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You suddenly snapped back to the room you were in. With tears in your eyes, you looked up to the three men standing over over you.

Your mind quickly fell back into the room, and your breath slowed. Your hands fell beside you, and you suddenly felt a wave of tiredness wash over you. Your eyes felt like bricks, you just knew there were huge purple bags underneath them.

"Y/n what happened" asked Ghost, crouching down to meet your eyes. Your eyes flicked between the three men. "I don't know" you said. You felt as if you'd just been dropped off a plane in the middle of nowhere. Everything felt different. You felt unsettled.

Your breathing was shaky. You didn't know what you wanted to do, it was all a mess. "Talk to us y/n" said Soap, standing beside König. You couldn't. Words wouldn't come out. What was wrong with you? You didn't even know yourself.

You slumped back and your back hit the window. Ghosts hands went out to catch you, but he missed and you were already leaning against the window pane.

You couldn't talk. Your eyes ended up falling on König, his eyes flicking over your face for an answer. Ghost stood up. "We can't leave her here" said Ghost. Everyone stood for a moment. "Leave her with me" said König. Ghost and Soap looked hesitant to leave, but they eventually got moving.

They closed the door behind them, leaving you alone with König. You stared into space for a moment, before König crouched in front of you. "I need you to talk, liebste" said König. His eyes were very understanding, easing you softly. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong" he said, his hand reaching for yours, his thumb tracing your knuckles.

"My love, you know you can tell me what's wrong. I'll try to fix it for you" he said again. You took a deep breath. König talking to you helped. It brought you back to earth. "My dad" you said, your voice wobbly.

König nodded his head. "So that's what this is about" he took both your hands on one of his now. "Liebste, tell me everything about him" König said, so softly, as if he was cooing a small baby.

You explained your story to König, his thumb tracing your knuckles the whole time, his head at a constant nod. When you finished explaining, a piece of König looked as if had chipped off. He looked defeated, as if it was his fault that happened you. His eyes were startled, a new emotion growing in them.

You broke into tears. Why was your father all you could think about? What was going on? König picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You buried your head into his shoulder and just cried. "Oh liebste. It hurts me to see you upset. I wish I could do something more, make this feeling go away. But I can't. Just please stay with me" he said, rocking you back and forth, walking around the room you were in.

Eventually, after a few minutes of König's steady footsteps, your tears calmed down. Your breathing became steady again, and your heart slowed. König sat back into a chair, you sitting in his lap. "You're okay now. No one can get you. I have you"

You nodded at him. "I know how you feel. I get overwhelmed sometimes, but when I do, I come see you. So, if you ever feel like this again, come to me. Tell me what's wrong. I won't have you feeling like this, you understand?" said König, holding your hand again. You nodded your head. König shot you that look. "Yes" you said your voice shaky.

"Come on now. We need to go" he said, starting to stand up. You panicked. You started rubbing your eyes, and tried to fix your hair. König laughed. "I'll fix that" he said, bringing you into the bathroom and sitting you up on the counter.

König dampened a towel and started to dab your face. "There's my girl" he said, a smile in his voice. You smiled back to him. You liked it when he called you that.

You pulled out your ponytail, a huge relief coming to your head. König grabbed a brush that you forgot to pack away, and turned you around. He started to brush your hair so carefully. "Tell me if it hurts" he said softly, sifting through your hair carefully so as not to hurt you.

When he was finished, he spun you back around. "That's my pretty girl" he beamed at you. You smiled at König. "You know y/n, when you wear your hair down, you look beautiful" said König. You blushed. "I'm not supposed to with the military" you smiled into your lap. König's finger brought your eyes back up to meet his. "You look beautiful y/n. Come on, they're waiting" he said, you hopping off the counter and holding his hand.

König put your hair tie around his wrist. You looked at him, puzzled. "To always have you with me" he smiled. You hugged his waist. Oh you loved this man.

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