7| Synapses.

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(A/N: ohh that was some drama in the last chapter, thanks for the support and I hope you like this chapter just as much!)

Music: Monster (by Nightcore)

Dollhouse (by Melanie Martinez)

*Ryan's POV*

They said I couldn't go in the room. I'm freaking out and they won't let me in the room to see him. They won't even tell me how he's doing. I want to break down in tears but my body is so dehydrated that it won't even let me cry. I just want one thing to go my way but I fuck it all up. I always fuck it up.

By the time Chris brought me a bottle of water from the cafeteria in the hospital, I was rocking back and forth and refusing to talk. "Ryan, you should go home, you look like you haven't slept in days." I haven't. Do you really think I can sleep knowing that Ricky is in there probably dying? "Have you gone deaf too?"

I could tell Chris was growing impatient with me, but I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to do anything, quite frankly. Ricky has been here for just about two days, tomorrow will be his third, and there has been no word from the doctors on his injuries. "He'll be out soon." Was all they would say, even though I knew that was just standard procedure.

This hospital was like a big moving organism and the ICU was the brain. This was where most of the doctors and sickest patients were. Chris and I were just merely observers. And the door in between Ricky and I was the neuron synapses.

"Ryan..." I heard faint sounds. "Ryan, wake up." Was I dreaming? My body felt numb for once and I kind of liked the feeling. I felt like I had been sedated but I knew that was a lie. "Ryan, please." I was shaken by my shoulders until I woke up, well partially. I still felt groggy and dead inside, but I was awake. "Ryan, you're scaring me..." The voice sounded familiar as it rang through my ears. Ricky, it sounded exactly like Ricky.

"Ricky," i grumbled under my breath as I blinked my eyes open. "Ricky." My heart leapt in my chest. How I longed for his voice. Why wasn't he answering me back? Am I talking to myself? Maybe I'm still asleep. "Ricky, is that you?" I groaned and pulled myself up to a sitting position.

"No, it's Chris." My heart sank into my stomach. Immediately I smelt the sickening smell of antiseptic and cleaning supplies as I realized where I was. I was still in the hospital and Ricky was still being treated. "Ryan, we can see Ricky now." I hopped up to my feet and nearly rushed through the door separating Ricky and I. Chris captured me in his arms and held me back for a second before I busted through the door. He unlocked it quickly, opening the door then releasing me finally.

"Ricky, ricky!" I squealed in excitement, running hastily to his bedside. He was dressed in a mint green hospital gown that I assumed went with the theme of the ward he was in. Other than that, he was naked, but covered in thick blankets to keep his body warm. I wanted to hug him and kiss him and tell him that I'm here with him and I always was, but he was sleeping. His eyes were shut delicately and I could see the shallow rising and falling of his skinny chest. Bandages and tape were strapped on his wrists along with ropes to keep him down. "He's looks so peaceful when he sleeps." I mused. Chris was silent the whole time, letting me have my mostly alone time with my boyfriend.

"Uh.. He's not sleeping..." Chris's voice shook nervously. What was that supposed to mean? He was obviously sleeping, his eyes were closed I knew he was breathing because there was tubes attached to machines that were pumping oxygen into his still lungs. But the odd thing was that I didn't hear the heart monitor beeping next to him. Was he dead?

"Oh my god." I sobbed. "He's dead isn't he?" I asked, half in disbelief as I sank to the floor in fits of tears and whimpering. "They brought me on here to say goodbye because he's dead." Chris pulled me up to my feet and hugged me. I couldn't believe this was happening. I wanted to pinch myself to wake myself up from this horrible nightmare but I know I wasn't asleep.

"No, no..." Chris patted my back comfortingly. "He's just in a coma." As if that was any better.

"Ricky!" My voice screeched with roughness. I tore my way out of Chris's arms and shook Ricky violently. "Ricky, wake up!" This was hopeless but I was hanging onto the only hope I had left, and that was that Ricky would wake up to the sound of my voice. Of course he didn't. "Ricky, please." I mewled, taking in the last shaky breath I could afford.

"Ryan, stop it, you'll hurt him. And I think he has hurt himself enough." Chris tried to pull me off of Ricky's limp body. I was still infuriated, not at Chris, not at ricky, but at myself because I couldn't save him.

"No." I growled. "He'll wake up. I know he will." I clenched my teeth together and shook him harder. "RICKY!" This time I caught the attention from most of the nurses because my shaking caused the monitors and machines to beep wildly.

"Sir!" One nurse called at me. "please get away from him!" She sounded distressed as a couple more nurses rushed into the room to pry me off of Ricky. His mouth lay agape, but his eyes were shut.

I could have sworn I saw Ricky's finger twitch in response to me, but it was too late. I was being dragged out of the room.

"I know you can hear me!" I yelled just as they shut the door.


Oh hell naw, Ryan is going crazy...

Kinda new rule...

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