4| Hermit.

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(A/N: i just had to add cricky in the last chapter because c'mon, its perfect. Plus I've been reading a lot of cricky fan fictions lately.... anyways, ENJOY)

*Ghost's POV*

I had to get Ryan out of his house somehow and the club seemed like the only option at this point. For the last three days or so he's been moping around, if not, crying his eyes out. I really do feel bad for him. He and Ricky were supposed to get married and then Ricky does shit like this. I don't even know the whole story but from what Ryan had sobbed out, it sounded something like 'Ricky got his ex girlfriend pregnant' or 'gave her herpes'... something like that, i couldn't really hear him through his crying and sniffling. Either way, Ricky had hurt Ryan and i wouldn't stand for it.

"You have to get up and go out!" I tried my best to encourage Ryan after Josh had brought Ryan back to my place just a few nights ago. His hair was soaking wet from the rain and clung to his face as if for dear life. He looked awful but that's to be expected. Ryan had practically up all hope by now. I wonder how Ricky was doing.

"No." Ryan whined, hiding his face in my pillow.

"You can't stay inside for the rest of your life." I tried to coax him to look at me with a piece of bacon, but it was to no prevail. "You'll become a hermit." i poked him which earned me a glare.

"At least hermit's don't have to deal with their boyfriend getting another girl pregnant." I felt his pain through his voice, although he did sound like a heart broken little girl.

"Please, come out with me tonight and if you don't like it, i won't make you do it again. You can live your life in hermitry from then on, i swear." I made a deal with him because that's the best i can do. Ryan seemed to be contemplating my offer, going over the pros and cons in his head.

"Fine," He shrugged. "But don't try to set me up with any strippers or anything." He chuckled at his own sarcastic remark. It's funny, because it sounds like something i would actually do. At least he was smiling again.

Eventually we made our way to the club just a few blocks away. I decided not to drink anything, well not a lot at least, because I've been known to get a little bit 'rowdy' when i'm drunk. Ryan on the other hand, was like an alcohol funnel. I'd need a calculator to come up with the amount of drinks he had. At least he was having fun again, i shouldn't be complaining.

"I have to pee." Ryan giggled, definitely tipsy. "I'll see you in a bit." He stumbled and practically fell when he started to make his way to the bathroom.

"Yeah, there's no way in hell i'm letting you go by yourself." I mumbled, mostly to myself as i helped Ryan to the restrooms at the back of the club. He pushed his way forward, basically body slamming the door to open it since his mind wasn't working probably. Everything seemed all fine and well until i saw, in the far corner of the restroom, Chris practically groping Ricky. I didn't even know they were here, let alone here together. I didn't think Chris swung that way, if you know what i mean. All that was running through my head, besides 'what the hell is going on?', is 'how is Ryan going to react?'

*Ryan's POV*

There was no doubt about it, I was drunker than an alcoholic. Thankfully Ghost was responsible enough to stay sober so we can somehow get home safe and sound. That was one good thing, another is that i felt numb. It felt like i was invincible and that i could do anything, in other words i had the 'superman complex', but he;ll i wasn't complaining . I needed to get away from all my feelings and deafening thoughts, and this was the only way i knew how.

The alcohol seemed to go straight to my bladder because instantly i had to pee. Ghost helped me to the boys bathroom at the other side of the club. We haphazardly weaved our way through the mass of jumping and dancing strangers along with the half naked ladies that stood on platforms that danced 'exotically' to the music. And i would have found them attractive too, if i weren't gay, that is.

When we wandered into the bathroom, i heard a gasp escape Ghosts purplish lips. I hadn't noticed anything until i saw a couple basically making out in the corner. At least i wasn't the only gay guy here. I stepped a little closer to them, sauntering over and smirking like a devil. "Threesome." I chirped, pulling the taller guy away from the smaller one who seemed just as drunk as i was. Once my vision went from blurry to clear i realized who was standing in front of me, Chris and Ricky. That still didn't stop m though.

To be honest, no matter how mad i was at him and no matter how hard i tried to avoid him, the love i still held for Ricky over powered all the negativity. It's how it always was. "Ryan..." Chris said nervously. "I swear it's not what it looked like..." Chris stuttered nervously.

"I don't care," I pushed him away lightly, focusing my limited attention on only Ricky. He was what i wanted. Surely, if i was sober i would have acted differently because of my shy ways, but alcohol just introduces me to whole new level of confidence that i could get used to. "I want Rickyyyy..." I practically fell onto Ricky who wasn't complaining. He just giggled.

"I thought you were ma-" He hiccuped. "Mad at me." He finished.

"I'm over it." I whispered moving my face only inches away from Ricky's. I instantly forgot about all my worries and anger when he kissed me, his lips soft against my own. I know Ghost probably doesn't like my actions right now, but i don't care.


I had to at least add one sitkolson moment lol i can't stand when they're fighting lol


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