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hey guys!! i hope you've been enjoying the book so far, im so sorry chapters haven't been great and they've been slow, but with adhd im really bad for procrastination 😭😭 i just ask you to be patient, I try my best 😭 I love you guys tho I giggle and kick my feet when I see y'all's comments you cuties ☺️

ml ghost 🫶🏻🫶🏻

That night, Price offered to drink for König. König wouldn't have it for your sake, he didn't want you to get too drunk again. So instead, König made steaks for everyone. You wouldn't eat a full one, so when König wasn't looking you flicked half of yours onto Soaps plate.

Soap shot you a look, as if he was saying, "Why aren't you eating", but you just smiled. He didn't argue too much, more for him.

It was a beautiful last meal in Russia. König told everyone about the mission. It wasn't really anything, they just had to guard a base for a while. König said his pistol couldn't be cleaner with boredom.

After the meal, Gaz and Soap offered to clear off the table. Everyone else separated, to go pack their things. You didn't really know what you were going to do for packing, you had a lot of stuff you needed to pack away.

You stretched after your meal. "Thank you König" you said, tired but full of energy at the same time. You weren't going to sleep tonight. "Ah. Anything for you liebste" said König. You smiled. "You should go to bed König. You've had a busy few days" you said to König, caressing his arm.

König stared at your hand on his arm. He simply nodded, you could see him blushing under his mask. You took his hand in yours, and led him to his room.

König ducked his head coming in the doorway, and he immediately sat on his bed sighing loudly. "Liebste, come here" he said, opening his arms. You quickly came over to him and sat in his lap. "I have a question, love" asked König, a very serious note in his voice.

You looked up. König was exhausted, you could tell. His eyes drooped in the corners, making him look tired. "Yes?" you answered quietly. "When we finish our service in the military, I'm going to bring you back to my home. My home village, St Angar. I'll bring you back to my house, the farmhouse. It's quiet at my home so peace...for you" said König, his voice beginning to fade, but he kept going.

"Then, I'll marry you in the church. We can be together liebste. I'll take care of you" he mumbled, his eyes half closed. You were melting underneath König. Your heart was filled with love as he spoke, telling you about your future together. Words couldn't describe the euphoria you were feeling.

König suddenly fell backwards with tiredness. You hopped off his lap quickly, so as not to wake him. You threw his heavy legs up on the bed, then took his veil off his face, so he could sleep.

Under his eyes were deep tired bags. You planted a gentle kiss on your lovers head. You couldn't wait for the future you both had together.

You decided to pack König's things for him. He wouldn't have time in the morning, and you weren't going to sleep anyway.

You found his bag, and laid it on the floor, trying to make as little noise as possible. You took his few clothes items from his drawers and folded them as neatly as you could into his bag.

He didn't have much clothes, mainly just the uniform and a few sweatpants and wooly jumpers. As you were on your last drawer, you felt something like a book. You pulled it out, to be greeted with a leather bound book.

You glanced back over to a sleeping König, who was fast asleep. You took your chance and opened the book. You felt bad, but you wanted to see what was inside. It was a diary.

You couldn't make out most of the words, because König had written them in Latin. God he was smart, no one could speak that dead launguage these days.

After flicking through the pages, you came to a stop as soon as you saw drawings. There were beautiful drawings of the forest outside, with detail in every branch and leaf. As your eyes flicked over the beautiful page of flowers and the military base, your eyes landed on a drawing of you.

You were sitting at the kitchen table, a cigarette between your fingers. König dated the drawing, 12/2, meaning the twelfth of February. That was the second day you were here. He had drawn you from memory, capturing all your small detail.

You beamed at the drawing in front of you. He was the sweetest man ever. Even though he looks big and scary, he likes to draw trees, flowers and you. It made you feel very special.

You packed the book away, excited to tease him about your discovery later. You kept smiling as you cleared his room. After you were finished, you flicked off the light and left the room.

As you closed the door behind you, you were faced with a hard chest, banging your head. You groaned, looking up to see Ghost staring down at you.

"Thought you'd be in there" he said gruffly. What the fuck was his problem? You basically spent two weeks together, you were actually getting close to Ghost. That flare lit up inside you. Sometimes, you got so angry that you couldn't say anything, and suppressed it until your next mission. But not this time. Your hot temper took over you like a wildfire. You were known for your temper, but not many people knew you for it.

This wouldn't end well.

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