17 Right over my head

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Saturday, October 8, 6:50a.m.

Do I? No. That'll make him uncomfortable. Good chaos, why is this so difficult?! "Huh?" My head whips round. The sight of Eric calms me down. "You've gotta stop doing that," I sigh a shaky breath. "Lemme give the short answer: No," he responds. Should I ask him? No, that will lead to something about sex. I need to sleep. The medication did work, it's just I tend to wake up earlier then most. Sonic should also be sleeping because I didn't hear anything at 6. That's when he regularly wakes up. I want to talk with Bonnie, even though he's not in stable condition. Screw it; I'll ask him anyway. He helped me to speak up to Sonic in the first place. Why couldn't he now? Or is that too much for him? Oh well...

Saturday, October 8, 7:00a.m.

It was raining at about 3am, so the floor downstairs is soaked; apart from the the sections under the decking. The small lanterns dimly reflect off the puddles of water as I make my way over to the emergency room. Midnight-blue reigns the sky above and speckles of light scatter like shattered glass. The chill air brushes through my quills. There is nothing better than the dark time period. My eye rest on the fountain. It's smooth sandstone sparkles with glory while the water trickles down from the second tier. Sigh. This is always a pretty sight to see. "Let's get going," Eric says quietly. Weird, he usually moans on about how he really wants to leave.

Emergency room...

Saturday, October 8, 7:11a.m.


"Hey, Bonnie?" No response. As expected. I open the door to reveal Bonnie not being there. Had he gone back to his dorm? He does tend to hate any medical attention. Or any attention for that matter. Wait. Where  did he go? I peered in and he wasn't there. I ajar the door further, only to be greeted by nothing again. "Is he gone?" Eric says. "Yeah..." I glare at the bed at all the tubes. It looks like they have been forcefully ripped out. I can barely even see the plucked, purple hairs left behind. "What's this?" Eric asks. "What's what?" I turn around to see a note that read:

'12th December, 3:00.'

'Death Date.'

'Death Count: 1260'

What? 'Death Date?' 'Death Count: 1260?' I'm so lost.

"Bonnie?" I call out. Where is he? A sudden shiver travels down my spine, full speed. "Boo." I recognise that voice. "Hey," I say, softly as I can. The shape of his body has morphed in that of something disturbing. "Where were you? Are you okay? What happened?" I ask frantically. Bonnie sighs and straightens his arched back. I hold onto him, keeping his balance. "I was in my apartment, I'm fine and that's beyond what you need to know," he says, letting go of me and limping to his dorm.

"Wait!" I call out in an attempt to stop him. However, he just continues to hobble closer to the door. I run after him, which didn't take too long. "Don't leave hanging! What happened?!" I grab onto his shoulders and shake him violently. He draws another miserable breath. "I passed out."


"Why?" I question. He shuts his eyes tight and whispers something in a different language. His tribe's language. "It's none of your business. Now go away," he speaks in a firm tone of voice. He lightly shoves me out the way and retrieves to his cave of a home, leaving me once again on my own. "That was harsh," Eric states. "Yeah, it really was..."


Saturday, October 8, 7:43a.m.

"What time is it?" I yawn, stretching. I glance over at Shadow's alarm clock. I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and blink a few times. Aw crap! I should've woken up ages ago! So much for my 10 year streak... I sprint out of bed, still half asleep. Zooming around the room, I chuck on some clothes. "Phew, I'm exhausted," I pant. Running out the door, I spot Tyler, frantically breathing and looking back and forth. I walk up to him. "Are you... never mind. Are you looking for someone?" I ask. Sweat drips from his forehead as he stares into my eyes and with a shaky voice, he says, "Where's Stacy?" Huh? Who's Stacy? Oh! Right! Elliot's sister. But why would he be searching for her? What about Bonnie? I hold on to his shoulder and scan the whole place. "Over there," I smile at him. Suddenly, he's on the other side of the decking. "Seems too into her," Devin infers. "Where have you been?" I question him. "You know, the usual," he grins maliciously. Ew.

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