14 I wanna be more

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Thursday, October 6, 1:58p.m.

As the others leave to see Bonnie, Sonic locks the door and clears a space for him on the counter beside Knuckles's bed. Hopping on, I quickly go over and he yanks me like Bonnie did to him. God, gotta get Bonnie out my head. Too much of him at the moment. Sonic's nose is lightly grazes mine. "I wanna fuck you so bad yet, I know I shouldn't. Too much sex to have in a day," Sonic bites his bottom lips. He closes the gap between us, pulling my closer by my waist. He wraps his legs around me as his hand now travel up my shirt. I cup his cheeks, a tingly feeling spreads throughout my body. He suddenly pushes me away and gets down from the counter. "W-why'd you stop?" Immediately after having said that, a nurse walks in. "Oh, were you looking for something?"

We stay in awkward silence. He rubs the back of his neck and stares at the ground. "No, we were just... fooling around. We'll be out your way now! Let's go Shads!" Sonic blurts out. Grabbing my wrist, we zip out the door and end up at our dorm. "We seriously need to go to class," I sigh. Eric appears behind Sonic and rests his elbow on his shoulder. "Why? You two love fooling around~" He smirks. I blush hard, covering my face to hide my embarrassment. "Let's go," I chuckle softly. Our fingers intertwine as we head for our lesson. Just as we reach the door, I peck him on the cheek. He giggles and nudges my shoulder. I grin but it fades when he turnsaway. "It's worst than I thought," Eric says, vaguely in the distance. I catch a glimpse of him on the phone with someone. However, I choose to ignore it.

During the lesson...

Thursday, October 6, 2:38p.m.

"Blah blah blah," babbled the professor. Sonic mimics his voice with his hand, blowing raspberries as he did so. "This is exactly why we should have skipped! He's so boring," he whines. I feel the corners of my lips being tugged up and tied to their permanent spots. The metaphorical knots are too tight to untie. It's the most I've ever smiled in one day. And had sex. "Do you wanna skip the next class?" Sonic whispers. My heart bursts into mini fireworks in my chest as I nod. This is how I felt when I had a crush on him. Now, I'm getting a stronger feeling. But, I brush it off, like any of my other emotions. "Stage one: check!" Eric skipped between the seats and students, still on his phone. "What are you talking about? Never mind, I don't wanna know. Just shut up," I hiss at him, causing him to stop. He places a finger over my mouth, his eyes indicating the call to a guy named... Devin?

Thirty minutes drags on for what seems like hours. My eyelids have weights on them and the knots loosen. When will this suffering end? Eric is still on a call with this Devin person. "Who's Devin then?" I ask, smirking. "A colleague," he say, practically snapping. A muffled sound comes from his device, making Eric instantly bring it back up to his ear. "Just my client. No-- No! I'd never! Okay; that was a lie. Yes, but-- R-really? Like, r-right now? On my way!" Disappearing as always, I'm left for another hour in this torturing room.

The sound of the door opening causes both mine and Sonic's ears to perk up. Tyler walks in, his face a bright red and streaming down with tears. "What happened?" Sonic delicately wraps his arm around Tyler and comforts him. "I-I-I-I-I-I don't know w-where he i-i-is," he sniff, fumbling on words. "Bonnie?" Sonic asks. Tyler's whole body trembles as he struggles to construct a coherent sentence. I don't say anything; I simply admire Sonic's kindness. A sharp pain in my chest, something tugging at my heart strings. "Let's go find him. Also, grab your inhaler. We don't need you passing out again." Tyler manages a weak laugh as Sonic grabs his phone and lightly hits my shoulder with it. "If you need me, call me," he winks. I give him a thumbs up before he and Tyler head out. He's so nice. I'm glad I got to know him. Though, I wished I never had fought for the last year we were friends. We had left on bad terms and reconnected with strange ones.

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