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König woke up after some time. Your eyes flicked to the clock, it was 5pm. He had slept since 9am this morning, he was well rested.

But you haven't slept in two days. This wasn't good. Ever since your relapse you haven't stopped thinking about it. Even though you completed a mission, the thought of your wrists has been in the back of your mind the whole time.

You got up before König, and went to take a shower in his bathroom. You wrapped a towel around yourself and left to get clothes from your room.

As you left König's room, Price came down the hallway. He wasn't wearing his usual combat gear, he was wearing normal clothes.

Price stopped as he saw you. His eyes were darting all over your face, before dropping to your chest. You stood there for a moment in silence, pulling your towel up slightly. You gulped, not really knowing what to say.

Your boss had just seen you half naked and was staring at you. Great. Eventually you cleared your throat. But before you could say anything, there was a hand on your shoulder.

You turned around to see König standing there, staring bullets into Price. Price snapped out of staring before he started to talk. "Hey guys. Hope you're feeling okay after the mission."

"Yes. Thank you" said König. "We'll be going now" said König grittily, turning your shoulders around away from Price. You could still feel a pair of eyes on you, but they weren't König's loving gaze, these eyes were foreign and unfamiliar. But you put a name on this gaze. It was John Prices.

König led you into his room. "Wait here. I'll get your clothes. What were you doing out there in the cold with nothing on eh? You'll catch your death" said König busily, bustling around and leaving the room.

König had put his veil back on. You smiled to yourself as you remembered König's face, happy and lit up as he looked at you.

König's POV
After last night, I think I'm even more in love with y/n. She was so venerable under my touch, I could to what I want to, and she let me. I felt so special, being allowed to make her feel like that. She looked so beautiful, her eyes glossy from the pleasure I made her feel. I can't stop thinking about it, I keep going red. It's great I have my mask.

But I'm not happy about how Price is acting with her. He's getting too comfortable. The touches around her waist, the way he cares for her so much. I always brushed it off because y/n is such a valued soldier, but I'm beginning to think that it's more then that.

I just won't leave her alone with him. Then he can't get to her. I'll make sure he won't. She's not technically mine yet, but yes she is.

Y/ns POV
König came back in with my polo shirt and everything I needed. "For the bites" he said, pulling my polo shirt over my head. You smirked. "I don't mind people seeing them" you said, adjusting your shirt to fit you. "I don't want anyone to think they can do it" said König, his accent shining through.

You laughed. "I wouldn't let them" you said simply, looking at König. Sometimes you really forget how huge he is. He really does tower above you.

You and König left his room together. König seemed to be keeping a very close eye on you. The thought left you as soon as it came to you when you walked into the kitchen to see all the alcohol laid out in front of you on the table.

König sighed and looked over at you. "Not too much liebste" he mumbled to you under his breath. "I can drink responsibly!" you said to König. König raised an eye brow at you, knowing that that was something you were incapable of doing, but he said nothing.

"Aye Viper. How's it goin?" said Soap, already pouring you a glass of vodka and sliding it over to you. You downed the drink and looked up at him. "Just great" you smirked.

"I heard rumour that we might be going back to the Americas. What do you think about that" said Gaz, taking a swig from his beer bottle.

"The Americas? As in my South America?" you asked, really paying attention. Everyone's focus had went to you. You basically stopped those natives from overthrowing the government, this was huge for you.

"Yeah. Price was saying something about another two months here then we'll be stationed over there. God I'd love it, out of this bollocks weather" said Soap, his funny Scottish accent shining through.

You were wired now. "So we might be going back to South America?" you asked again, finding it hard to believe. "Aye. Viper back in her homeland! I'll drink to that!" shouted Soap, everyone raising their glasses to drink with him.

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