15 Falling for another

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Friday, October 7, 7:36a.m.

I feel someone's hand placed on my side that jolt from my sleep. "Morning sweetie," Rouge grins at me. "Mornin'," I yawn, stretching. I think back to yesterday where Bonnie was quite insistent that he'd work on his project. "Why was Purps mean to me? I don't get it..." She begins to stroke my head and smiled contently. She says he's always been like that. I thought he just had a resting bitch face. I carefully get out off bed and throw on some sage-green trousers. "Damn red! You got some build on yah," Rouge flirts. Oh, right. I wasn't wearing any clothes apart from black underwear and white, sport socks when I went to bed. I jokingly flex my muscles and say, "Do you like these babies?" She laughs and bats her eyelashes seductively. "Maybe I do, big boy~" My eyes widen as blood rushes to my face. "Come on; put a shirt and some shoes on," She giggles. 

The sound of the 'CLICK' makes my breathing immediately become uneven. What the hell was that!? God, does this happen to everyone she flirts with? Anywho, I find a nice t-shirt that says 'Rock 'n' Roll!' on the front and put a sky-blue hoodie on top of it. After slipping into my uncreased, pearly Jordans, I grab my bag and shove my equipment in it. I reach for my pen when I suddenly pause. I can't tell exactly what it is but I can almost hear a... voice... calling out to me. I don't understand what it's trying to say to me. Covering my ears for 5 seconds works like a charm because the gibberish stops. Not even a second later, my phone buzzes. I pick it up and it's message from Sonic. 


Blue 🦔💙

Are you feeling okay? Rouge told me you were wondering why Bon was being rude to you.

Press for more

Clicking onto the text, I reply with 'Yeah, I'm fine. Just wondering, that's all,' and send it. I sigh, then go to put on my backpack.  

Leaving the apartment, rouge is nowhere. "Rouge?" I call out. No response. All of a sudden, the voice rings in my ears. I squint my eyes in pain from the a loud screech. In less that a microsecond, I turn myself around, only to be faced Purps. His eyes seems... frightened, almost. His inaudible breathing now clear as day. "Dude, uh... you alright--" Before I can even ask, he leaps over the railing and In hear loud thud. "Bonnie!?" I yell, straining my voice. Oh my fuck, oh my fuck, oh my fuck. What the fuck?! I dart for stairs and sprint as fast as Sonic. Once I'm where he jumped from (but now from underneath), I watch as he slowly pick himself up and crack his neck back into place. Yuck, I wanna be sick. 

"Dude, are you good bro?" He rolls his right, dislocated shoulder and faces me slightly. "What do you think?" he hisses. I shrug. Before I can even utter a single sound, he's gone. What the actual hell?! God, I don't think I can even move now. I really want to be sick. Why would he want to get away from me? What have I done? I don't even wanna know; I just want to find Rouge. 


Friday, October 7, 7:23a.m.

"Morning handsome~" Rubbing my eyes and straightening my back, I awake from the sound of Shadow's voice. "Mornin'," I groan, yawning. His outfit is exceptionally formal. Beige trousers and a black, collared shirt. Hot. I lift up the duet cover to see... Morning wood. Great. "Got a problem you need me to solve?" Shadow grins, clearly eager. I slowly stand up and grab ahold of his Shoulders. His expression smears into a 'I'm not following' sort of look. Inhaling, I say, "Not a chance." I snicker as his face falls into a pit of disappointment. As gentle as a feather, he brings me in for a light hug. Oh... kay? This is a bit awkward. "What's this for?" I giggle while he pulls away. "No reason in particular," he smiles. Weird. Anywho, I have a tree to chop down down, so I'll be with you in a minute. 

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