13 Stay That Way

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(Sorry for the time skip; I just needed the story to progress in days)


Thursday, October 6, 7:00a.m.

It's been around a month and still no sign of Bonnie dropping this theory that the college is 'evil' or whatever. Me and the gang have to check on him at the end of every class. He's constantly skipping his classes and sometimes he completely disappears. Me, Shadow, Rouge, Tyler and Sierra all have jobs to ensure that he's not going anywhere. Shadow and I have to find him after our lessons; Rouge and Sierra are there to keep him active (not in that way); and Tyler's job is to comfort him. It's like a game, only it's in real life. Also, a lil' update on Knuckles: Though I said it takes roughly a week or two for him to heal? I forgot to mention that it also means that he needs another two weeks for him to rest as well because if he wants to get better, he has to be under medical attention. And, he has been walking around a bit, but no further than a few metres aways from the emergency room. 

I like to distract myself from the endless cycle of finding Bonnie's dorm and walking all the way back to the next class by sneaking off with Shadow. "wanna leave?" I whisper to him. "Yeah; the dude's boring." I chuckle as I grab his hand and zip out the door. As we reach our 'make-out stall', I shove him in then turn the lock under the handle. I yank his collar and bring him in, just so he's touching my lips. "Are we checking on Bonnie after this--Mmm!" I make him shut his mouth, pinning to the wall and pecking him a few times. My hands creep down his pants, feeling his dick. "Ah~" he moans. I unzip my trousers and cause friction between my dick and his jeans.

I eventually get around to undoing his fly before he stops me. "What?" I pant. "Are we gonna check on him--" I cut him off again, kissing roughly. "Yeah, yeah. We have an hour left so we'll see him then." I seat him on the toilet and straddle him, kneeling just above his erect dick. "Want me to sit?" Shadow nodded eagerly. Without hesitation, I slide his cock inside me and roll my hips. "Ahaha~ N-no prep?" he winces at the sensation we are both sharing. "Don't need it," I grunt, grinding harder. Sweat drips from both our foreheads as lust fills the stalls. It's so hot, it's making me weak. Even though I'm supposed to be the one who's not gonna be walking straight, I have a pretty good idea to avoid that.

In a swift movement, I manage to turn us around, with him still inside me. Pulling out, he groans. "Wh-why'd you stop?" I can't wait any longer. It'll push us over the edge. "This." I force him onto my lap and hold his waist. You can probably guess what happens next. That's right. A whole bunch of hickeys, a room that reeks of sex and a guy who won't be able to walk normally for a  week. Once we finish off, we clean up, leaving no trace of anything we did in that stall. "Shall we go? We've got thirty minutes left," Shadow asks. "Let's go to Bonnie's dorm. And don't worry; we'll go slow, just for you~" I tease, winking. "Shh! Shut up." I smile and peck his cheek. "Let's go."


Thursday, October 6, 10:38a.m.

I swig a bottle of JACK DANIELS as my body fails to stay awake. Come on, think; this can't be this complicated. Sending demons through a portal from 15,780 realms isn't the difficult part.  It's the actual machine that is merely impossible to build. I need to finish 'Project: 0453Cq' after everyone is onboard. I'm not the best at convincing, as I just give up when they refuse an offer. I continue my work, carefully connecting the wires and wrenching in the nuts & bolts. Oh wait... shit, I have a science class! Meh, I'll skip it like the last two. It's easier to hide when teachers try to find me than having to sneak out of the lesson.

The whizzing of the angle grinder is the only sound I can hear while I'm slowly losing the will to live. Is it worth it, making people think I'm insane? Maybe. I don't want to be in this college any longer with these stupid teens. A sudden knock at the door makes me stop what I'm doing. I slowly approach the door and look through the peep-hole. "Bonnie? You in here?" It's Tyler. That's exactly what I need when he realises I'm not completely soba. "What are you building? You know you can't be building this sort of stuff in..." Everything slows down, entirely. Tyler's speech is slurred and I still hear the whizzing of the angle grinder.

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