13| Oh, Baby.

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(A/N: Ricky looks so pissed in this gif ^^^ which is appropriate for this chapter...and if you can't see it i'm sorry i'll try to fix it as fast as possible. And i have the cutest gif for the next chapter that i am dying to use. I may have used it in the last book but oh well... okay, ENJOY!!)

Music: If It Means A Lot To You (by A Day To Remember)

ULTRAnumb (by Blue Stahli)

*Ryan's POV*

I really don't understand how people just easily come u with messed up lies and then spread them around the internet to ruin people's lives. And some of these lies are so ridiculous, like once i heard a rumor that Ghost enjoys to stuff hamburgers up his ass... i'm pretty sure he doesn't do that. Well, at least i hope he doesn't. Thankfully that rumor was cleared up and forgotten, but now with Josh? It's stupid.

"Who comes up with these things anyways?" Chris asked as he scrolled through his Instagram feed. Most of it consisted of pictures he was tagged in that had a caption that had something to do with Josh having AIDS.

"Bored teenagers." Ricky bluntly stated as he plopped down on my lap. I was happy now that we could move on from petty problems (although i might have caused them) and get back together. Wrapping my arms around his thin waist, i rested my head on his shoulder to see past him. "Look at this shit." He tilted the screen of his phone in an angle that i could see. I began to read another post about Josh, 'Does Balz really have AIDS? lol, maybe he should keep his Balz in his pants XD @carolinebabe'.

"Wait, isn't that your ex-whore's Instagram?" My eyebrows knit together as i tried to recall her username.

"Where?" I clicked on the tagged user and sure enough that bitch's Instagram popped up. Not only was it her, but all over her page was old pictures of mostly Ricky and Josh. Most of them were captioned with rude rumors and remarks. The one that really irked me was a repost of the picture of Josh and Ricky in the hospital and underneath it read, 'Oh look, the diseased and the suicidal'.

And that's what really set me off. Who the fuck does she think she is? I know, she was only doing this to piss us off because Ricky refused to believe that the kid was his, but taking it to this level was idiotic. It was unfathomable, actually. I felt the muscles under my skin tense up with rage as i lifted Ricky off of me and paced around the room, thinking of a plan of action. "Where does she live?" I seethed through my clenched teeth. I could sense that Chris was also on edge, along with Ghost. Josh was too weak and tired to do anything, but he was probably angry too.

"Ryan, calm down... we all know that she's a bitch and is doing it to get a rise out of us. If we make a big deal out of it, she'll just continue..." Ricky tried to keep his cool.

"No, Ricky, where does she live?" I snarled, causing Ricky to flinch back a little.

"Leave it alone, she's not hurting any of us." He murmured, sinking back into his shy state once again. He always did this. He always let people take advantage of him, and he was too shy and passive to stop it.

"Stop letting people walk all over you, Ricky." I shoved my arms through my light-weight jacket and proceeded to the door. "I'm going with out you, so if you want a ride then i suggest you come with me..."

Reluctantly, Ricky pushed himself off the couch and sauntered over to me. Chris and Ghost leapt up from their seats, adrenaline already coursing through their hyper veins, to follow me.

The ride their was quick after Ricky told me her address after minutes of prodding. It also was quick because i was speeding because of the fury flowing through my body. Whoops. But what is an angry ride to an ex-whore's house without some angry metal music? Blasting through the speakers was 'Disengage' by Suicide silence. Chris practically turned it into a mosh pit in the backseat, but that's not a surprise.

Upon arriving at Caroline's house, I was more pumped than ever, Ricky on the other hand was quite the opposite. He was so pale from what i assumed was fear that he almost blended in with the outside of her house that happened to be white. Slamming my fist repeatedly against the door, i awaited for her to answer. A minute or so later, a very pregnant Caroline came to the door. The smile that had previously played on her lips turned to a scowl once her eyes laid upon us. "What are you doing here?" Her voice was swirling with poison from her deadly lips. She knew exactly why we were here.

"Don't play stupid."

"Oh, baby, have you finally came back to take care of your pregnant ex girlfriend?" She aimed at Ricky who's face was painted red from embarrassment of being noticed. "I forgive you for leaving me."

"You're a fucking Psycho.First you break into our apartment, then you bash Josh and him over Instagram, and now you want him back.," I blocked Ricky from her view. He hid behind me, holding onto the back of my shirt like a child would do with his mother for protection. "He's mine. And that baby..." I gestured towards her stomach. "Is not his." She made a face in mock disappointment.

"It indeed is his," Her lips pursed then she pushed them into a straight line.

"Oh, yeah? How do you figure that?" Ghost interjected sassily. "I'd like to here this one." He added under his unimpressed breath.

"I've never had a sexual relation with any other man." I couldn't decide whether she was telling the truth or lying through her teeth.

"Is that true?" I swiveled around to face Ricky who looked like he was going to pass out any second now.

"I- uh- I don't know." His voice trembled as he looked up at me with his large blue eyes. His words his me in the heart like a poison-tipped arrow.


Ah, and that's where Caroline comes into play, dun dun dunnnnn.... Do you think she's lying or telling the truth?

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