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You woke up to an empty room. It took a moment for you to remember what had happened, but as soon as you saw your hand you remembered. Breaking that glass in the kitchen last night, then König coming and helping you.

You blushed as you remembered König carrying you to bed. You remembered how his muscles felt, the heat coming from his body. You rolled over in your bed, feeling warm and well rested. You were happy.

You checked the clock to see the time. It was 12pm, you had slept for ages. You climbed out of bed and stretched, your limbs cracking as you did.

You picked out your clothes for the day, some black cargo pants and the usual black skin tight shirt. You flicked on the light to the bathroom.

The warm water from the shower relaxed all your muscles. You were careful not to get your bandages too wet, they'd be all sloppy if you did. You made a note in your head to thank König later on for last night.

After you had dried your hair you got dressed and left your room. You came into the kitchen, but it was empty. That was strange. You decided to just sit and watch out the window until everyone had come back.

König's POV in
Price called us in for a meeting at 11:30. It was just the boys, y/n was still fast asleep. That was a good thing though, she needed the sleep.

I remembered all of last night. She was so scared, she looked like a lost puppy. I wonder if she got breakfast. I'll make her something if she didn't.

We all filed into the meeting room, taking a seat in front of Price. He was greeting us all, until he started talking about y/n.

"Now, our newest member to the task force. Y/n. I understand you don't know a lot about her, but here is her profile. Take a read through it." said Price, handing her file to me first.

Everything was there. Name, Y/n "Viper" L/n, height, 5,4, weight, 110 pounds, skills, sniping, close combat. Other attributes, quiet, intelligent, aggressive and short tempered.

Huh. Short tempered. I wouldn't think y/n would have a short temper. She didn't really seem the type of person to have a short temper. Maybe that was her whole deal, don't let anyone know.

I passed the file to Gaz then looked up at Price. "Viper is one of our strongest attributes at the moment. We need to keep her here, she's going to be so useful for this task force. This is the first time she's back to the military after her dad removed her. We need to keep her here and away from her father" said Price, planting his hands on the table and looking at all of us.

Keep her away from her father. Interesting, I thought to myself. Price ended the meeting and we all went our separate ways.

Y/ns POV
All of a sudden, everyone came out from down the hall. Your eyes shot up to everyone coming in. "Look who's finally awake!" said Soap smiling, coming over and ruffling your hair. You smiled broadly up at Soap.

König's eyes shot over to Soap as he ruffled your hair, he didn't look happy. You looked over to König and smiled. He smiled back through his mask.

"Sleep well?" asked Gaz, making coffee. "Like a baby" you said, glancing over to König quickly and smirking. He smiled back through his mask. You started to wonder what he looked like under that mask.

"We've nothing planned for the next week. So settle yourself in, y/n. We're here for another few months at the least" said Price, drinking a cup of coffee.

You made your way over to the couch, where the small stove had a fire lighting. The usual chat continued between everyone in the kitchen, until König approached you.

"Morning, König" you said, smiling up to him. König sat down beside you. "Good morning y/n" he said. "Sleep well?" he asked, a playful tone to his voice. "Best I've slept in a long time" you said, continuing to smile.

"Thank you, König, for last night" you said shyly, looking into your lap. König didn't look at you, he kept looking ahead. "Anytime" he said simply.

"Y/n" he said, turning to face you. "Yeah?" you replied. "Can I take you to that stream, I was telling you about?" he asked, looking into his lap shyly.

You beamed. "König, I would love to" his eyes lit up. "Perfect. I'm ready when you are" said König, standing up.

You went to put on your warmer clothes and boots. You were lacing them up at the front door when König comes up to you.

"How is you hand?" he asked quietly. "It's okay. A bit sore, but it's okay. Thank you for the bandages. You did a great job" you said, smiling.

König beamed from under his mask. You started to wonder what he looked like under the mask. He had light eyelashes, so he must have blond hair. Ever since you got so close to him last night you've began to wonder what he looks like underneath that veil.

König put out his hand to help you up. With your good hand, you took it and he pulled you up. With that, he pulled you up and you both left.

Thank you guys so much for 70 reads!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 sorry about this chapter, it's more of a filler, just don't really feel motivated atm. Another chapter might come later!! Love u guys 🤍

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