9 Heaven is a World Without You

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Thursday, September 4, 8:50p.m.

I am currently hanging out with a few of my friends that I made. Harry the bear and Elliot the cat. They both play basketball and can get around easily with football. "You got a girlfriend yet?" Harry says, swigging his drink. I look over at Rouge. She's talking to a couple of dudes herself. That makes me feel a bit jealous. But, I shake it off. "Nah. Not yet," I answer. The other guys drunkenly giggle, holding on to each other for balance. We end up having a lot of fun with one another.

Somehow, our conversation turns into people we either secretly hate or if everyone hates. "I don't like that boy who stares at me in class. I think his name is Billy or something," Harry slurs his words. Elliot nods. "Yeah, me too. I'm sure everyone hates him. No one wanted to be near him at all." We have a little laugh before they ask me. "There's a dude called Bonnie. He broke my arm," I show my very obvious blue and white cast. "That's the purple geezer, init?" I confirm he's correct and show Elliot, because he doesn't know who we're talking about. Bonnie's sitting with his boyfriend, Tyler, at the counter by the entrance. There's two bars, but literally none of us are actually allowed to drink. It's only for seniors and some of the older juniors.

I suddenly get tapped on the back while looking at the dickhead with his pup-pet. "You need to apologise to him. He didn't deserve what you said," I hear Rouge's relaxing voice behind me. "Yeah, but--" She shuts me up by shushing me with her finger. "No 'buts'; you are going to get your ass over there and say your sorry right now." I glance over at my mates and they are chuckling. "You're not his mum, yeh," Harry jokes. Rouge storms over to him and pulls him by his ears. "I may not be his mum, but you need to shut you British fucking mouth, okay?" she growls. He puts his hands up in defence. "Okay, fine," I sigh. "Can we come with?" Elliot asks. "You two are staying right here where I can see you," Rouge yaps as they whimper.

I trudge over to him and grab his attention. "Well, well, well; isn't our favourite bunny?" I taunt. I earn a laugh from my friends. "Well, well, well; isn't it our favourite family-less, red asshole," he insults. People began gathering to watch a potential fight. "S-should we go?" I hear Tyler whisper. "I don't want you getting hurt--" Bonnie stops him from talking. That's rude. I feel Rouge's presents once again as she squeezes my shoulder. She shakes her head, frowning "Let this go," she says, quietly. I was going when a thought took over and I push Bonnie into the counter. The crow gasps. All of a sudden, Harry chants 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' over and over again, causing a chain-reaction. I look around proudly before staring at Bonnie again with a grin.

Bonnie doesn't speak for a moment. "No. I'm not going to. It's a waste of time; just like a watch on a belt." Oh. So he's not taking this seriously then, huh? "Aw, what? You scared? Are you a wuss?" I smirk. He didn't respond. He just stares at me, creepily. "Listen, the last time this happened, I broke your hand. I don't wan't to have to do that again, do I?" I move closer to him, feeling pissed off that he's trying to remind me why I hate him in the first place. He backs away and seems like he'd rip my head right off. He takes Tyler away from the bar and heads out. "Wow. Chickening out? Loser!~" I tease, stopping him in his tracks.

He turns around and exclaims angrily, "Okay, what is your problem?!" I think for a bit, still holding eye-contact. "You." His hands are now fists. "How about you addressing the problem so it can resolved so I don't have to live with the fact you're hunting me down, huh?!" he shouts, only making me smile more. This is so fun; watching him get redder and redder. He brings his arm back, ready to throw a punch. But, he doesn't and pussy's out. "Just... leave me alone." Harry, Elliot and some other people nudge my shoulder or pats my back, calling me 'awesome'.

The praising continues before Bonnie ruins it. "Oi, hothead!" he yells, walking back into the room again. "Huh?" I blurt out. "What?" I feel uneasy. He's smiling? That's... new. And horrific. "How about I smash you to a fucking oblivion so you can reconnect with your family?!" The music dies down and the hall goes silent. I have no idea what to do so I say the first thing that comes to mind. "Has anyone told you to look in a mirror?" I say, pleased to have actually said something. "Has anyone told you that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be as good as me." Gasps are all around as I struggle to think how to respond.

He steps towards me.

"Well, umm... you're the reason why your species are extinct. Mine went to war to protect me." I wind him up.

He takes another step.

"You are the sole reason why we, as a society, fail as a whole." he responds.

Another step closer.

My mind is rapidly searching for something that'll get to him. Like... Oh! I've got it. "You are a faggot."

His face falls into a shocked expression.

"What? No, what?!" Good. He's hurt.

He moves back on step. "Yeah. I think your boyfriend is cool and all but you? You're disgusting." I've stolen his smirk and regained control.

His breaths are loud and heavy. "Oh really? You wouldn't be friends with someone who likes their own sex?"

Shit. I hadn't thought of that. I'm not homophobic but I say no.

He takes a step forward again.

"Then what do you think Silver and the other dude were doing in the bathroom together when they left, snogging?"

Another step forward.

"Umm--" I don't even get a chance to respond.

"How about the gay tutor you drool over? Or-or the fact that Rouge also likes women? Or the fact you're friends with someone who's screwing a DUDE?"

Another step.


"You wanna piece of me? Then come FUCKING GET IT!"

The next second, I lose my balance. I tumble to the ground and I can't feel a single part of my body. I just lay on the floor, dripping with blood. "Someone get him to an emergency room!" I hear a girl yell. I close my eyes in an attempt to drown out the noise. All of me aches. I definitely need to stop thinking I can beat him in a fight. Wait... did he even get into trouble last time. I don't think he did. Lucky bastard.

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