12 The Theory of Mind-Control

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Friday, September 5, 1:33p.m.

Sonic pinches my thigh, signaling that he's leaving. I'm leaving in a few minutes because then nothing would look suspicious. "Right, I'm going to the bathroom. See yah!" After he rushes out the dining hall, Rouge sits next to me. "So~" she starts. "You and Sonic, aye? You two seem like good friends, am I right?" She doesn't know, right? I mean, why would she? Me and Sonic agreed that we date for a week, or rather, have benefits with one another but keep it a low profile. "Yeah. I realise that acting like I haven't missed him for years isn't good for my mental health." I say, praying that she'll stop.

Rouge has alway been suspicious of our friend group liking each other. She's been right about most of them and she's definitely onto us. I nudge Bonnie in shoulder (he's on my left) and ask him to distract Rouge for me. "Можешь отвлечь для меня Руж? Она меня раздражает." Me, Sonic and Bonnie speak different languages in case someone tries to eavesdrop on us.

(Here's a list to remember:

Sonic & Shadow - Spanish | Shadow & Bonnie - Russian | Sonic & Bonnie - Danish | All - German)

I think Sonic might have told him about us but Bonnie's trustworthy so we don't have to worry. However, I don't know if he's been told. "Hey, Rouge," he taps her. "I've got what you call 'tea'?" She gasps as her eyes light up. "Oh my god, spill!" I stand up and leave the table.

Slipping out the door, I sprint to the toilet. As I stumble into the bathroom, I--wow. This is not as big as I was expecting. (That's what she said--) "Sonic?" I whisper. "Middle one," I hear him respond. I open the door and find him there. "You came here quickly. Eager, are you?" I pull him into a rough kiss. "Yeah, well, Rouge wouldn't--leave me alone--so--I had Bonnie--deal with that" I explain between kisses. "Nice~" He pins me against the stall door, his tongue down my throat. "Mmm~" I moan. "Let's take the pants off you, shall we?"

His hand travels down my pants, finding the waistband of my boxes. My dick begins to harden as he strokes it slowly. He unbuckles my trousers, making it fall to my ankles. My cock is now fully erect. "Three... and a half. Not bad~" he teased. "Right; 'cause your's is longer-- ah~ t-than mine." I shimmy my underwear down to join my pants. "Four and a half; slightly bigger than yours," he grins, biting my lip. He runs his finger from my chest to my pelvis. I whimper, my face growing hotter by the second. He coil his digits around my boner. "How rough do you like it?~" he says, reminding me of when Eric did... Well, y'know? I'll try not too rough to begin with. "Natural... speed?" God, I sound stupid. "Gotcha."


Friday, September 5, 1:33p.m.

"I'm going back to the dormitory," Bonnie stands up, ready to go. "No, stay here," I pout. He hasn't been out of his room since we erm... made-out. He sighs and ruffles my hair. Well that's new. "You'll know where I'll be if you need me." As he leaves, I avert my gaze at Rouge. I fiddle with my fingers. "So, umm... how's your boyfriend?" She chokes on her drink while Silver and Amy giggle. My face shows how confused I am. What was wrong with the question? "Darling, we're not together; especially after what he's done." Amy and Silver continue to snicker before Rouge bonks Silver on the head. "Ow! Hit Amy; she started it!" Rouge rolls her eyes and turns back to me. "You can come with me if you want to know how he's doing." I tell her 'sure,' and I say bye to the others. "Nice meeting you guys, properly!" I wave to them. They return the gesture.

On the way there, we pass mine and Bonnie's apartment. There is a loud clanking noise, followed by a sound; somewhat of a jackhammer. The small gap between the door and frame flickers with a blue flare. Its screams get louder as we approach the source of the sound. I halt to a stop and stare into the azure abyss. "Should we check on him? Knuckles can wait." Rouge walks over to me. "Yeah. Let's do that." I twist the handle left, like Bonnie showed me, and ajar the door, peeking inside. It looks like he's building something. But what is it?

"Bonnie?" I say, loudly over the noise. He must've not not heard me. "Bonnie!" I shout. He continues. "Bonnie!" I scream. He pauses and turns around. Taking off his eye-wear and fixing his hair. "What do you want?" he snarls. I glance at Rogue then back at Bonnie. He needs to get out of his room. He's been working non-stop. "I know you may not want to but--" 

"You want me to see Knuckles?" he cuts me off. Wait, how'd he know? "Umm... y-yes." Bonnie sighs before putting his machine down. He walks over to me and hugs me. He's hugging me? Oh my god; he's hugging me! Okay, okay. Calm down Tyler. A smile spreads across my face with happiness. I giggle a bit when he whispers in my ear. "The rivalry between me and that red dickhead is actually necessary. I'll see you at dinner." And with that, he backs away. "I'll definitely see you later then?" I ask. He nods with a thumbs up. "Okay, b-bye." Just as me and Rogue leave, I hear Bonnie mutter something under his breath, "Mind-control only work if we all like each other, dipshit." What's he on about? He still thinks this college is a phoney? God, why did I like him? Oh, I know why. He's good in bed~  A-anyway, me and Rogue go to the Emergency room.

Rouge takes a seat by his side and kisses his hand. "So, why are the teachers afraid of Bonnie?" she questions me. "He says they know he's figured out the truth. So, he's blackmailing them." Silence falls over us as we sit, awkwardly staring at Knuckles. "Umm... Bonnie says he's g-gonna-gonna wake up tomorrow," I stutter. She smiles softly at Knuckle then leans in to peck his forehead. "That's good to know," she whispers.

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