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‼️mentions of blood‼️

The night passed slowly. You heard everyone head to their rooms, not much noise from anyone. The time hit 3:30am, and you weren't asleep.you were starting to get frustrated, and we're craving a drink.

You quietly slipped out of your room and went into the kitchen, flicking on the dim light. You started think about where they would keep all the alcohol as you made your way into the kitchen.

Opening all the cupboards, you finally found the one you were looking for. A few bottles sat, but you opted for the vodka. You took it out and placed it on the counter, and turned to get a glass. As you stood on your toes to reach, the glass fell and shattered on the floor.

"Fuck" you muttered to yourself, throwing yourself on the ground and starting to pick the shards up. As you did so, your hand slipped and the glass stabbed you in the hand.

You pulled your hand back quickly, cursing to yourself. Blood started to spill from your hand, the glass stinging your hand.

"Y/n?" said a voice from the doorway. Your eyes darted up to see König standing in the doorway. He didn't have his usual combat gear on, instead he wore a skin tight shirt, and grey tracksuit bottoms. He wore thick cotton socks that looked very warm.

You didn't know what to say, making direct eye contact with him. His eyes were stuck on you, a very concerned look in them. He started walking over slowly, his concerned eyes getting wider as he approached.

"It's okay König, I can fix it" you said, starting to pick up the rest of the glass, your hand still bleeding. "No I will. Give me your hand" he said quickly, sounding worried. You put out your hand to him and he took it carefully. He gently examined it, his large hands trying to be careful with your small one.

"What happened?" he asked softly, locking eyes with you. "Well.. I was getting a drink and the glass fell. I'm sorry I didn't mean to break it, it just fell when I was trying to reach it and" your voice was wobbly. The last time you broke a glass your face ended up black and blue. You didn't want this happening again.

You started to shake. Oh this was so stupid, you were nowhere near your dad, why were you scared? This shouldn't be happening. You should know better then this, you're not a child. But you couldn't stop. Your eyes brimmed with tears, but you choked them back.

König's eyes flickered across your face. "No it's okay" he said softly, still holding your hand gently. "No need to be sorry y/n, it's okay" he said softly. "I'll clean this up for you, just relax" he said, standing up slowly. As he stood up, he noticed the bottle of vodka on the counter. His eyes quickly went back down to you, then he put the vodka away.

He then bent down to you, and he offered his arm for you to pull yourself up. With your good hand, you pulled yourself up. Your legs felt very weak, and you leaned back onto the counter.

Before you knew it, König had lifted you up from under your armpits and sat you on the counter. You looked up at him, standing over you.

"Wait a moment" he said quickly, before leaving the room. He came back in with a first aid kit and put it on the counter beside you.

"Can I have your hand?" he asked, so softly, as if he was walking on eggshells. You nodded and put your hand out to him. He took it gently and started taking out the smaller shards of glass.

Every time you winced he looked up to you, making sure you were okay. He pulled out 3 large chunks of glass, then threw them in a tissue. He then ran the tap that was beside you, wetting a tissue to clean the blood off your hand.

This stung. The water trickled into the open cut on your hand, bringing tears to your eyes. "I'm sorry y/n, I know it hurts" he mumbled quietly, focused on what he was doing.

When he was finished, he wrapped your hand in bandages. The bandages went around your whole hand and over your knuckles.

He put everything to the side, then put both his hands either side of you. "Now. Why were you drinking vodka?" he asked, a serious note in his voice. His piercing blue eyes were staring into you from behind his mask. You couldn't look him in the eyes. You were feeling too much. Your eyes wandered down to his toned arm muscles, they were huge. The shirt he had on helped them stand out, doing him plenty of favours.

"Eyes up here" he said, using his finger to lift your face back up to his. Your heart fluttered when he did this. You could feel your cheeks tinting a slight pink while you were looking at him.

"I felt like it" you muttered to him, your voice nasal from crying while König was fixing your hand. König's eyebrows furrowed, not satisfied with that answer. You panicked for a second, you knew he wanted you to elaborate. "Helps me sleep" you said, dropping your eyes down.

"That's not healthy, y/n" he said, so softly and gently. It was as if he knew how you were with this situation. "I know" you muttered, your eyes dropping down again. Tears started to come to your eyes. You knew that it wasn't good to do this, but you couldn't help yourself.

König's eyes scanned your face again. "You don't sleep much, do you y/n" he asked. There was such a soft look in his eyes, they were understanding. "No. I don't" you said, a few tears spilling out.

"Don't cry. It's okay" said König, pulling you in close. His large arms wrapped around you and made circles on your back. It helped you calm down, the repetitive motion on your back.

"I'll take you to bed. I'll wait until you're asleep. You need to sleep y/n. It's what keeps you healthy" König picked you up. You clung onto him like a koala, a small addition to his size. He took you to your room quietly.

You felt his large arms wrap around you, holding you close to him. He was warm. His body heat reflected onto you. It felt so good to feel someone this close again, it was comforting. König opened your door and sat you on the bed for a second. He pulled back the blankets then carefully put you under them.

You felt tired, as if you could sleep for years. "I'm staying here until you're asleep. It's okay, y/n" said König softly. Oh my god he was so good to you. You had known this man for about 10 hours, and he was already treating you so well. He was so kind to you, you didn't know what to do. With thoughts of König in your mind, you drifted off to sleep.

König's POV:
I fell back into the chair in y/ns room. She had drifted off to sleep in no time. Her h/c hair lying softly on the pillow, god she looked so peaceful when she was asleep.

Her eyes always looked hollow. As if there was so many thoughts behind them. She drew me in, so quickly too. I'm normally such a nervous person, but around y/n, I felt so relaxed. I felt so peaceful. She didn't make me feel nervous. Her calm, but strong presence made me want to know her better.

Seeing her in the kitchen, god she looked so scared. I wanted to know what made her feel like that. Why did she feel she had to apologise? There were so many questions I had, she kept drawing me in.

When I first met her I was shocked. She was quite small, smaller then the rest of us by far. But she was just so beautiful. Something about her eyes captured me, the way her hair framed her face. Her rosy lips and that little smile she sometimes offered.

There was so much about her, and I just wanted to be near her, at all times. And that's what I'm going to do.

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