23| Play Time.

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(A/N: *grabs table for emotional support* Rickyyyyyy *slowly zooms in on Ricky's crotch* i swear it's not what it looks like... ENJOY SOME EXTRA FLUFFY FLUFF)

Music: When You See My Friends (by Mayday Parade)

*Ricky's POV *

       Ryan slept in late the next morning. I, on the other hand, was up since like five in the morning. I was first awoken by a nightmare, but calmed down when i felt Ryan's arm hooked around my waist protectively. Well, protectively, and to keep my from falling because i have a bad habit of rolling in my sleep. But after the nightmare, i kept on looking at the gorgeous engagement ring on my finger and thinking about our wedding. I wasn't much of the traditional type, but i was the romantic type. To be honest, if it were up to Ryan, he would just invite the guys over for pizza and call it a 'wedding'. Thankfully, i had some say in this so that wouldn't happen. I wanted suits and flowers and all of that cheesy shit. I wanted to feel like i was married. Although, it already felt like i have been married to Ryan for an eternity and i couldn't wait for the eternity to come.

       Somehow, the time flew by and it was ten o'clock. Ryan still slept soundlessly curled up in a ball holding his pillow as if it were going to run away from him. So in the mean time, i decided to make breakfast. i definitely know he likes bacon, trust me you could figure that out in a second of meeting him. But, who doesn't love bacon? I chose to make waffles along with it. 

      Pouring the waffle batter into the waffle iron, i heard Riley starting to cry from her make shift crib situated in our room. We really weren't prepared for this whole baby thing, but the guys were helpful with helping us take care of 'their little rocker princess'. They even bought her some clothes and toys. Ryan and i bought a shit ton of diapers and formula hoping it would be enough a while ago. Who knew babies shit and ate so much? And i thought Ryan was bad, damn i was wrong.

       "hush, hush, hush." I soothed her down as i picked her up off a large pillow that we had her resting on and held her gently in my arms. I figured out that she liked it when i rocked her back and forth and sang to her, but the one thing she loved the most, was attempting to climb on Ryan as he tickled her. Was i jealous? No, she was adorable when she played with him. Riley made quiet whimpering sounds and i knew she was on the verge of tears. I rocked her back and forth in my arms then walked out to the kitchen to take out the waffle so it wouldn't burn.

        She then started to cry and scream in my arms.  "Shhh.. it's okay, Da- Ricky's here." I was quick to correct myself. I wasn't her father so i shouldn't teach her to call me daddy when that wasn't true. I would still take care of her because i loved her dearly. But until i completely figured out what i was going to do, i was playing it day by day. Riley continued to kick and squirm relentlessly while i held her. Damn she was strong for being a new born... and loud. "You wanna see RyRy?" I cheered her up by using a funny voice and dancing around with her. She was pretty intelligent for such a young age, because she quickly associated 'RyRy' with playing.

      I plopped her down on the bed, and she began scooting herself over to the still sleeping Ryan. He looked like a giant compared to her small body.  I decided to join her and place her to sit on Ryan's stomach. And then i decided to have some fun.

*Ryan's POV*       

       I wasn't completely asleep when i felt a small weight placed on my stomach. The weight began squirming around on me and i soon realized that it was Riley. I decided to keep my eyes shut when i heard the sound of Ricky giggling near me. I felt him push a piece of stray hair out of my face then kiss my forehead to test if i was still sleeping or not

       Once i didn't respond, i felt Ricky straddle my stomach behind Riley. He put one knee on either side of my torso and settled down on top of me He wasn't heavy at all, so i didn't mind not like i'd mind anyway. Ricky picked a giggling Riley up off of my stomach and placed her somewhere on the bed beside me. Which was perfect for what i was about to do next.

       "Boo!" I scared Ricky into jumping nearly ten feet in the air, as i popped up and grabbed his wrists. I was quick to flip him over so that i was on top and pinned his arms to the bed next to his head. His chest was heaving up and down as he laughed.

      "You scared the shit out of me!" He groaned as i placed loving kisses from his lips down to his jaw and then down his neck. I almost had him moaning when i pulled away because i remembered Riley was here. She was smiling and bouncing, laughing at how scared i had made Ricky.

      "Oh yeah, you like that, Riley?" I lifted her up in the air over my head as i sat on Ricky. I airplaned her around in the air before plopping her down on Ricky's chest. As every baby did, she started bouncing and hitting him playfully. "Yeah, beat him up, sweetheart." I encouraged her, play hitting him too. The play hits soon progressed into tickles until he was almost crying with laughter.

      "S-stop." He snorted. "I can't breathe!" I let up on tickling him and kissed his cheek softly. That obviously wasn't enough for him though because he pushed himself up, begging for more as he softly left tender kisses on my lips, which i soon returned.

      He broke the kiss for a second, looking up at me with his sparkling blue eyes. "I made breakfast...."


      It's official, i want Ricky and Ryan to be my dad lol jk... and i know i updated earlier today but i couldn't help myself..

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