1 The Fun Of College

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Monday, September 2, 9:08 a.m.

Today is going to be fantastic! I'm going to college and, although my best bud isn't going to be here, I'll finally get to see my friend Bonnie, who I haven't seen in, like, forever, and his boyfriend, Tyler. I'm also looking forward to meeting my new roommate in a couple of days. I am so excited, I think I'm gonna puke.

I can see a large, grey, rectangular building, covered with tons of windows. I pray that's not where the dorms are, because I don't see any blinds or curtains. There are a bunch of people I've never met before walking the same way. Some of the people I see in the distance are walking into the front entrance where I can just make out a register. So, I pick up my pace and I zigzag through tired, expressionless students and reach the door. I jump when the glass door opens automatically. Then I awkwardly walk to the counter where I see a young woman. She has light, hazel brown hair and emerald-green eyes like mine. She's wearing a greyish-blue blazer on top of a white, buttoned shirt, revealing some of her breast. I quickly turn my head.

"Hello, you're Sonic, right?" She says. "Yes," I replied. I am surprised at the fact I have never seen her before but she knows my name. "Do I know you?"

"You won't know me. I'm Tyler's mum, Tracy. You are a friend of his boyfriend, Bonnie, If I'm not mistaken," She tells me.

"Oh," I blurt out, trying desperately not to look at her chest. A few seconds later, she handed me a key labeled '176'. I thank her as I swiftly dash out of the building. As I'm running, I spot a few familiar faces. I stop in my tracks. "Rouge! Knuckles! Silver! Blaze!" I shout. I could tell it was them from a mile away. Rouge runs towards my direction and hugs me tightly, moving me side to side. "I missed you so much! How have you been?" Rouge exclaims. I can see Knuckles looking a little jealous and so I shove Rouge away and say hi to the others. We all caught up as we followed Blaze to show us where the dorms are. This building is only two stories tall, which makes me wonder about my room number. But the thought soon disappears from my head once we step inside. It stretches out for miles! The walls are an off-white and the doors are made from some sort of black wood. The floor is made of oak planks, but they are very shiny. On both sides, there are wooden staircases leading up to the second floor. I can see the huge hole in the roof. An iron railing is on the edge of the platform and wraps around the interior.

"Fifty dorms on each side on both floors. The bottom half is for people who have a dorm to themselves and the top floor is for people who have a roommate," Blaze explained. I would listen but I'm too excited. My eyes are fixed to the second story. Walking to the stairs, I realised I forgot my suitcase and rucksack. I sigh and start to head out when I catch someone, in the corner of my eye, holding my stuff. "Missing something?" they spoke. My brain freezes but suddenly I recognise his voice. Even though I know he hates hugs, I still went in for one. All he does is stare at me and look disappointed. He hands me my red, cylinder bag with white straps and black suitcase. I introduced Bonnie after we found the others. Bonnie is wearing a light-pink skirt, a long sleeve t-shirt under a purple, skin-tight shirt and red eyeliner. They all look confused because they thought he was a girl. "Just because someone is wearing 'girly clothing', does not necessarily mean they are a girl," he informs my friends. "Slay," exclaims Rouge. Bonnie frowns. "Girl, I am not on social media. I hate it. So when you say something off of the internet, I'm either a) Not going to care. b) Be very disappointed in you or, c) Regret meeting you." Rouge looks down in embarrassment.

Knuckles suggests we all go upstairs to our dorm rooms. We all agree and decide to have a race to see who can find their room the quickest but Bonnie already found his and ours. Before long, I am standing in front of a jet black door, reading the number to the right of it. "176," I whisper to myself. I insert the key, twist it with struggle, then with a shove, the door pings open. I face plant onto the floor whilst the others laugh at me. My face hurt even more now that I stood up. But the pain is worth it. I gaze at the dormitory in front of me. I scream enthusiastically and admire the emptiness of it. "I can't wait to organise this place!" I squeal.

Sonadow-Part 1: The StartWhere stories live. Discover now