28| Arrangements.

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(A/N: okay, remember that imagination game we played before? Well, this picture is now of Josh and Riley... ENJOY!)

Music: Satellites (by Sleeping With Sirens)

               Ghost in the Mirror (by Motionless in White)

*Ricky's POV*

         I loved how everyone loved playing with Riley. It was like they instantly accepted her into our little family without a single word against it, and i couldn't have asked for anything more. She was starting to crawl around now instead of scooting on her butt. I guess you could say that she's a fast learner and developer because she was passing her typical milestones very earlier, which was pretty good. The next thing you know she's going to be talking and then she'll be a teenager, and i don't think i can handle that. How can i take care of a child and raise it when i could barely take care of myself? Thankfully i had Ryan to help me with it all otherwise i would have had many mental breakdowns. 

          And our music careers are just starting. I mean, we just got back from our first tour not too long ago, and i'm sure we'll be going on many more tours very soon. But how will we be able to go on tours with a baby? Surely we can't bring her on stage and on the tour bus with us, that just wouldn't be safe. I mean, we could leave her with Kylie, Ghost's girlfriend but she's constantly on business trips and travelling while Ghost is on tour, so that wouldn't work either. We would have no other options besides Ryan Ashley who usually would travel on tour with us. That wouldn't be so bad of an option, but I think Riley would get confused as to who are and who aren't her parents. If Ryan Ashley were to take care of her, would Riley think that she's her mother?

        "What are you thinking about?" Ryan pulled me out of my dream like state as i watched Riley play with just about everyone. They loved her so much and so did i, but everything was just so overwhelming. Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and rested his head on my shoulder, rocking me slightly back and forth to comfort me.


         Josh picked up Riley and kissed her cheeks playfully, both of them were smiling lively. I haven't seen Josh so happy in quite some time, and that made me happy. He hugged her down onto his lap and pulled out his phone and opened up an app. I could see that it looked like some kind of piano app, Typical Josh. "Go ahead, Princess." He gave Riley permission to push and play with the digital piano keys.  She instantly took to it and pressed her fingers against the screen to create a kind of nice sounding piano sound. "Oh, you're a natural." He grinned.

         "I have an idea... i don't know if you'll like it though." I spun around in Ryan's arms so that i was facing him and placed an innocent kiss on his lips. 

*Josh's POV*

       I couldn't help the kind of sadness that washed over me whenever i wasn't with Riley, but when i held her i forgot about it all. I know i couldn't have kids anymore so she was kind of my only way of pretending that i could. Joyfully she sat on my lap, banging on my phone with her little fingers, it was adorable, may i add. 

        "She really likes you..." Ryan came over to me, sitting down in the seat adjacent to mine as he spoke. He kind of seemed like he was contemplating something in my mind silently, because his eyebrows were furrowed together and he was staring at Riley.

         "Yeah, well I'm her uncle, she's supposed to." I smiled weakly, losing the smile almost as instantly as it formed. This only reminded me more that i wouldn't be able to have kids. I kind of only admitted that it was Ryan Ashley who wanted kids, that She  was the one who wanted a family of her own. But now that i think of it, i kind of want a son or daughter that i can call my own. I mean, i think i'd be good with kids, especially babies, because they were so open to everything, and didn't have a care in the world. But i'm sick, too sick to have any of that. Sure there's a one in ten thousand chance that i could in fact have a baby naturally with Ryan Ashley, but that was unlikely, and the baby would most likely come out with my same illness or deformed, so it was kind of out of the question.

         Ricky silently came up behind Ryan and whispered something in his ear, too low for me to eavesdrop though, unfortunately. He shook his head shallowly before rubbing his hands over his eyes as if he was exhausted. What's up with him?

        "Just because your her uncle doesn't mean she has to like you, i mean, look at Ghost." Ryan laughed. Ghost looked up from his phone, frowning a 'hey!' at the funny comment. "But if you were her... father... she'd have to." He looked at me, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. 

           "What are you getting at?" My head swam in confusion, until it hit me. "No way." I gasped in shock. "Are you being serious?" I couldn't help the smile that grew on my lips. If this was a joke, then i'd be devastated and depressed for life. Ricky joined Ryan on the couch and smiled joyfully.

        "Dead serious, you deserve her more than we do... but we'd have to make an arrangement where she see's Kuza at least once a month, since he is the real father and he didn't actually do all those things he was accused of." Ricky added. I couldn't believe all of the things they were saying. 

        Were they actually saying that i could have Riley? Like i could care for her and in a way be her father?


Did ya'll see that coming? ;)  because i've been planning that for a while.

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