6 Jealousy Party

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(Finally a new P.O.V.!)


Thursday, September 4, 7:20p.m.

"Ahh~" "Fuck~" "Harder~" "Oh yeah~"

These noises would be the only sounds you hear from our apartment and they're all coming from Tyler. Me and him haven't really had sex in a while so this was like something brand new for him. Not for me though. I don't think about sex often. I have other things to worry about. Like 'Project 0453qC'. Though, it is nice to hear him tell me I'm doing a great job and to carry on going. It's like words of wisdom apart from the fact he's horny and doesn't mean those phrases in that context. So technically, it's nothing like that. Huh...

I finish Tyler off to resume my work at my desk. "That was awesome!" he pants. "I know," I respond, concentrating on connecting the primary-coloured -except for green- wires carefully and correctly. With my working ear, I am aware that he is getting closer. "What do you want now?" I ask playfully, putting no effort to make the tone of my voice sound happier or my face less moody-looking. "I wanna do it again~" he wraps his arms around my stomach. "I would, but I have to work," I respond. He argues that I'm never paying him enough attention. "Look, let me continue until lunch, then I might have some time after you eat." His eyes lighten up hearing my words but I can tell he is still horny. His eyes do all the work for me. When I know he's facing the opposite direction, I pin him to the wall. "Oh, so now you wanna do it again," he smirks. "Only because I can't figure out where the chaos I'm going to find a whole load of stainless steel."

Thursday, September 4, 7:43p.m.

"We ought to get going." I lift the sheets off of my lap. "Mmm," Tyler grumbles, sleepily. I sigh as I violently rip the duvet of him, leaving his naked body exposed. "Hey. I was using that!" he whimpers. "Yeah. I know; I have eyes," I explain, sarcastically.

"Here," I chuck appropriate party wear at him. "Oh, thanks," Tyler grinned. I walk out the bedroom with blue shorts and socks. My upper-half is undressed but that's the least of my concerns. I might run into Knuckles again. No. I definitely will. We had both been avoiding each other and I think he hates me. What am I, kidding? Of course he hates me. I broke his hand. The thought of the satisfying crunch it made makes me happy. Now see what I mean when I say I look murderous? Anywho, I promised Sonic I would help him choose something to wear for this useless event.

I knock on the door 3 times, and quickly. It is a bit chilly this time of year. Well, for me. It ajars to reveal Sonic. "Got the clothes?" he asks, ignoring that I'm half dressed. "And the condoms," I joke, then realise I have some in my right short pocket. I place the pile of fabric on the midnight-purple sofa. "Try this on," I hand him a white, club-collar shirt, royal navy blue jeans and a golden, hedgehog pin on the loops of the trousers and white socks with a thin red and blue stripe on the top. "This is a jumper if you get cold," I lend him a baggy, red sweater accompanied by three strips of brighter-than-pastels colours. He thanks me and I leave without another word.


Thursday, September 4, 7:58p.m.

I hop out of the shower and change into my clothes. I peek out behind my bedroom door to see if anyone is there. Sonic is still on the couch. "Talk to him," Eric shoves me out into the hallway. "Okay, okay! I will," I frown at him. "Who are you waiting for?" I ask, feeling my cheeks redden. "You actually. I had a feeling something would change your mind," he beams. "Oh," I say with a dumb expression. No wonder he called me a dummy. "Let's go, shall we?" He grabs my hand, our fingers intertwining. I blush and begin to sweat again. Luckily I am wearing my gloves so Sonic shouldn't be able to feel the wetness of my palms.

"You ready?"

"I was born ready."

And off we went. Zigzagging through obstacles and sprinting at the speed of light while our hands held on to each other. For the first time in ages, I felt like I had a purpose in life. We laughed and it was as if a tsunami of joy had washed over us. I wanted to last forever. "We're here," slipping his hand out of my grip. Despite being disappointed, I am glad I came with him.

