10 I don't now how I'm supposed to feel

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Thursday, September 4, 9:17p.m.

Wow. Okay, how did this happen? Me and my rival just... did it. I forgave him, yeah, but seriously. I think that this is moving too fast and I'm a guy known for liking speed (and in a different context too). However, I thought that was quite fun. Though, I wish I breathed a bit more than I did; otherwise, I wouldn't be gasping for air after nutting. "That was phenomenal," I smile, panting. I hear a low, somewhat delighted, grumble. "I didn't take you for a bottom," I add, teasing him. Another 'Mmm' falls from his tasty-- er... there's really no back out of this, is there? Yes, his tasty mouth. "And I didn't take you for a top," he slurs. Cute.

I begin rubbing my eyes when someone rapidly knocks on our front door. "Coming!" I call out. "But you were already a moment ago," Shadow sits up and yawns. I playfully roll my eyes then put on the club-collar shirt I was wearing previously and a pair of white underwear and blue shorts. Rushing to see what was mine, or our, being needed present, they bang on the door, urgently. "What?" I ask, finally opening the door. Rouge is shaking with what seems to be fear. A tear travels down her cheek before she wipes it away. I've never seen her break down, so this must be serious. "Hey, hey, hey! What happened?" I asked, bewildered. Suddenly, she collapses into my arms, sobbing into my chest. "Knuckles got into another fight with your friend, even though I told him to apologise, and now he's not waking up." I stand, stunned. I hug her tighter and hold her close.

I bring her to the seating area and rub her back. "Don't worry. Knuckles is as tough as nails! I'm sure he'll wake up," I comfort. "What happened?" Shadow walks out of my room with only boxers on. "Dude, put some god damn pants on," I exclaim in fake disgust. Rouge giggles, sniffing away her sadness. "Why?" Shadow whines, playing along. "Because the last thing Rouge needs is a, almost, naked man!" Shadow over-dramatically falls back into the bedroom, making both me and Rouge laugh. "Feeling a bit better?" She nods slowly then thanks me.

After a while of me and Shadow making Rouge feel slightly better, we all decide that we should check on Knuckles. "Are you ready?" Shadow asks me, grinning. "I was born ready." Hauling Rouge off our comfy sofa, we head out to the emergency room. As we walk past Bonnie's and Tyler's dorm, just before their door closes, I see Bonnie resting his head on Tylers chest. I don't even realise I had stopped following the others until Shadow called for me. "Yeah! coming," I soften the last word. He's usually awake and grumpy (in a good way), but now he's tired and... "Sonic!" I rid the thoughts out of my head like a salt and pepper shaker and rush over to the two in front. "You alright, darling?" Rouge says, sweetly. I give a weak smile, holding back my sympathetic tears.

Eventually, we made it there. Knuckle's body is badly beaten and still no sign of him waking up. I let a tear slip out my eye. "What happened to him?" I attempt to distract myself. "In a nutshell, Knuckles tried to fight your friend again but failed," she explains, tears of her own rolls down her flushed cheeks (presumably from the crying). All of us never uttered even a sound when we were there; you could've heard a pin drop in there. "I think we should see how Bon's holding up," I sniff, desperately needing to know he's doing. Shadow is the first to agree, followed by Rouge. "Hey~" I turn around to find Devin smirking at me. "What?" I sigh. "Congratulations! You finally did the devil's tango!" he yells, excitedly. I stare at the floor. "Oh. Not the best time?" I eye him. "Imma take that as a no, then." He poofs away like he always does. Wonder when he'll come back.

'Knock, Knock, knock.' Their door creaks open. "Hi. I'm guessing you're not here for me then?" he jokes. "Look, sorry I didn't break the fight. I-I did the best I could! I really--" Tyler's hands begin to tremble. Rouge steps forward and wraps her arms around her. "I'm really sorry," he murmurs quietly. "Enough with the crying," Shadow groans. "Shut up," I squint. "Okay, okay. Shutting up now." Tyler leads us to Bonnie's bedroom. Upon opening to door, Bonnie is nowhere to be seen. "Bonnie?" I look for him. "Out here," I hear him respond. He reveals himself from behind the curtain. "Wait, since when did you have a balcony?" Shadow questions out the blue. I nudge his shoulder harshly so he would shut his yapper. Luckily, he does. "How are you?" I approach him steadily, knowing he wouldn't want me to get in his personal space. "Mmm," he mumbles. "Not an answer," I place my hand on his back. He strangely doesn't move away, he just stays there. "It is an answer, first of all, and also, you guys didn't have to come here. I'm okay." He flops onto the bed and covers himself in the duvets. "You can leave now," he wriggles his hand from under the sheets and points to the door. "We're right next-door if you need us," I inform him as Tyler kindly escorts us out their apartment.

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