3 Reunited with a frenemy

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Wednesday, September 3, 1:08 p.m.

Me and my friends are heading back to our dorms. I wonder about Bonnie and how he'd reacted to the outcome of his action. Tyler lightly knocks on the door, three times, at a steady pace. The door slowly ajars. Bonnie peeks through the gap. "Come in," He says softly. I feel bad for Bonnie, more than I do for Knuckles. After all, the fight wouldn't have started if Knuckles had just shut his pie hole.

I sit at my desk, in my bedroom. It's a rose-red, fabric, office chair. It includes a deep padded seat with a waterfall front. It has 3 options to adjust the seat to the perfect heights for the back and the seat itself. It also has the option to tilt the backrest. To top it all off, it has an armrest that can extend out so you can put a plate there, plus a hole for your drink. I tend to put a cold pillow on the backrest and it makes it super comfy. I am trying to forget about what had happened when I remember my roommate. I'm still wondering why it is taking them so long to get here. I don't wanna assume anything bad has happened to them. I take out my sketch pad and begin to draw the endless possibilities of who my roommate is gonna be.

Wednesday, September 3, 2:21 p.m.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. There are now two things I am waiting for: the special event of 'Social Self'. It's something everyone celebrates  on the 4th of September, and it's a party where everyone has to be social to improve on being confident in making new friends. It's also a memorial for a special spirit called Iris, the messenger of the gods and goddess of the sea and sky. And I am waiting to see who my flatmate is gonna be.

Thursday, September 4, 0:09 a.m.

Creak and a shuffle. I hear the front door go from outside my bedroom and the faint footsteps of a person. I hop out of my untidy bed and piddle towards the door. When the footsteps begin to sound like they're getting closer, I back away. Suddenly, the doorknob jiggles until it opens. "Oh, hello?" a male speaks in a low, deep tone.

I jump before the light turns on, causing my eyes to flutter. "Dude! What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks?!" I exclaim, blocking the lights with my arm. "Sonic?" Devin asks. "Why are you here?!" I hiss. "Look." I slowly move my arm away from my tired face. "Shadow?"

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