He heaved the open and the sports hall had completely changed. There was even a bar with alcohol now. However, I believe that's for the senior years. "Imma go and look around for the others. I heard Amy is going to be here so I guess I'll see you around Shads!" And with that, I was standing alone by the doors. "Hello Shadow," Bonnie comes in behind me with Tyler, who is unaware of my presents. "You go off now," Bonnie encourages him. He leaves us be and Bonnie brings me to a less crowded space. "We need to talk about you and Sonic," he stated, loud enough so I could hear over the music from the speakers. "Okay..."


Thursday, September 4, 8:12p.m.

I push through a crowd of dancing drunks. I'm looking for a pink hedgehog. My eyes are like bullets flying inside of an indestructible bouncy castle. I accidentally bump into someone. "Oh, sorry," I apologise. I caught a glimpse of who I knocked into. "Amy?!" I exclaim. She's... stunning. Her hair has grown longer and she was wearing a hot-pink dress with a slit. "Hi sonic," she smiles shyly. "You look fantastic," I compliment her. "Thanks." I end up catching up with Amy for 20 minutes. Turns out, most of my friends had gone a long holiday without me, which I'm glad I didn't come along because they were on a cruise. However, it 'sailed' into the first few days of college.

"So, who else is here?" I ask her. "Jet, Storm, Wave, Mephiles and umm... yeah that's about it." Wow. So, not, like, 20 people. That makes me feel better. "I'm going to find Blaze. I have some stuff for her. Bye!" She giggles, disappearing into the number of people. "Whoever that chick was, she's totally into you!" Devin remarks. "Yeah. I know. But I'm not gonna date her. She is impossible to understand," I explain. Devin poofs away as I walk over to the counter in front of a shelf of alcohol and sit on the round bar stool. I am there for a few minutes. Maybe 5; no more than ten. "You're Sonic, right?" a female voice asks next to me. I glance over my shoulder to see who said my name. "Yeah-- Wait. Tracy?!" She blinks for a second. "No silly; That's my mum. I'm Tyler's sister. Sierra." If I do recall, I think I do remember him mentioning a Sierra at some point. "Hi, I guess," I rub my neck, awkwardly.


Thursday, September 4, 8:12p.m.

Bonnie brings me to a less crowded space. "We need to talk about you and Sonic," he stated, loud enough so I could hear the music from the speakers. "Okay." He goes on explaining that I ran in with Sonic, despite my hatred with physical touch, like him, I was holding his hand. Not only that, but he claims that he overhead me in my bedroom having fun with fantasy, moaning Sonic's name. "I'm straight though," I tell him. Bonnie stares at me blankly.

"Okay. Let me get this straight. You think you're a heterosexual but you imagined having 'fun' with Sonic, and only ever with Sonic, and you're still convinced you are straight?"

I nod. "Boy, do I have news for you."

Me and Bonnie get into this really deep conversation about how this might affect the friendship between me & Sonic. "What if I keep it secret?"

"If you want him to trust you, I wouldn't be keeping that, of all things, a secret. I'd tell him if I were you." I lean myself against the counter behind me. "Why? If I tell him, I'd be heart-broken," I frown, twisting myself and hitting my head against the wall in frustration.

"If you don't, you might lose your chance."

He's right. He's so damn right. I need to confess. Yet, I don't think I should. I've already made the impression that I don't care about him. "It's too late. I've lost my chance," I sigh. "No. You're not getting what I'm saying." He turns me around in a swift motion and points at Sonic talking to a girl who appears to be flirting with him. Suddenly, I can feel my world spinning out of obit. My head droops as my eyes begin to sting. "Don't be too disappointed. You have a chance now." My gaze adverts from the floor, back to Sonic. I ask Bonnie for permission to leave. "Well... you can make that decision yourself." He pats me awkwardly on the back. "Your asking him The Clash question," a guy next to us chuckles. "Huh?" I ask, confused. "Yeah. 'Should I stay or should I go?' the dude explains. Bonnie rolls his eyes then hints that I should make my move now by looking over at the bar and then back at me. Alright. Here I go.

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