11 Something Fishy is Going on

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Friday, September 5, 8:48a.m.

"We're gonna be late; come on!" I call out for Blaze. Of course she is in the toilet when we need to go to class. "Just give me a minute!" she says, followed by a sound known by any women. I tell her I'm going to wait outside and she responds with, "Okay!"

As I leave for my lesson, I see Shadow being suspiciously friendly to Sonic. He was opening the door for him and even laughing. "Oh, hey Rouge!" Sonic grins at me. My face is not responding to his smile. "Morning," Shadow waves. What is going on? I'll leave it for now but I'm keeping a close eye on them. The sound of another door opening makes my ears perk up. It makes a tiny slit of seeing space through the crack. Then, it shuts. "I'm ready," Blaze says behind me. I don't take my eyes off the door. "Okay, let's go."

During the lesson...

Friday, September 5, 9:03a.m.

During the lesson, I sit near the two boys who are acting real friendly together. They're giggling, touching, but not in the pleasurable way, and chatting. A lot. It would make sense if Shadow apologised for being an asshole and wanted to make up for their fights. But that can't be it, can it? I turn to Tyler and Bonnie. They are holding hands and resting their heads on each other. "Cute," I squeal. Okay, focus Rouge! I look for any other people who look like a couple. In front of me is a sheep girl being handsy to a tiger boy. Let's just say he's gonna eat her in a different way. Somehow, no one even notices her hand down his pants; or the sound of his chair squeaking. Gross, but hot. I glance back at Sonic and Shadow. Shadow is blushing like crazy while Sonic whispers something in his ear. He covers his face with embarrassment and hits Sonic on the leg. Sonic smirks, looking back at the professor. Something fishy is going on.

Friday, September 5, 10:15a.m.

"Hey, Blaze?" I ask as we head to our next class. "Mmm-hmm?" I check to see if anyone is listening in. "Have you notice Shadow being a tad bit strange?" She wanders off in her brain then gets back to me. "Yeah; why?" I explain that he was being awfully nice to Sonic. "Maybe they're in love~" she jokes. She could actually be right. But Sonic is the sort of friend you have benefits with while Shadow is more disgusted by romance. This is super weird. Amy and Sonic are in my next class so I might get indicators that Sonic is repellent of women.

Sitting down, I sneakily glance at the hedgehogs. Amy isn't as clingy to Sonic as she used to be but she still sat next to him. She is talking to him. No, no, no... at him. Sonic is concentrating on the professor rather than the chick next to him. The whole group used to think Sonic was ace or asexual but now, I'm having sufficient doubts. I'm debating whether I should go sit with them or keep my distance before I hear my name being whispered. My head spins round, only to find Tyler. "Oh, hey!" I whisper back. His face looks flush from crying. "What's wrong?" His hands are shaking violently and his eyes are bloodshot. "I-I...I..." he trembles. His breath is strained and he's gasping for air. "Do you need something? I-I can get a teacher for you" Before he could continue his sentence, he stops moving. Completely.

'THUD!' Tyler passes out, collapsing onto the floor. Suddenly the door bursts open. It's Bonnie. He's actually come out of his apartment. He rushes over to Tyler and lifts him into his arms. "What's wrong with him?" I asks. "He didn't tell me what had happened before-hand but he has asthma." Didn't know that. I wonder if he'll recover. In a flash, Bonnie bolts through the exit, revealing the president of the College. "A moment with me, Mr. Cola," he says. Every student seems baffled towards the situation. As am I. In the time we have, I'm visiting Knuckles. All of a sudden, I see a blue blur speed pass me. It's Sonic. He must be worried about Bonnie and Tyler.


Friday, September 5, 1:18p.m.

After my last class for this morning, I stroll to the lunch hall. I show up a little later than the others and notice Tyler at the table with Amy, Blaze, Silver, Mephiles, Sonic and Shadow. "You feeling okay now?" I ask Tyler as I sit next to him. "Mmm-hmm. Bonnie is hunting the people who took my inhaler." I'd do the same to those guys as Bonnie is. He's a good boyfriend. I glance at Sonic and Shadow. They're doing what they did 3 lessons ago. However, they're speaking a different language. Spanish, I believe. "Cuando nos vayamos, ¿quieres que te eche una 'mano'?" Sonic smirks. "Me gustaria eso," Shadow responds. I learnt a little Spanish but they speak very fluently. The only other language I can speak is French. So, that doesn't help.

Eating in silence, I check my phone. Nothing. Just an instagram text from that asshole who encouraged Knuckles and Bonnie to fight. Harry. "Hey, I have a question," Silver asks. We all turn to face him. "You know how your boyfriend--" He gestures to Tyler. "--has hurt people?" Everyone nods. "Then how does he not get in trouble?" He makes a good point. He beat up my Knuckles, which to be honest, he deserved, and got away with it. "The teachers are afraid of him," Tyler mutters. "Have you checked on Knuckles yet?" Amy asks, changing the subject. I reassure her he's fine and breathing. His hand has healed. Not completely. In our world, we heal quickly, so, if you want to have a scar, you have to get one when you're young. A broken hand usually takes a week or two to fix-up.

"You're welcome." Bonnie stands with his arms crossed, blood on his white gloves. "God," Blaze gasps. "Don't worry; it's not mine." He walks over to Sonic and begins to talk in... er-- I don't know; some foreign language. "Når du har hjulpet ham, kan du så komme med mig?" He says. Sonic blushes then gives him a thumbs up with a strange smile. My gut is telling me something is going on between those guys. Talking in a different language so we can't butt in? Not something they do often. I've heard Sonic speaking to Bonnie in... that language but never in Spanish. Something fishy is definitely going on.

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