5 Hitting Realisation

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Thursday, September 4, 8:30 a.m.

I clear my head, brush my teeth and still in my P.J.s. My ears perk up to the sight of Devin in the mirror. "How is that possible? You're a figment of my imagination," I gurgle with a mouth full of toothpaste. "I'm not. If I was, you would be able to shut me up when you want to." I stop brushing my teeth to stare at him. "Mmm," I mumble, shrugging. "So, how was your morning? You were going to TOWN on yourself," he eyes my-- Knock-knock. I spit the white paste out of my minty mouth and sprint to the front-room. I almost fall over when I swing the door open wide. "Hi," I wheeze, out of breath. "Yeah... hi." Bonnie looks me up and down. "I'm... okay," I reassure him. "Anyway, I'd like to inform you that the party starts at 8 p.m. tonight and the memorial is in half an hour, both in the sports hall. See you then." Before I close the door, I give a thumbs up to him and a weak smile. I watch his scarlet eyes squint as the outside visibility narrows. Just as the metal railing is out of my sight, I lean my head against the vertical slab of bleached wood and sigh.

"Are you good?" Like an owl, my head snaps round in a heartbeat. Shadow kinda stands around in his tight, black shorts and light-grey tank top with a dumb expression plastered on his face. "Yeah. I was... you know..." I start, failing to make a sentence. Shadow raises his left eyebrow. "Ooh~ Lookie who we have here~" Devin pretends to drool and hearts float about him in cartoon style. "Oh, get over yourself. I didn't even know it was him. And that was only once. It's not like I'm in love with him," I yap at him, annoyed. " Typical. I feel a 'It's not like I'm in love with him' cliché coming up," Devin rolls his eyeballs. I am brought back to reality when Shadow approaches me mid-thought. His face is inches away from mine, again. I can feel his breath on my neck. "I'm gonna get changed. Bye!" I zip out the living room and to my bedroom.

I fumble to my wardrobe and snatch a royal-blue, baggy shirt and a pair of orange shorts that have white up-arrows along the sides. Slipping on some knee-high, neon-green socks and struggling to put on my power sneakers. I am hopping on one leg trying to put these damn shoes on. Once I succeed, in a flash, I bolt out the front-door. I saw Shadow on my way out, but I choose to ignore him. As I sprint down one of the staircases, I quickly look for a crowd of people. That is until I feel a tiny poke placed on my back. "This way, stupid." Bonnie laughs before pointing behind me. "Oh, thanks," I say, rubbing the base of my neck.

In the Sports Hall...

Thursday, September 4, 8:39 - 9:00 a.m.

I follow Bonnie to what is supposed to be a memorial room. All I see is a statue in a room with some white, clothed tables. Turning to my right, I stare at Bonnie. He seems uncomfortable. I take advantage of this and tease him a bit. "So... Lot of people, huh? Too much for you?" He sighs and bites his bottom lip in distress. "Piss off," he hisses. "Woah! A bit aggressive, aren't we?" I put on my shit-eating grin to annoy him even more. "For one, I could beat you right into the floor, so don't even try it. And two, I don't have a problem with people, they have a problem with me." Regret creeps its way through me. "Hey. I'm sorry... I just--" Suddenly, he begins to laugh. "I'm playing with you." I breathe a sigh of relief. It's nice to see him happy again. That makes the corners of my mouth turn up.

There are 300 or less teens that I can introduce myself to. I start off slow. Talking to the people I already meet in my class. Then, they show me some of their friends. To name a few, Evee the koala and Talulu the Tiger. Two very lovely girls. "And hot," Devin smirks. "Shut. Up," I bark, gritting my teeth. I make conversations with some other children and I try to seek out someone with the same interests as Bonnie. Like I mentioned before, Bonnie isn't very social -yet is great with social cues- and I do care for the cold-hearted rabbit.

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