~Bonus Chapter! (0)~

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Thursday, December 1, 5:00a.m.

Eleven more nights. 

I sit silently in my bed, rethinking if this is even worth my time. Why am I doing this? Is it even worth my time? Why do I care so much? Do I care? These, almost, 'fake' bonds I've created with these people just so everything leads to this moment... Was it worth it? Do I really want to put myself through the same pain and suffering for them? I wonder what if I did nothing about this. If I just let it happen. My mind isn't even awake. My brain is feeding on itself waiting for the moment to happen. It's so close I can feel it. It's only a matter of time... I often like to think that everything will turn out okay in the end and everything will be better without me, but I also wonder if I'm going to make life harder for people by disappearing. Getting up, I swipe my book off my desk and head out the door. Trudging towards the exit to this compacted apartment, I stop mid-walk. 'Should I?' I think to myself.

I slip through the small crack of the door. The sky still is mainly dark; which means everyone should be asleep. Except, as I step out towards the metal railing, a voice calls my name from behind me. I wearily look at who was also up at this time. "Mony?" He yawns, his diluted, light blue t-shirt lifting to reveal his stomach as he stretches. "Why are you up so early?" his gruff voice mutters to me. "I should ask you the same thing." He chuckles. Why? I don't get people. They are... complicated. He leans his back on the door frame, facing me with content eyes. Or, what I believe is content. "What?" I question. "Nothing! Nothing... it's just..." He hesitates on the sentence. Growing impatient, I tug the neck line of his shirt and place a short kiss on his lips. I already knew what he was going tell me. "Okay, bye," I say, rushing down the wooden stairs. I forgot to put my shoes on so I'm getting my socks dirty. But that is fine by me as it hasn't rained yet. I look up on the upper platform to find Mony bright red, covering his mouth. Great, an EXTRA person that's going to cry for me. Shit. Wait... what was I looking for again? Ah, right, the stainless steel in the 5th toilet downstairs. 

Friday, December 2, 8:30a.m.

Ten more nights. 

My eye bags are looking significantly worse. My mood is constantly changing from calm to pure rage to even being a bit upset, which is strange. As I enter the cafeteria, I see Sonic with Amy and Knuckles; laughing away like nothing has happened. Well, Sonic seems off. He's placing a fake smile so the others won't... uh... 'interrogate' him. Especially Amy. She's, like, an expert at detecting feelings. It's pretty scary. I walk over to Shadow, who is surprisingly sitting next to Mony. Crap... Both of the people who have kissed and/or I've kissed. "Hello," I greet, sitting down next to the two. "Oh, hey! H-how are you?" Mony blushes, his cheeks becoming pink. Before I answer, I draw a huge breath. "Better." Shadow leans forward, over the table, to see me. "Morning Bon," he smiles softly. "Вы двое хорошо ладите?" I whisper to Shadow, despite the fact Mony is sitting in between us. "Yeah, no, we're good." I'm aware that neither Shadow, nor Mony, know of the kisses I've shared with both of them. However, I may not even get a chance with either one because of Project(s): '0453qC' and '0454rE'. And it's not that I don't want to have sexual intercourse; it is only that can't anymore. I'm too weak. I can barely stay awake. It tears my heart to think that the last person I'll ever be with was with a traitor that I chose to stay with. I would have said no if it wasn't for the fact that I was in desperate needs at that time. Someone to hold me. Love me... But, apparently, I don't deserve that, according to God. 

I took my phone to see if I had any notifications. I have two notifications: One from Sonic, the other from Tyler. I click on Sonic's message first. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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