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The next few days without König dragged on. You were stuck in bed sick, every part of you weak. You got daily visits from Price and Soap, and sometimes maybe even Ghost.

You were staring out your window from your bed. You thought it was Saturday, but the days just blurred into each other at this point. Your nose was blocked, and you had a hacking cough.

Suddenly, Ghost came through the door. He came in with a damaged bunch of flowers, and a box in his hands. You were surprised to see that Ghost had brought you presents of all people.

"From König" he said with an angry hint in his voice. That made a bit more sense. "Thank you" you croaked, your cold disallowing you to talk normally. Ghost turned back to you. "König's a lucky guy" he said, just above a whisper.

This took you by surprise. You expected Ghost to just turn and leave, that's what he normally did after his visits. "Huh" was all you could muster up, not really understanding what Ghost meant by this remark.

"You. You're just...really great" he said, pausing to find his words, as if he was picking them carefully. You scoffed. "A compliment from Ghost? What's going on?" you joked to him, smiling for the first time in a while.

Ghost laughed lightly. His eyes were creased under his usual Ghost mask. "I'm sorry Viper. Got off on the wrong foot. Jealously issues. You know yourself" he said, quieter this time.

You smiled. "It's okay Ghost" you said to him. "Call me Simon" he said, pulling over a chair to your bedside. "Mind if I stay?" he asked. You smiled from ear to ear. This was the first time anyone has talked to you since you got sick, of course he could stay.

"Of course Simon" you smirked broadly. Simon pulled over a chair and sat down. "Open it. You look like a kid in a candy store looking at that box" teased Ghost.

You smiled and got to opening the box. Taking the lid off, there was a letter. You set the letter aside for a minute, then removed the paper that surrounded a small red box. Your eyes flicked up to Ghost, who was watching you very closely.

You opened the box very carefully, before you were met with the most beautiful gold necklace you've ever seen. It was a thin gold chain, with a line shaped like a slithering snake on the bottom. The snake didn't look vicious, it had a small emerald for a head. The rest of the snake was covered in tiny pearls. The snake wasn't any snake. It was a viper.

Your eyes prickled with tears. He knew you so well, how did he get this? It was beautiful. You'd never seen anything like it. You looked up to Ghost, showing him your new necklace. Ghost smiled down.

"Its beautiful" he said. "We all chipped in to buy it for you. You mean a lot more to us then you know" said Ghost quietly. So this necklace wasn't just from König, it was from everyone? You beamed from ear to ear.

"Oh thank you Simon! It's beautiful" you said, your voice wobbly. You couldn't believe after twenty years of living, getting past your mothers death and your abusive dad did you ever think that your people would be a couple of military men.

You stared at the beautiful necklace for another moment, taking it out of its box. "Want me to put it on for you?" asked Ghost. You nodded your head excitedly, placing the necklace gently in Simons hand.

Ghost gently hooked the necklace together. You looked down at you chest, to see your necklace. The small snake smirked at you with his little emerald, glittering in the late morning sunlight.

"I'm glad you like it. König picked it up back in Austria. He said he wanted someone from his village to make it for you" said Ghost.

Your heart melted. König was on a mission, but he still wanted to get you something. He was the biggest sweetheart ever. "Thank you Simon, thank you" you said, throwing your arms around his neck. Ghost was taken aback at first, but he soon returned the embrace.

You didn't know what it was, but there was an understanding like no other with you and Ghost. There was something that you both resonated with, but it went unspoken. It was this deep understanding of each other, but you both never brought it up. You didn't need to. You both felt grounded around each other. You understood each other.

Just as you pulled away from Ghosts hug, Soap came in the door with a mug of honey and hot water. He placed it on your side table proudly. "We drink this when we're sick back home. Should clear that out of you in no time" he said proudly. You reached over and took the warm liquid in your hands, the smell filling your lungs.

"Got your present eh" he said, nodding down to your chest. You nodded proudly. "Thank you Soap. It's beautiful" you said smiling.

Ghosts POV
Watching her open that box, god it was like a child on Christmas morning. I was pissed that König got to officially give it to her, he doesn't let us near her. She's beautiful. Everything she does is just beautiful. Even when she's sick. I don't know how she does it, but she does. She's perfect.

I don't ever feel like this. This is sappy shit that I wouldn't be thinking. I'm here to stop Russians and terrorists, not be thinking about some lass that came out of no where. Just watching her talk with Soap now, she's so grateful. God I'd give her the world if I could.

I can tell there's something between us. We understand each other, but it goes unsaid. The look in her eyes, she's seen stuff like I have. I know she has. I just want to know more about her.

Y/ns POV
Everyone left after a while. Ghost and Soap left you feeling giddy, telling old story's of when they were with each other. You eventually got to the note. Opening the note, his handwriting caressed the page in beautiful cursive.

Mein Liebste,
I hope my letter finds you in good health. Last time I saw you, I know you were coming down with something. I just hope they're treating you okay for that, colds are horrible. My mother back home used to make home made medicine. I would make you some, but I'm at my home village. I didn't know that I'd be here, we just so happened to stop here for a few nights. I'm going to take you back here some day y/n. You'd love it. It's so peaceful. I'll bring you back to my house, after the military. It'll be peaceful and quiet for you, nothing will get you. I hope you like your necklace. Everyone bought it for you. We wanted to get you something to honour you. We all care about you a lot. Just the others don't care like I do. I hope you're alright. The mission has been going great. I'll be back in another two weeks, so don't worry. Ill be home soon.

Yours truly,

You smiled the whole time reading his beautiful letter. The fact he wanted to take you back to his home, you felt so special. You hugged the letter close your chest. He'll be home soon.

Viper (König)Where stories live. Discover now