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Just as you finished looking out your window, there was a knock on your door. You half opened it, not really knowing what to expect on the other side. "There's food ready out here, you can come eat if you want" said Soap, a wide grin on his face. "I'll be out in a minute" you said, smirking back.

You closed the door on Soap and ran to put on some grey sweatpants. You pulled them up over all your cigarette burns on your thighs, where you used to put out your smokes in school bathrooms.

You came into the dimly lit room and all eyes turned to you. You knew everyone that was sitting at the table, apart from one unfamiliar face. He was taller then Ghost, who was sitting beside him. He wore a black veil over his head with bleach stains under the eyes. He had piercing blue eyes, that stared at you from behind the veil.

"There she is" said Price, announcing your presence to everyone. You pursed your lips and pulled out a chair to sit opposite the giant man with the veil. Price put a plate of food in-front of you. It was pretty basic, just meat and vegetables. "Y/n, this is König. I don't think you met him earlier" said Soap, shoving a  forkful of food into his mouth.

So that was König. The man that you didn't get to meet earlier. "So you're Viper" said Ghost from across the table. You looked up, taken aback by his sudden interest. "Yeah, that's me" you said, your eyes meeting his. "Where'd the name come from" he said, his harsh British accent coming through. You sat there for a moment, really thinking.

The name Viper came from when you joined the military first, at 16. You had lied about your age and gotten in, purely based on how good you were. You had to go through harsh trials, stamina, strength and overall ability. You aced all of them, being one of the strongest that had trialed. You were sent on a mission in the thick jungles of South America, where you had to take out the native drug cartel. The natives were selling drugs to millionaires and using the money to pay assassins to take out the government and take back their native land.

You didn't really have any thoughts on the mission, you just had to do what you had to. Your team were all older then you, and weren't much help. You ended up taking out most of the natives on your own, but you always left your mark on your kills. Two stabs to the back of the neck. It let everyone know that you had been there, and you had done it yourself. You didn't need anyone, and everyone needed to know that.

South America was a success, and you were supposed to be promoted to lieutenant because of your work in this mission. You were respected by everyone else in the military, after just this one mission. You were so proud of yourself, having gotten away from home and leaving everything behind. Your future looked bright. Until your dad showed up.

No. You shook your head and came back to the room. Don't think about that. You fidgeted with your hands for a moment before Price spoke up. "Let's just say Viper always left her mark" said Price, winking at you.

He kind of treated you like a child, you thought. You hoped to fuck he didn't know about your past. That was the last thing you wanted, your past getting out.

You poked at your untouched food on your plate and hugged your knees into your chest. After Prices remark, everyone continued eating and talking about the usual stuff. You weren't really listening, just put your input in when you were asked. But the whole time you felt a pair of eyes piercing into you.

You knew exactly where they were coming from. They were coming from König, who sat directly across from you. He didn't say too much, but when he did he had a thick German accent. That made sense, because on his arm was the Austrian flag.

You still hadn't finished your food when everyone starting clearing off. Everyone brought their own plates over, then going their separate ways.

The food still sat in-front of you. Soap muttered something to Price before he left, and you heard your name. It was probably about the food still on your plate, but you didn't feel hungry at all.

There was only you and König left at the table. He looked away before speaking. "You're not hungry?" He asked, his eyes darting down to your plate. "Not really, no" you said, flushing slightly. He simply nodded, and stood up. Your eyes widened as he stood up. He was huge. Like really huge. He was at least 6,10 you thought.

You think he noticed you staring at him, because he quickly gathered up both your plates and took them over. He seemed nervous. You started to wonder why when all of a sudden you heard a plate drop.

He dropped one of the plates he was carrying over. "Verdammt noch mal..." he muttered to himself. He started picking up the pieces of the plate when you came over.

"Lass es mich tun" (let me do it) you said, smiling. You wanted to help the poor man, he looked so nervous. "You speak German?" he said, sounding surprised. "A little bit yeah. Learnt it in school" you said, picking up the plates and throwing them in the bin.

"I don't think I met you earlier" you said, starting to fill up the sink and put all the dishes in it. König leaned back on the counter behind you. "Ah, no. I was down by the stream" he said. You could hear a smile in his voice.

"Stream? Is it not frozen over?" you asked, drying off a plate and leaving it on the counter. "Yes, it is. That's what makes it beautiful" said König thoughtfully, picking up the plate and putting it in the highest cupboard with ease.

"I see" you said, continuing washing the dishes. "I-I could take you sometime, if you would like" he said , staring at his feet. You turned around to look at him. He wouldn't look at you, which was strange. You thought he might just be a bit nervous.

"I'd love that König" you said, smiling broadly. He suddenly looked up, his eyes lighting up. "I'll take you someday, y/n" he said, a smile behind his voice.

There was a moment of comfortable silence before he asked a question. "So you're a sniper" said König. You couldn't identify the emotion behind his voice, it was a mixture of interest and disappointment.

"Yep. Favourite thing to do" you said, finishing the dishes and propping yourself up on the counter to face König.

"I've always wanted to be a sniper..." he said, looking away from you for a second. "They said I couldn't though, because of my size. They said I move too much to be a sniper too" he said, muttering the last part.

"Well, I can't help with the size part, but I could help with the movement. I can do some training with you tomorrow, if you like?"

König looked up to you with hopeful eyes. "You would really, y/n? Thank you!" He said. He was so excited over your small offer, it was strange.

"No problem, König" you said sweetly. There followed another moment of silence. The silence was peaceful though, the two of you standing in each others presence, feeling a pull towards each other.

You didn't know what it was, but you felt a pull towards him. You wanted to know more about him, wanted him to ask you questions. Even though you just met him, you felt as if you could tell him everything about yourself.

You stretched your arms and pushed yourself off the counter. "I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight, König" you said softly as you walked by him.

"Goodnight y/n" he said, turning and watching you leave. God you loved the way your name rolled off his tongue, his German accent adding a purr to it.

You made your way into your room and realised that there was no way you were sleeping tonight. You didn't have any alcohol, or cigarettes to distract yourself from your thoughts. But for the first time in years your head was clear. You felt at peace, your head felt restful.

You sat in the window sill for hours, time ticking by. You didn't really notice time going by. You didn't see too much outside, there was no light. The moon shone down on the pearly snow, creating a glowing affect on the trees.

You hugged your knees into your chest and realised. This was peace. This was what you had been chasing the past few years, after everything that went on.

Just then, there was a soft knock on your door.

Viper (König)Where stories live. Discover now