2| Split.

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(A/N: i decided that i'm going to add different ships in this story, well not really but i'll introduce new characters that you may recognize and i'm going to do a different POV in the next chapter, just to change things up from the usual. Hope you guys don't mind...)

*Ryan's POV*

A son. Ricky is having a fucking son with some chick that i didn't even know. A LITTLE CHILD THAT IS BASICALLY HALF RICKY IS LIVING INSIDE A GIRL WHO I HAVEN'T EVEN MET. I was terrified to say the least. No, i don't think it was terror that boiled inside of me, it was rage and anger that coursed through my veins. I was only terrified because i didn't know what i was going to do with all this anger.

I left Ricky's apartment as fast as i could nearly running into our new neighbors who were just sorting through cardboard boxes in the hallway. There was a small Mexican boy who i couldn't tell whether he was fifteen or thirty. He just had one of those faces. And next to the Mexican boy was a pale white guy with long slightly wavy black hair and bright blue eyes. Oh how they reminded me of Ricky's. "Sorry" I murmured halfheartedly, scooting by them to run out the door. I know i didn't take the keys, which would have been a good idea, but i can make it pretty far on foot. Running away was my only plan, it was my only hope. Maybe i could run off all the anger... but i can't run away from my problems forever.

I managed to find an empty dark alley to sit in before i collapsed with tears. How come this always happens to me? I think i find a nice guy to trust and love, but all i get in return is shit. I've known Ricky for a long time and something just didn't seem right. He looked completely and utterly surprised at his ex girlfriend being pregnant. Though i can't tell if he was surprised that she was pregnant or surprised that he got caught. I curled up into a ball, pulling my feet into my chest as i felt the tears rack through my convulsing body.

*Josh's POV* 

I walked through town along the side walk earning weird looks and snide comments from onlookers.This didn't surprise me, of course i was used to it by now, besides, since when do i give a shit? All i had to do was drop off Ricky's key necklace since somehow he managed to leave it behind with me and the guys. I know what you're thinking, how the hell did he manage to forget his necklace when he literally never takes it off? I was thinking the same thing. I just want to know how he's surviving without it... he's probably having a panic attack.

Hearing an odd sobbing noise breaking the silence in a dark alley next to a pizza parlor, i peaked through the darkness to find a familiar face. "Woah, Ryan, what are you doing?" I knelt down beside his shaking body. I knew he was crying because for one, i could hear him, but he was also refusing to look at me. "Please, bud, what's going on?" He shook his head and wiped the tears staining his cheeks to look up at me.

"R-r-ricky..." He said in between sobs and sniffles. I know i probably shouldn't press the situation because he might have a mental breakdown, but the curiosity go the better of me.

"What is he throwing a temper tantrum because he can't find his necklace?" I chuckled pulling the chain attached to the key out of my pocket. Quickly, Ryan snatched the key necklace from me and looked at it for a few seconds. I couldn't tell whether he was trying to break it or hold onto it for dear life. After a few moment he tossed the key necklace as far away from him as possible, into a nearby puddle. After, Ryan returned to rocking back and forth frantically and groaning as if he were dying. "Seriously, what's wrong? You never act like this!" I pulled Ryan into a hug .

"He... R-ricky's.. his girlfriend..." He mumbled, searching for a way to put an actual sentence together. He failed. "Sh-she's..." He eventually gave up on talking.

"Shh... calm down," I pulled him closer. Yeah i may not look like such a nice guy at first, but i really do care. Especially about Ryan because he's so fragile and breakable that i just feel obligated to protect him from anything and everything, even if it was someone close to me. No one breaks Ryan without getting shit from me. "Did Ricky hurt you?" I felt him nod against me. "That little shit, what did he do?"

"He- he got his ex g-girlfriend p-p-pregnant." He stuttered attempting to hold back his desperate cries. No. Fucking. Way. I knew Ricky was an idiot (in the best way possible, but was he really this stupid. I can't really judge this situation though since i don't know Ricky's side of the story, but no one hurts Ryan.

Eventually his weeping subsided and i asked him the one question that floated through my mind. "So, are you two like split up now?"

"For now, yes."


Oohhhhhhhh, DrAmA!! Who's side do you take, Ricky or Ryan's?


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