19| Kids.

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(A/N: Y'all can use a little Balz in your life so... ENJOY)

Music: Lost Boy (by Ruth B)

*Josh's POV*

I just got the call about Caroline from Ryan. And from what I've heard in the background, Ricky wasn't taking it very well. I don't blame him, Although none of us liked her. That wasn't really my situation to speak up in though, so i just stay quiet like we all did.

Sitting up on the couch, i waited for Ryan-Ashley to come home from work. She told me she was going to work later tonight, but this was ridiculous. It was ten o'clock at night and i know for a fact that the tattoo shop she works at closes at five o'clock on Sundays. It was Sunday. Not to mention, It is my birthday. I'm not much on celebrating things, especially my birthday, but she should be home, shouldn't she?

I guess Ryan-Ashley was avoiding me after our conversation a couple of nights ago because she hasn't been as close as she usually is. And I've been focusing so much on that, that i keep on forgetting to take my medication that is prescribed to me, not that it really made much of a difference.

--flashback to the conversation--

"Are you serious?" Ryan Ashley looked completely shocked after what i said. Looking down at my shoes and playing with my hands,i was doing just about everything to avoid her eye contact. I know i am a disappointment to her now because this was all she really wanted in life.

"Yes, i can't have kids." I murmured partially under my breath because i was ashamed. I couldn't give my girlfriend the one thing she wanted, what kind of boyfriend does that make me? "My... condition, causes sterility and infertility." I tried my best to explain the situation.

"And there's no way to fix that? I'm sure there is some procedure or surgery that can fix that." She insisted, but i only shook my head 'no' not trusting my voice enough to speak. All i would be able to get out would be strangled words and maybe a sob. She gave me an almost sympathetic look that only made me feel even worse about all of this. Hiding my face in my hands to hide my shame and embarrassment as i tried to slow my breathing because my chest already felt shallow and weak. Why did this have to happen to me? "Well, i have to go." Her voice almost had an angry edge to it.

--end flashback--

The front door creaked open letting the dim moonlight poor into the room. In pranced Ryan-Ashley and some boy toy. "Yeah, i'm sure. He's probably hanging out with his band." I heard her chuckle and escort the man further into my apartment by their entwined hands.

Eventually someone switched the light switch on, engulfing the room in bright rays on artificial light. Ryan-Ashley's face went pale. I have to admit, the man next to her looked remarkably like Chris, except he had larger gauges stretching his ears, longer hair, and his nostrils were stretched. "Josh...." I rolled my eyes at how pathetic my name sounded against her lips.

"Yeah, happy birthday to me, right?" I said spitefully. I used up all of my energy to push my light body to my feet.

"Josh it's not-"

"Get out." I scowled and stood in front of her menacingly. She may be slightly taller than me in her spiked heels, but dammit i was much stronger than her. I could easily over power her, but in no way could i ever hurt her. Even if i wanted to, i just wouldn't be able to bring myself to hurt her, whether it be physically or emotionally. They both just stood there nervously, not sure whether i meant my words or not. "Get. Out." I spit.

I don't care how good and well thought out her explanation was, i just wanted those sick bastards out of my apartment. "Please, i can explain." The Chris look-alike stepped forward as if i was going to listen to a single word he said. "This isn't what it looks like."

"Yeah, well it looks like you're with my mother fucking Girlfriend, so get the fuck out, and take her with you." I was so furious that i started having a coughing and wheezing fit. My body was convulsing so violently that i was forced to grab the nearest table for support. Covering my mouth respectably, i pulled my hand back to find it covered in mucus and blood. Great, not again.

"Josh." Ryan- Ashley ran to me with a worried expression pasted on her face. Once she reached e, i flung my arm at her to get her away from me, only accidentally grazing her jaw with my weak fist. But it was enough to knock her away from me.

"I don't need your help." I snarled like a rabid dog. I couldn't stop myself as i hacked up more blood onto the table, wiping my face with the back of my hand.

"Please, you're sick!" She pleaded.

"You only cause more pain. Get out."
Kinda obvious but...Who do you think the boy toy is???? And damn Ryan Ashley, didn't think you'd cheat

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