21| The Sitkowski Family *clap clap*

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(A/N: I'm not even sorry about this title lol... ENJOY!!! and thank you for your baby name suggestions and not making fun of me for my little mistake that i fixed in the last chapter if you noticed it)

Music: Infamous (by Motionless In White)

      Black Damask (by Motionless in White)

*Chris's POV*

        I don't even know why Ricky called me over to his place along with Ghost and Josh who was already there, but he said it was important. To be honest, i only came to torment the baby... in the best way possible. Despite my scary exterior, babies were awesome.

      Entering their apartment that they now shared, i noticed that it was a mess with baby clothes and toys and diapers that were littered by the garbage can. "EW EW EW EWWW!" Ghost squealed as he walked past me with a diaper full of shit held at arms length. "Ryan if this gets anywhere near my clothes or my hair, i am flinging it at you!" Well, i'm glad that everyone is getting along.

     "Everyone gather around,Ricky and I have some news!" Ryan announced plopping down on the couch. Not even joking, everyone ran and jumped onto the two small couches that were lined in the living room because we all new that the seats only held four people, and there was five of us. Unfortunately, i drew the short stick because Ricky, Ryan, and Josh were already sitting, and Ghost was a fast son of a bitch. So my options were to either sit on the floor, or sit on Ryan and crush him. The second option was kind of tempting. I decided to do the polite thing and sit criss-cross-applesauce style on the floor... or maybe it should be Chris-cross-applesauce style.... I am so sorry.

        "Do you wanna tell them?" Ricky giggled and looked over to Ryan. 

        "No you should tell them." Ryan smirked and kisses Ricky's nose.

        "Someone fucking tell us or i'm going to fling baby diapers at you." Ghost replied sarcastically.

        "Okay, fine." Ricky started, a giddy expression plastered on his face. "Well, first, We decided on a baby name... We're sticking with the 'R' theme because, ya know, why not? And we're going to name her Riley." Riley started laughing and bouncing at the sound of her own name. I'm glad that they are one big happy family now, because seeing them broken like they were, was heart breaking. 

       "They're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They're all together ooky. The Sitkowski family..." I sang sarcastically, everyone adding the two claps in the end. 

      "Ha. Ha. very funny, but jokes on you because we're not married yet." Ryan stuck his tongue out in my direction. "Which kind of brings us to the next topic... We were thinking about our wedding and we kind of want to have it in that abandoned warehouse two towns over..." He gestured in the general direction of the warehouse he had mentioned. "But we'd need someone to actually marry us because we can't exactly have a priest do it since we both are Atheists."

       We pondered the situation at hand and that's when it hit me. "I could marry you guys, like i'll become a registered minister online or whatever." I suggested.

       "Oh, no, you don't have to do that, if you don't want to." Ryan probably felt guilty for my offer, but it was really no trouble for me.

        "Let's get one thing straight, Chris is only offering because we all know damn well that he looks good in a tux." Ghost joked. It was true. I looked pretty damn good in a suit. 

*Ricky's POV*

      I was glad that i somehow managed to get my mind off of the dead Caroline. Sometimes i will still find my mind wandering back to the image of her corpse, but someone usually breaks me out of my trance. And now that Ryan and I were starting to think about our actual wedding, i found myself focusing on that instead. 

      "Let's get one thing straight, Chris is only offering because we all know damn well that he looks good in a tux." Ghost remarked to Chris's offer. I snickered and rested my head on Ryan's shoulder casually. Ryan slipped his hand down to mine, his other arm still curled around baby Riley. I felt his thumb lovingly rub the side of my hand out of instinct, and i was finally relaxing. That is, until the phone blared it's annoying ring right in my ear, causing me to jump almost five feet in the air. Reading the caller id on the screen of the phone, it read 'DNA facility'. What the hell is that?

       " Well, are you going to answer it or are you just going to stare at it?" Ryan chortled. Apprehensively, i picked the phone out of it's cradle and held it to my ear.

       "Hello?" I gulped hard, my heart speeding up for some reason. 

       "Hello, is this Richard Olson?" I cringed at the sound of my real name. I will never get used to that, no matter how many people say it. I mumbled a small 'mhm' back at them. "We have the results from the DNA tests." The female operator announced. I clenched my fist around the envelope that was previously in my pocket. The call. This must have been what Caroline was talking about.


       "Richard Olson, you are not the father according to the paternity test." The phone line went dead silent for a moment.

         "W-who is the father?" I was nervous about that question, but i had to know. I hope they could tell me.

          "Hmm." I heard a few ruffled papers in the background, then she continued talking. "Michael Kuza, but due to his previous charges of Domestic violence and sexual assault to Caroline, the mother, He no longer has custody of the child. "After a few seconds of utter silence and i still couldn't think of ho to respond to the news i received, i just hung up the phone.

           "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Ryan looked at me worriedly. 

          "I-i'm not the father." I kind of felt relieved and proud in a sense, but i was still in a complete state of shock.


Oh, didn't expect that to happen? and i know Mike would never do anything like that in real life, because he is a sweet heart, but for the sake of the story, use your imagination.

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