17| On My Way

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(A/N: i know this gif literally has nothing to do with this chapter, i just love it lol... and i see how it has to be now, i just have to fake kill people off to play with your emotions..or i could really kill people off DUN DUN DUNNN)

Music: The Divine Zero (by Pierce the Veil <3)

 *Ricky's POV*

        Helping Ryan pack his stuff into cardboard boxes took longer than i expected. Damn, he had a lot of hair products. The guys thought i was high maintenance, they should see his place. Finally packing the last of his hair products into a small box, i exited the bathroom to place it on top of the heaping piles of boxes. 

       "Almost donnnneeee." He sang as he brought out two boxes at a time. Ryan looked the place over with skeptical eyes that soon softened. "This place looks so empty." He sighed, gazing over the blank walls with his light brownish- green eyes. "We had so much good memories here... remember the time we watched movies literally all night over there?" He pointed to where the couch and the TV used to be against the white walls that were turning beige from years or wear and tear.

       "No, actually, because you were constantly at my place." I joked, snorting out a laugh.

      "You weren't complaining." He snuck up behind me and enfolded his arms around my tiny waist. "And over there," he pointed with his chin over to the kitchen, then resting his head on my shoulder, since he was just a little bit taller than i was. "I almost gave you food poisoning." He chuckled at the memory. It was true. He tried to cook a meat loaf, but it was practically poisonous... i called it 'death loaf'.

      Just then, my phone began to buzz like an angry bee inside my pocket. It vibrated constantly, so some one was calling me using a private number. It was probably Chris attempting to prank call me. "Hello?" I pressed the phone to my ear. Ryan also pressed his phone to the speaker of the phone so he could listen in.

     "Ricky? Oh, thank god you ugh-"  I recognized the voice immediately. It was Caroline. I wanted to hang up the phone right away, but she kind of sounded desperate. She also sounded in pain. Upon hearing Caroline's voice, Ryan scowled. "I'm in- Ugh-  labor. Can you please take me to the hospital? I have no one to take me." I immediately felt remorseful for her.

     "No, Ricky. She's probably lying to get you to come over!" Ryan growled. I know what he was thinking, but from the way Caroline sounded,  she definitely sounded like she was going to push out a baby any second now. And no matter how much i hated her guts, she shouldn't have to go through this alone whether the kid was mine or not.

      "Ryan, i have to." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I'm on my way." I told Caroline before Ryan could interject again. Squirming out of Ryan's grasp i ran to my car and started it, just about to start driving when the passenger door flung open. "What do you think you're doing?"

    "I'm coming with you." He responded. I gave him a 'what the fuck' kind of look before he continued. "If this really is your kid, then i kind of want to see my fiance's child being born." I smiled, then began driving because Caroline was probably in a lot of pain and any moment now she would have to start giving birth.

     The drive wasn't too long,  but after a while we arrived. I could here Ryan snarling when i helped Caroline into the backseat of my car after about a thousand 'thank you's and a million 'ow's.  I couldn't get it through my head that my possible baby was about to be born. Was i ready for a child? Was it even my child? 

      I don't have time to take care of a baby in between touring and working in the studio. Plus how are we supposed to work out a schedule for Caroline and I? I mean, would i have him... or her... on the weekends? Not to mention, How is Ryan going to do with the baby? I know he's good with kids, but when it's not his kid, that's a different story.

*Caroline's POV* (dun dun dunnn)

     'Awkward' was a understatement to how i felt right now. Not only was a large baby pushing against my fucking vagina wanting to come out, but i could see Ricky's new boyfriend glaring at me in the rear view mirror. It was weird to say the least, especially the fact that i basically turned Ricky gay. I never really got over him either, he was my first love and then all of a sudden he left me.

     My heart was torn into pieces with no hope in fixing it. It's like if you drop a glass cup, why bother trying to glue it back together, there will always be cracks and chips in it. I know i seem like a bitch, but just like just about every one else, i on't know how to handle all my anger and sadness inside me.

     And then i found out i was pregnant.

    I was almost positive that it was Ricky, but part of me was in doubt that it could have been from something else. I wasn't lying when i said that Ricky was the only guy i had sexual intercourse with. Well, i didn't count this one incident  there was a month after Ricky broke it off with me. 

    I hated to see that i was breaking apart Ricky and his boyfriend's relationship, but i just needed someone to love me, and i had no one else but him. 

    A sharp pain exploded inside of me and i knew the baby was pushing further and further down inside of me. The contractions i was feeling was just about ever five to six minutes and it was unbearable. "Don't worry, Caroline, We're almost there..." Ricky's voice sounded panicked, but who wouldn't be when there's a lady about to give birth in your back seat. I groaned out in pain when Ricky finally turned into the hospital's parking lot, double parking at the entrance. 

    I was taken into the hospital in a wheel chair, just as another labor pain washed over me.


See, Caroline isn't too bad. She's got a story too, which i plan to incorporate more, so keep reading...

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