18 Over

13 3 0


Saturday, October 8, 9:17a.m.

"Really?!" Tyler begins to stutter wildly while I pace back and forth. "I put all my trust, faith and love towards you and this is what I get!?" I yell at him. Tears stream down his red cheeks, sobbing. "I-I-I-I'm s-s-sorry," he weeps. "NO YOU'R FUCKING NOT!" I scream. Remaining silent, I ball my hands into fist. My breaths are so much more heavier than I expected. A sea of hatred is thrown over me. "Why?... WHY? Every FUCKING time, I put work into doing something for YOU... You don't show a single bit of gratitude?" I glare at him, his shaking body tensing up. No response. "HUH!?" I spit in his face.  He falls to his knees and clings to my black jeans. "I'M SORRY," he wales. "I'M SO, SO SORRY." I want to rip him, limb-by-limb. I turn my back in anger, hatred filling every fibre of my body. He attempts to face me towards him, causing me to lash out and pin him against the wall. "If I had a penny for every single time I was loyal to you, I'd be able to buy at least twenty yachts." He stares at me, struggling to breath through his whimpering. He yelps when I apply heavy pressure onto his neck, blocking his airways. "I–I..." he chokes out. "You're what? SORRY?!" I bark. Ah shit. This is grabbing unwanted attention. I sharply release him, him bawling in a fit of tears. What a wuss. He told me that he loved me. But I never believed it. I played along, knowing his intentions all this time.

You know how Sonic and the other's all have their own unique abilities? Well, I am able to see two years into the future; meaning I can see anything from when using this ability to 2 year, going forward. Not the most impressive, I know. I developed this at a very young age. Each day, I was capable of seeing an hour ahead. This helped me pin-point the exact  moment something wrong happens. Sometimes, the outcome of my actions in the future can be changed, which the soul purpose of 'Project: 0453qC'. When me and Tyler began dating... or rather having sex a bunch of times, through my vision, I saw Stacey. Just her. Alone. Smiling directly at me

Again, that dreaded sound come to taunt me once more. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" I honestly don't have enough energy for this. Tyler stumbles to his feet, furiously breathing through his inhaler. "W-what the fuck is wrong with you?!" he coughs. He's never stood up to me before. Impressive. No, stop praising him... "I spent every last drop of my body to please you, but you were acting like I wasn't good enough!" His fists are tightening in anger. "YOU WERE NEVER SATISFIED, YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT ME; AND YOU NEVER TOOK INTEREST IN ME! You alway left me in the dark. To rot. Alone..." I don't say anything. I just stay, staring at the floor. Though everything is true, from his prospective, I knew he would betray me, then try to take the victim.
            I have been the monster in everyone's eyes, for all this time; despite no one realising that I'm always real victim. They put all the blame on me to make themselves look better. I have significant trust issues. This explains why  I 'never took interest or cared about him,' or the fact I have trouble showing my emotions, hence why I was 'never satisfied'. It's him who's always never satisfied, or never taking interest in what I do and he never cared about me. He got with me for a dare, because his mates wanted to see me cry. But, we were both too smart for high school so we went this high school/collage. As a result, he had to stay with me but try to shatter my heart when I 'least expect it'. However, I was always expecting this. I knew right from the beginning.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOMEONE TO RELY ON!" (Yeah, Last Christmas.) Wait. He just wants a reaction out of me. I won't then. I glare up at him, no expression. His face falls, obviously due to my lack of empathy. 

"Why don't you care?!" 

Don't lose it, don't lose it, don't lose it...

"That thing with Stacey was her fault! Not mine!"

Don't lose it, don't lose it...

"It's not like I am in love with her... Only that she does care. She does listen. She's satisfied... I'm enough for her!"

Don't lose it, don't lose it, don't lose it, don't lose it, don't lose it, don't lose it--

"If you love with her so much, then why don't you go to her dorm and fuck her!?" The crowd quietens down to the point where whispering is considered loud. Tyler has nothing to say until-- "Maybe I will. We're over!" Suddenly, a worried or... shocked? look is plastered on his face. "I-I-I... I didn't m-mean that--" I can't with him. "No. It's over. I'm packing my stuff and moving downstairs to live on my own. I've given you as much as I can give." Before he can stop me, I storm into 'our' apartment and slam the door. Everything is going according to plan...

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