the helicopter, you were greeted by stinging snowflakes and Captain Price standing in front of you. "Hello there Viper. I'm Captain Price. I've heard so much about you" he said, offering you his hand to shake. You took it, smiling weakly. "Nice to meet you Captain" you said shaking his hand. "You look cold, follow me inside!" he shouted over the sound of the helicopter behind you.

You followed Price closely to the base. It was a long building that looked like it had  a court yard in the middle. Price pushed open the door and you followed him inside. You both fell in the door, the snow coming in behind you both. "Stormy out there, isn't it " said Price laughing. You nodded your head and rubbed your face with your hands. "Follow me in, ill introduce you to everyone then leave you be. You look tired" he said sympathetically.

Of course I look tired you thought to yourself. You haven't slept in two days. And that was normal. You were a terrible sleeper, and were just unable to sleep. You had always been like that. Sleeping never came to you because your brain was over active. Always thinking, over thinking. This lead to you doing anything you didn't finish during the day to doing it at night. That's why you were so good at sniping, staring out your window all night, picking up on any small movements that happened outside. But not being able to sleep was also a bad thing. On bad days, you would drink a lot of alcohol. It helped you pass out and forget everything that was going on. You would also smoke a lot of cigarettes', a dirty habit you picked up on your sleepless nights. Your alcohol was a pillar to fall on when things got too rough. You didn't think you'd need it anymore though, this was a new beginning. You wouldn't need alcohol anymore.

Price lead you into a dimly lit kitchen/living room area. The room wasn't very cheerful, it was sparse and empty. There were two men sitting on the couch, one sitting on a stool at the small breakfast bar. The man that was sitting at the breakfast bar looked up as you and Price walked in. The first thing you noticed was his hair. It was a badly shaved mow hawk. Looks like he did it himself. The man approached you with a big smile and offered you his hand.

"You must be Viper" said the man. "I'm Soap MacTavish" he said, shaking your hand. He had a thick Scottish accent and spoke very loudly. "Nice to meet you Soap" you said, smiling back. Soap, that's a strange name you thought to yourself. Your thoughts on Soaps name were quickly  interrupted by two other men standing beside him. The one on his left was huge, at least 6,4. He had a skull mask on, and was very intimidating. "Ghost" the tall man said, before turning back around and resuming his previous spot on the couch. That was mannerly, you thought to yourself. "Don't mind him" said the other man next to Soap. I'm Gaz" he said, smiling. You simply nodded and turned to Price, who had been watching the whole time.  "Could've given the poor girl some space, eh?" said Price smiling again. "Where's Konig? Not coming to greet y/n?" said Price, turning to Soap.

"No idea sir. He was in here a few minutes ago. Ah well, hell come around" said Soap. You liked Soap. He seemed a really genuine type of person, someone you wanted to surround yourself with. There was a moment of awkwardness with you standing there, shuffling on your feet. Soap broke the silence by turning to you. "Ill show you to your room, if you like?" he asked. "Yes please" you said, smiling yet again. That's all you seemed to be doing so far. This was a good sign.

Soap led you down a hall, making small talk about yourself. He asked questions abut where you're from, how old you are and all the usual. You got to know Soap as well. He lead you to a door at the very bottom of the hall. "Here you go, just in here. Now my room is down the hall from here if you need me, just knock. That room beside you is Konigs. He's a quiet guy, but he's good. Come find me if you need anything!" he said, patting you on the shoulder and turning around. You turned to open the door to your room, pushing down on the handle.

Your room was very bare, but that wasn't really what mattered. You had all the basics, and a bathroom to the left of the doorway. You closed the door behind you and immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower.

You pulled out your pony tail that had been sitting on the back of your head all day. The relief that came with it was so rewarding. Glancing up into the mirror, you saw the large purple bags under your eyes, making your e/c eyes stand out. You then peeled off your polo shirt along with your bra, then your khakis. You slipped into the shower, the warm water calming on your skin. It felt so rewarding to finally step into a shower and start to feel clean again.

After your shower you dried off and put a large black t-shirt on along with some tight fitting shorts. You didn't expect to be leaving your room tonight, you had planned to just get used to your surroundings and relax. You could try go to sleep, but if that didn't work you'd either have to go find alcohol or your pills you had brought. How exciting, you thought to yourself.

You wandered over to the window in your bedroom. Gazing out, you could make out a forest in the distance. Perfect for watching when you couldn't sleep. Watching all of nature, doing her job. The occasional howl from a wolf, the bats flying around, or sometimes maybe even a deer or a moose. There was so much to see you decided you wouldn't sleep tonight. You'd find some cigarettes' and...

No. You shook your head to break out of that train of thought. That was a bad habit you were leaving behind, and you were going to sleep too. You also needed to eat something. It had been 2 days since you last ate also, but you didnt even notice. that was probably why you looked so gaunt in the mirror as well.

Viper (König)Where stories live. Discover now