26| Truth.

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(A/N: Kuza is literally such a sweetheart, i can't tell you that enough. I mean, just look at him! okay, ENJOY!)

Music: Nobody's Hero (by Black Veil Brides)

*************************Trigger Warning: Abuse*******************************

*Ricky's POV*

       The letter, it still haunted me. I haven't let go of it ever since she gave it to me, but i was kind of reluctant to read it. What in there can be so important that i need to read it? What in there does she need to tell me that i don't already know?

       "Do you want me to read it first?" Ryan asked me. Josh, Chris and I had gotten home from Kuza's house about a half an hour ago, and ever since then i have been pondering opening this letter. The call had already come so technically i could open it, but id i really want to?

        "No, it's okay." I shook my head. Taking a deep breath, i decided to get it over with and just tear the letter open. Out fluttered a piece of paper that was tri-folded to fit into the envelope. I recognized her hand writing immediately. She always wrote in really loopy script, that was super neat. This was undoubtedly her's. Ryan grabbed my hand securely with his as i began reading.


       By now, i'm hoping you have received the call. And i'm hoping you found out whether you were the father or not. If you are the father, then I'm sure our baby will turn out just as wonderfully as you did. I'm sorry i won't be in your lives, because missing the baby growing up hurts me more than you think. I know i'm not going to make it through childbirth because i am very sick, the doctor told me so. Please love him (or her) for the both of us and give her a kiss for me.

       And if the baby isn't yours, then i'm sure you have found out that it is Mike Kuza's. Please don't judge him too harshly on his past actions and charges. He is really a sweet guy and wouldn't harm a fly. He only gets violent when he is drunk.But other wise e is much like you. But i am also in the blame for this too. The domestic violence charges and sexual abuse weren't all his fault. Most of the time, it was his father who abused me. I could have called the cops on his father but he begged me not to, he told me to tell the cops that it was him who had abused him, to protect his father. I only beg you to give Mike a chance and let him see the baby every once in a while.

          ~With all my love, Caroline"

*Mike's POV*

       Blood poured from numerous cuts on my face, dripping down my skin and seeping into my clothes. My body was surely bruised and bleeding as well. I hid myself in the bathroom and locked the door so i wouldn't get in the war path of my father. Believe it or not, he wasn't that pleasant to be around. 

        Peeling my bloody shirt off of my sore body, i through it to the ground and examined my body in the mirror. I guess i deserved this. I deserved the black and blue bruises that tattooed my ribs and stomach and face. I deserved my bloody lips and neck. I deserved being beat up by Josh and Ricky. I mean, i am the one who took the blame for my father's actions. But i couldn't just let him go back to jail again.

       He has been to jail plenty of times for drugs and violence. But each time he went to jail, i was forced to somehow take care of the house and pay the rent and the bills. I didn't mind it at the time because i had a part time job and could kind of afford all of those things. But now i am unemployed and unable to pay for anything. Yet, somehow my father managed to always have money. To be completely honest, he probably stole it, or got it from drug deals. I just needed him to stay out of prison for the time being until i found the a stable job to get money for food and bills.

        The unfortunate part about him being home though, is the constant abuse and drugs running through his system. "Get out, fuckhead!" Speaking of the devil, my father began banging on the bathroom door.

         "One second!" I called back as politely as i could. I quickly cleaned off the blood from my body and put back on my bloody shirt to cover the bruises. Surely if he saw the scars and bruises adorning my body, he would make fun of me and most likely beat me up twice as hard. 

         I unlocked the door hastily and tried to duck out of the doorway, only to be met by a fist to my already black and blue eye. I winced away in pain, grabbing at my eye, to stop the bleeding once again. "I thought i told you to clean the house." he snarled, his voice almost mocking to my ears. Picking me up by the sleeves of my shirt, he threw me against the wall, just to cause more pain. "Wimp." My father chuckled before walking away. This time, i couldn't move without feeling a shooting pain sting up my entire body.Surely, this would have been a lot worse if Ricky, Chris and Josh were still here. In fact, he would have probably joined in on their little fight fest.

         I couldn't take this anymore.


Poor Kuza. *helps clean him up*... but i told you he's too nice to do anything like that.

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