2 Let Me Introduce Myself

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Tuesday, September 3, 12:01 a.m.

It chuckles hysterically before leaning on my desk, getting closer to my face. I move my face away, only for him to get closer. My breathing becomes heavy and I start to shake. "Let me introduce myself," the creature says. "I'm Devin the hormone monster," he grins with glee. "W-What are you doing here?" I stutter, feeling anxious. All of a sudden he disappears. Then, I feel a cold hand on my shoulder. I gasp. My eyes dart around as I realise everyone is staring at me. Put my face in my hands, feeling mortified. "Look what you did!" I hiss at Devin. He just stares at me and smirks. "I didn't do anything," he chuckles.

I can not concentrate with him nagging me every second. He keeps whispering in my ear, inappropriate things that my clean brain tries to avoid. Even though it is a dirty lesson, the things he's saying is making me nauseous. "Can you just shut up?" I ask, feeling annoyed. Devin shakes his head. My eye is twitching out of anger. This is so frustrating!

"Oh, this is the stuff! This is my favourite lesson yet!" Devin exclaims loudly into my ear. I start to fidget with my fingers. Everyone suddenly yells 'ew'. I look up at the screen for the first time in ages to see what this is all about. Devin looks at me. "Sexy, right?" he asks. I don't answer. I just continue to fidget with my fingers. It's getting harder to concentrate with every explicit picture on the big white screen. I can barely look straight. The words coming out of the teacher's mouth are becoming incredibly stranger and weirder for my liking.

All of a sudden, I can feel my groin harden in my trousers. I place my hands over my pants. I look around the room to check if anyone saw. I could hear a small chuckle beside me as I realise Bonnie has been staring at my stiffy. "Stop looking at it!" I half whisper, half shout. Bonnie just rolls his eyes and leans closer to me. "That is one mighty-fine stick you got there," he mocks. "You just have to--" He stops and glares at our bored teacher. Then, he starts moving his fist up and down. After that, he gestures to my boner. "When you're in the bathroom though. You do not want to embarrass yourself." He gives a small reassuring  smile.

After some consideration, I raise my hand. "Hey, teach! Can I quickly use the restroom? It's a little urgent," I ask in an awkward tone. He nods, eyeing me suspiciously.  His narrow peepers follow me around the room as I walk out the door slowly. Once I close the door, I take a deep breath and sprint down the hallway. I can see the mens' restroom not so far down the hall. My red power sneakers screech when I skid to a halt. I feel my 'Willy Wonker' swaying a bit in my underwear (not that you needed to know) as I ajar the door. It's... decent to say the least. It's a compacted room. Lots of spray-paint cans on the floor. I count and there's 14 of them. Manly black, purple, blue, pink and yellow cans. The tiles seem to be made of a diorite sort of material. There's definitely a white colour theme around here.

I push open the stall and unbuckle my belt. I undo my zip, pull down my denim jeans and sit down.  (Yes, we wear clothes because If we didn't, I don't think anyone wouldn't feel comfortable.) I stare at my erection. With some hesitation, I move my hand towards my genitals and coiled my nervous fingers around it. Suddenly, Devin reappears. "So," he starts. "You're giving the good old 'jerkin' the gherkin' a go," he says. I glare at him blankly. "You know... giving yourself 'a hand'?" he elaborates. I am even more lost than I was before. "You know... masterb--" "I get it, I get it!" I interrupt him.

I can feel all kinds of emotions swirling through my head. "Do I do it? I mean... I think that's how you get rid of it. Is there another way?" I think to myself. I have my phone so I'll do some research. Turns out, this is my best option. "Okay. How do you..." I glance at my penis. He looks at me with a grin. "So, you wanna polish the banister?" he exclaims joyfully. "Er--" "Shaking hands with the milkman? Stroking the cat?" he continues. "Please stop," I plead. "Come on; one more! Please?" Devin begs, with puppy eyes. "Sigh." His face lights up. "Playing 5-on-1?" he laughs, hysterically. "Why," I groan. "'Cause I can," he simply says. "Listen, just tell me and stop joking around." He whispers something under his breath. I can't hear exactly what he says but I think he was saying 'party pooper'.

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