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‼️small smut warning‼️

The next few days passed over smoothly. Nothing happened between you and König, but your little conversations continued.

Every time you saw him your face lit up. You didn't know what it was, but he just gave you a warm feeling. It was amazing.

You were sitting at the kitchen table alone. You tried to sleep, but that didnt really work. You stayed up anyway, just watching the world pass by.

You did however smoke. You smoked a lot, and it made you feel hazy. You just prayed that the smell wasnt hanging around you.

As you flicked through a magazine, König came through from the hallway. He was in his pyjamas, a thick woollen jumper and thick woollen socks.

"Hi, König" you said, smiling as he came through the door. König sat down opposite you at the table. "Liebste...its 3:00am...you should be asleep" said König in a sleepy voice.

"I cant sleep" you said shyly, looking down into your lap. König had an understanding look in his eyes. "I know y/n. Have you at least tried?" he asked softly.

You nodded your head. You really had tried, but sitting up and smoking sounded better then lying in your cold bed.

Königs eyebrows suddenly furrowed. "Were you smoking?" he asked, his eyes darting across your face, looking for any expresssion. You just stared statically at König and nodded.

König sighed loudly. "Liebste...smoking harms you" he said gently, his face untwisting. "I know it does" you said simply. König looked at you sadly. "Why would you do that to yourself, liebste?" You thought to yourself for a moment. Should you tell König why you do this to yourself? You sighed. "Well...I don't like myself very much. So that's why.

König just stared at you for a minute. He had a defeated look in his eyes. He seemed almost as if anything bad you said about yourself was something bad that you said to him.

"Y/n please don't speak about yourself such ways" he said to you softly. "Come to bed, please?" asked König, getting out of the chair and coming behind you.

You nodded your head. König lifted you up from the chair. He carried you at his side, holding you with one hand, leaving one hand free to open doors.

You clung to König's waist like a koala bear. His large arm supported you. König left the kitchen, flicking off the light behind him.

You got ready to hop off König at your room, but he stopped outside his. He opened the door with his free hand and stepped inside. König's room was dimly lit by a lamp that sat on his bedside table. His room was spotless. It looks like he cleans it regularly.

His room even smelt like him. That deep wood smell mixed with whatever cologne he wore. König's room was basically the same as yours. The only difference was yours was always a mess.

"You okay?" he whispered into your ear, as he bent down to get blankets from a basket at the end of his bed. You nodded your head. "König, who's either side of you?" König took a blanket out and threw it on his bed.

"Well you one side, and Soap the other. He snores. Loudly" said König, his voice gritty. He did not like Soaps snoring. You laughed quietly at this.

König sat you down on the bed. He then turned around to his dresser, pulling out one of his woollen jumpers. He then came back to you.

He crouched down in front of you. You suddenly got a flash of a memory, that night you were drunk. König did exactly this.

"You've done this before" you said shyly. König glanced up to you. His eyes creased at the corners. "I remember" he said, as if he could see that night right now.

"Only difference is, you're not drunk this time" he purred, his German accent shining through. You nodded your head shyly. You could feel your face flushing red.

König moved forward slightly. You once again found his jaw underneath his veil. He stared into your eyes, begging for your touch.

You moved his veil up with your thumb, just enough to see his mouth. There he was, grinning widely, his slightly crooked teeth on display. His scar sat across his lips, highlighting his teeth.

You leaned in and kissed him softly. König kissed back, slightly rougher and hungrier. Suddenly, he lifted you off the bed and fell backwards onto the bed, you straddling him in his lap.

As you continued to kiss, his tongue asked for permission. You gave it, his tongue exploring every part of your mouth.

You started to get used to his pace, it was just perfect, not too fast or too slow. You let some soft moans slip out, König's hands tracing your sides gently.

You started to grind your hips along König, you could feel him getting hard underneath you. König started whimpering himself.

König suddenly pulled away. "Don't... do that" he said, in between the kisses you kept planting on his lips. "Why not" you smiled, looking into König's silver eyes.

König smiled, his teeth on display. "Not yet, liebste" he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your hair. You felt so defeated. Did he not want to do this with you?

You stared at König for a second. "König...why not" you asked weakly. König laughed quietly. "Waiting for the right time" he said simply, picking you up at your waist and putting you down beside him.

König retrieved the woollen jumper from the end of the bed. You watched him in shock the whole time. "What do you mean waiting for the right time?" you asked sadly.

König just smiled. "Have to make sure you're ready" he simply said. "Arms up" he said, peeling off your polo neck.

He immediately threw the large jumper over you. He then moved down to your pants, and undid your belt. He struggled with this slightly as his hands were so big.

He pulled them off you and lifted the jumper up to your thighs, to see if you had left any burn marks. His eyes flicked over them quickly. He looked satisfied that there was none, then pulled the jumper back over your thighs.

You started to get up to leave. You were a little sad he didn't want to do that with you, but you didn't mind. König always knew what was best for you.

"Ah. Come back" he told you. You turned back to him. "Really?" you asked excitedly. König nodded to you and patted his hands in his lap.

You came back over to him quickly, flicking the lamp off behind you. You sat in his lap, your head feasting on his chest. He made a great pillow.

König's hand starting sifting through your hair. "Y/n...I don't mean to offend you by not doing anything with you. But I just don't want to hurt you in case this isn't meant to be" he explained quietly.

You nodded your head. "I understand" you said sadly. "Ah don't be upset liebste. I'm still here, eh?" he said, a breathy laugh escaping at the end of his sentence.

You smiled up at König. He looked down at you with love in his eyes. "Y/n... you're so beautiful" he said, his German accent causing his words to roll off his tongue.

You're heart melted and you started to beam. He was just so perfect you thought to yourself. "I'm never going to let anyone else have you, you understand?" he said, quite sternly but softly at the same time.

You nodded your head up to him. "I understand" you said, offering him a large smile. "Good girl. Now go asleep. We've been awake long enough" said König softly.

You closed your eyes, wrapped in the warmth of König's body heat. You could hear his steady heartbeat underneath you, sending you into a restful sleep.

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