4 Black and Blue

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Thursday, September 4, 00:12 a.m.

"Shadow?" I say, my eyes widening. "Sonic," he snarls. I rush over and hug him tightly. "Hey buddy, I missed you~" I wind him up. "Get-- OFF ME!" he yells, trying to shove me off him. Once he succeeds, I stumble to the floor and chuckle. "Where were you anyway?" I ask. "I--" He stops mid-sentence and crouches beside me. Suddenly, his hand crept up the side of my face. "You look different. And sound different too," he speaks in his sexy calm voice. Woah. Hit pause. Sexy? That's 'the best 'word to think when your face is so close to his. "Yeah. I... noticed that too."

As we both stand on our feet again, I can feel my pants harden. "Oof. I didn't think that would happen," Devin rubs the back of his neck. I quickly grab the closest pillow I can find and cover my er... thing? "Okay, why are you even here?" I retort, distracting myself from my 'problem'. Shadow puts his arms up, defensively. "I mean no harm; I just heard sounds coming from this room and I got--" "Curious?" I guess, interrupting. "I suppose," he answers. We stood awkwardly for about a minute before I spoke to break the silence. "Are you looking around? Or..." "No, I believe this is my apartment. '176', if I'm not mistaken." Crap. He's my roommate.

I can't believe it. I...I... he's the first person I have wanked and finished to and he's in the room next to me!? Wow. A day we are supposed to celebrate so I'm starting the morning off by masterbating. Great.


Thursday September 4, 12:52 p.m. (Twenty minutes ago)

I have arrived. It has a pretty boring outside to be honest. It is a massive, grassy field with a path of beach-sand stones, leading to a grey building. It's very dark out here but the structure is emitting light from the inside. I don't want to be staring at an ugly scenery any longer so I rush over to what appears to be a register or something. Once I am there, the door opens automatically. "Umm... hi?" I hesitate, looking over at the wolf-woman behind the counter. "Room 176," she smiled at me. How is she so cheery at this hour? Meh. "Thanks," I say, snatching the gold key from her hand. "Have a great stay!" she yells as I leave, her smile growing impossibly wider.

I go through a massive gate that has the same colour as my fur. Wait. I hear laughter. Suddenly, I can see a bright, purple light. I gingerly creep towards it, keeping a note of my surroundings. I have reached the source and it's like looking into a mirror, only I dyed some of myself blue. It, he or her head was hung low so I couldn't see their face. "Tell me who you are!" I demand, lifting my arms up into a 'ready to fight' sort of position. Slowly, my copy reveals themself. "Nice to meet you... Shadow," it grins. "How do you know my name?"

"I know more than meets the eye," they respond.

"Like what?" I snap.

"Like... basically everything about you."

"How? Who do you work for?!"

It bursts out of laughter. "The H. Department. But what you should be asking is 'Who are you?'"

I give them a confused expressions. The demon-hedghog's smirk falls. "I'm your hormone monster, dumb-dumb. I'm Eric," he sticks his hand out for me to shake. Before I even reach for his hand, he grabs mine and shakes it violently. "Okay, can I just get to my dorm now," I sigh. Eric shrugs as flies over to the building a few miles in front of us.

I walk into the entrance with Eric and--holy moly! It's mountainous! The next story towers over us both as we let our eyes wander around. The flooring is made of a type of wood that sparkles in the reflection of the moonlight, from the open rooftop. There's two staircases on each side. In the distance, I find a stone fountain. It is... beautiful. I begin to approach it. It's too hard to resist the calm sounds of the water. I sit on the edge of it and take off my glove. I lower my hand into the water. It's not warm; nor is it cold. It is just right. My eyelids soon block my sight. "Mmm," I mumble, feeling relaxed. "Can we get going?" Eric interrupted my thoughts. I grunt but obliged.

I trudge back to the stairs, following Eric up them. I look to my left to find a number beside the first door. "This is apartment 200. This means I'm close," I think to myself. I make my way to my dorm, counting down to ensure I don't miss it. "'198'... '185'... '178', '177', '176'. Found it." I take my key and jam it into the keyhole. I attempt to open the door, but it isn't budging so I resort to kicking it down. However, before I can, I hear someone next to me. "Shadow; what are you doing?" the person yawns. I turn my head from the sound of my name. "Hi. Nice to see you too, Bonnie," I respond. "How are you?" He stares at me for a few seconds when suddenly, my brain clicks. "Oh!" I realise. "I'm trying to get in but the door isn't opening--" He reaches for the door-handle and twists it left instead of right, which is the way I did it, and I works. I observe the inside for a moment. "Your welcome," Bonnie whispers, then retreats to his apartment.

As I step into the room, the floor creaks. I freeze because I pick up the sounds of someone snoring. I don't want to disturb them. Quickly deciding to be quieter, I shuffle slowly towards the back of the living-room to find 3 more doors. The one furthest to the right has a label: •BATHROOM•. Taking note of this, I have to guess which one is taken. "Open both!" Eric says, enthusiastically. "Okay..." I lightly push to ajar the bedroom, only to be met with darkness. Hold on; I see a figure. "Oh, hello," I greet, awkwardly. Wanting to know what my roommate's appearance is, I flick the light-switch on, that is on my right. "Dude! What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks?!" they yell at me, covering their face. "Hey, Shadow?" Eric mutters.



I turn to the once unrecognisable person who is now someone I have known for 8 years and haven't seen in about 48 months, (you work that out). The azure hedgehog slowly brings down his arms. "Shadow?" he asks. I'm glad it's him. But, to not seem weak, I pretend like I haven't missed him. "Sonic," I snarls. All of a sudden, he is throwing his arms around me. "Hey buddy, I missed you~" he grins. "Get-- OFF ME!" I shout, struggling to loosen his grip. Once I succeed, he tumbles and begins to cackle. "Where were you anyway?" he questions. "I--" I notice that his voice is deeper than the last time we saw each other. He has grown taller. I stare into his jade green eyes. "Ooh~ Are you in love~?" Eric smirks, leaning in close to me. I swat him away. My hand twitches. I-I can't control it. It reaches for his cheek as I am lowering myself down to his level. "You look different. And sound different too," I say in a strangely calm tone. "Woah. You totally are!" Eric remarked. "Yeah. I... noticed that too," Sonic blushes.

I regain control over my body and stand up. We both stand up and avoid eye-contact. "Okay, why are you even here?" He snaps, unexpectedly. I bring my arms up, defensively. "I mean no harm; I just heard sounds coming from this room and I got--" "Curious?" He interrupts me. "I suppose," I frown in annoyance. Silence falls over us when the Faker starts to talk. "Are you looking around? Or..." "No, I believe this is my apartment. '176', if I'm not mistaken."


I clear my throat. "Well, I-I shall leave now," I stammer, before I leave his room. I close his door and place my hand where my heart is. "Am I right, or am I right?" Eric smiles broadly. "Mmm," I grunt, my face heating up.

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