8 I Want to Hit You, but I Won't; Unless You do First

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Thursday, September 4, 8:41p.m.

Shadow goes to talk to Sonic, leaving me with my thoughts. "Hey." Tyler sits next me, stroking my back. "Hi," I sigh. I can tell he knows something is up. "What is it?" he says in a low and calming voice. Instead of explaining what happened, I rest my head on his shoulder. I've never done this before. Knuckles must've really gotten to me. "If you want to talk, we can," he smiles. I mumble, feeling my eyelids shut. "I really need to go--" Tyler pulls me by my collar and connects our lips. It's... rough but tender. The air of the room turns cold when he stops kissing me. "Please don't go."

We sit in silence for 5 minutes, and I still don't feel safe knowing Knuckles is around. I heard what he said in the emergency room. So, I've been avoiding him as best as I can. I'm not usually this worried about this sort of stuff. Or at all. But, despite being stronger, I've been different lately. One moment, I don't need to sleep, then next, I'm passed out on the floor, feeling... drained. This is strange and I hate it. I'm becoming more weak.

"Well, well, well; isn't our favourite bunny?" Knuckles. Tyler squeezes my hands tight as I ball them into fists. "Well, well, well; isn't it our favourite family-less, red asshole," I snarl back. The people around us gasp in amusement. "S-should we go?" Tyler whimpers. "I don't want you getting hurt--" I reassure him I'm fine. Rouge flies over and gets a hold of Knuckle's shoulder. She shakes her head with a frown on her face. "Let this go," she whispers. Knuckle growls before shoving me into the counter. Another gasp from our audience. Once again, that dreaded noise. 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'

"No. I'm not going to. It's a waste of time; just like a watch on a belt," I joke, sarcastically. "Aw, what? You scared? Are you a wuss?" Knuckles taunts. Tyler's grip tightens, shaking with fear. I don't respond. Only giving him a look. "Listen, the last time this happened, I broke your hand. I don't wan't to have to do that again, do I?" Knuckles steps closer, an inferno in his eyes. I put my arm in front of Tyler to ensure his safety. I back away slowly, a burning sensation coursing through my veins. The sound of my leather gloves creaks in my anger. "Don't," Tyler sniffs, tears streaming down his face. I intertwine my fingers with his and push through these fools. "Wow. Chickening out? Loser!~" Those words break the last metaphorical straw.

My eye twitches and my breath sharpens. "Okay, what is your problem?!" I snap. Knuckle's razor teeth show within his stupid grin. "You." My eyes widened and my fist tightened. "How about you address the problem so it can resolved so I don't have to live with the fact you're hunting me down, huh?!" I grit. He ignores my suggestion and decides bullying is the best way to go... Down to the depths of HELL! I crack my Knuckles to prepare to crack his neck. "Since I went first last time, how about you start." I rear my fist back. The tension in the room sky-rockets. However, I stopped. "Just... leave me alone." Everyone, but Tyler, laughs and points at me. I hate being in the centre of attention. I open the door, taking a glance at the oblivious subjects, hatred increasing of the sight of the red echidna.

I made a rule where I only get to strike at someone if they hit me first. Just so I don't get more than half the blame. It's something that has stuck with me the day I lost it. The day I lost me. If I ever broke the rule, major consequences would be headed my way. You know what? Fuck it.

"Oi, hothead!" I yell, re-entering the hall. "Huh?" Everyone is now facing me. I don't even care that I'm being stared at by a bunch of low-level imbeciles. "What?" I straighten my back. "How about I smash you to a fucking oblivion so you can reconnect with your family!"I spit, feeling the corners of my mouth creep up. It's good to get my anger out. I've been storing this for years. "Bon--" I turn to give Tyler the 'don't interfere' look before reverting my attention back to the red head. "Has anyone told you to look in a mirror?" he attempts to be intimidating. "Has anyone told you that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be as good as me."

I take a step towards him.

"Well, umm... you are the reason why your species are extinct. Mine went to war to protect me."

Another step.

"You are the sole reason why we, as a society, fail as a whole."

Another step.

"You are a faggot."

A step back.

"What? No, what?!"

Another step back.

"Yeah. I think your boyfriend is cool and all but you? You're disgusting."

"Oh really? You wouldn't be friends with someone who likes their own sex?"

"Er... no?"

A step forward.

"Then what do you think Silver and the other dude were doing in the bathroom together when they left, snogging?"

Another step forward.


"How about the gay tutor you drool over? Or-or the fact that Rouge also likes women? Or the fact you're friends with someone who's screwing a DUDE?"

Another step.


"You wanna piece of me? Then come FUCKING GET IT!"

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