15| Move.

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(A/N: I am so sorry for not updating as quickly as i usually do, but I've had writers block and my phone has been glitching for a while *it still is*... but ENJOY!)

Music: This Little Girl (by Nightcore) 

*Ryan's POV*

My face heated up with embarrassment as i quickly shut off the water in the shower, leaving Ricky and I shivering. I can't believe Chris walked in on us... ya know... doing stuff. And knowing Chris, which i definitely did, he was going to tell just about anyone and everyone he saw. Stepping out of the shower along with Ricky, i swiftly put back on my clothes and headed for the door.

After a couple of steps, i noticed that Ricky wasn't following me. "Ricky, are you coming?" I looked worriedly at Ricky who sat on the floor covering his face. I could tell he was embarrassed too, because his face was bright red like a tomato.

"No." he pouted like a child. A cute child that i happened to be engaged to. Wow, that sounded worse than i thought it would. "He saw me naked!" He squealed then hid his face in his hands.

"Oh, sweetie." I smiled sympathetically. "If it makes you feel any better, he saw me naked too." I knew it probably wouldn't make it any better, but i figured it would make him laugh at least a little. He snorted a little but then scolded himself and went back to sulking by himself. I felt like doing the same thing, but i knew we had to talk to Chris before the whole band found out. I mean, i'm pretty sure they figured we did this kind of stuff because we were engaged, but i'm positive they do not need the details from Chris.

Wrapping my arms around Ricky to comfort him, i felt him relax into our embrace. And that's when I took the opportunity to grab him and throw him over my shoulder. "RYANNNN!" he screamed and grabbed onto me for dear life while hitting my back simultaneously. His little fists were no match for me though. "Put me down!" he demanded, but obviously i didn't.

"No, we are going to talk to Chris." I told him while carefully walking out of the bathroom, making sure i didn't accidentally hit him into anything because he was squirming like a worm. His still wet hair left little drops of water in a trail as i carried him throughout his apartment and out the front door.

"You can't make me!" I felt him scratch at my back. but it didn't hurt.

"Oh, yeah what am i doing right now?" I remarked sarcastically. Luckily, Chris hadn't made it too far because he was in the middle of a laughing fit in the hallway. He had collapsed to the floor clutching his ribs that must have been aching from his snorting and laughing. In his other hand clutched his cellphone up to his ear. Shit.

I accidentally dropped Ricky to the floor with a thud, but fortunately he didn't hit his head, only dropped to a heap on the carpeted floor. "Whoops." I mumbled before ninja chopping Chris's phone out of his hand in the middle of him gasping out a sentence.

"What was that for?" He finally caught his breath, scuttling towards him, but i picked it up off the floor and held it away from him.

"I'd rather not have my love life on display." I scowled, only causing Chris to chuckle more. I even heard familiar laughter coming from the speaker on the phone. Balz and Ghost. "Fuck." i groaned realizing that he must have told them at least some part of the story.

"no no." Chris smirked. "I think you had enough of that already." I glared at him. "But Ricky seemed to like it so..." He brought the attention to Ricky, who seemed less than impressed to have Chis laughing at him.

"Good bye." i said spitefully into the phone before hanging it up and approached Chris.

"Woah, there." He put his hands up in mock surrender. Just as i was about to pounce on Chris, Ricky interrupted.

"Ryan, i don't think it would be smart to get blood on the carpet outside of our apartment...."

I have to admit, i was a little surprised that he said 'our' and i guess he could see the shock on my face because his cheeks immediately turned pink and he started stumbling over his words. "I m-mean my apartment... unless you want it to be o-our apartment, or not... It's you're decision, it doesn't matter either way to me ." Once he finished rambling he looked up with his big innocent eyes and awaited my response. He flinched a little when i stepped closer to him.

"Ricky." i smiled sweetly. "I would love to live with you." i squatted down in front of him so i was eye level with him. "I mean, i already practically live with you." I added in, playfulness seeping into my voice. But at east he was smiling.

"Awww." Chris cooed, watching us lovingly. I gave him a dirty look but couldn't help the smile that arose on my lips.


Short chapter, whoops.

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