7 The Good Kind of Interruptions

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Thursday, September 4, 8:41p.m.

I feel my whole body slow down. The closer I get to him, the less I move. My brain is saying I should leave yet my heart is saying I have to talk to him. And Bonnie is saying I need to get my shit together and stop being a quivering pussy. "So... what are you gonna do when you get there?" Eric walks backwards in front of me. "I'm going to apologise for earlier and tell him the truth about actually missing him," I respond. "Good luck," he smirks. When he leaves, Sonic is right behind him.

"Oh. Hey Shads," Sonic looks up at me. "Hey... Listen. Sorry about being a total dick earlier. I was just... a little surprised, that was all," I explain. "Don't worry; I forgave you almost five hours ago," he smiles as I sit on the bar stool on his left. We chat for a while before Eric comes back, breathless. "What happened to you?" I ask, laughing a bit. "A girl *wheeze* just flashed me *wheeze*, and I think she can see me!" I ignore him as I begin to have some courage to ask to speak with him.

Another few minutes go by and I am fully ready to ask now. "S-Sonic?" I cough. Come on, shadow! This is bullshit! The words are at the tip of your tongue and pressed against my lips. "Mmm?" he hums. "I need to admit something." Okay, good start. "Sure. What is it?" He turns his body so he's now completely facing me. Peeling my eyes off the floor, I gaze at the door we came through. His brain clocks and questions if I am okay. "I'm alright," I answer, getting off my stool. 

I weave through the crowd; as does he, inching closer to the exit. When we make it there, I drag  him out into the hallway. "What did yah want to tell me?" I breathe, attempting to calm my nerves. I've never really ever had these feelings before. This is all so... new to me. "You know when I went into your room at midnight by accident?" He nods. "Umm--" I run my hands through my quills as I struggle with my words. "I-I, umm, I was so shocked it was you that had to contain my, er, happiness that I felt finally seeing you again. I never meant to snap," I stutter. I stare at his face, trying to make sense of his expression. Unexpectedly, he pulls me in for a tender hug. "Aw~ Shadow missed me~" he teases. "S-shut up," I growl. He giggles as he backs away slowly. I already wish his hands were still on me.

With one shaky breath, I look anywhere but him. Suddenly, I'm pulled closer, my face centimetres away from Sonic's. "What are you doing?" I can't move. All I can do is stare into his eyes whilst being nervous. He hesitantly leans in to close the gap between our lips when the door swings open. Some wasted jackass stumbles across the corridor and makes a right. "That man is gonna wake up with a serious hangover if he doesn't--" He cuts me off, cups my cheeks and roughly kisses me. This is unreal. Once labeled his rival and now he's kissing me. He pins me up against the wall and bites my neck. "Ah~" I whimper. "That's what you wanted. Thank me," Eric appears behind Sonic. "T-Thanks," I wince from the hickeys Sonic's giving me. 

Thursday, September 4, 8:46p.m.

It's been a while since I've actually had pleasure with someone I knew. Amy kissed me, thinking I was Sonic, when we were all younger. Now, Sonic's making out with me. We both pull away, panting. "Are we gonna take this any further?" he leans his head against mine, breathless. My head can't comprehend the thought of having sex after only a few days of meeting him again. "Umm, well... Do you want to take this further?" He grins an evil smirk and licks his lips. "Like I would refuse that." Oh boy...

We end up running back to our dorm; like we did on the way to the sports hall together. When we get there, he shoves me into the door, biting my lip, hungrily. My hand fumbles for the handle and we fall onto the couch. The lights are dimly lit and the atmosphere is just right."Quite submissive for the 'Ultimate Life Form', aren't yah?" Eric laughs. I groan with a mixture of annoyance and pleasure. "Don't ruin this moment for me!" I hiss at him. "Why are you even here?" He shrugs before wiggling his fingers about. "I'm just here to move the moment." And with that, he was gone. Then, I realise I have a different kind of bone.

"Aw, crap," I mutter. Sonic looks at it then back at me. "Ooh~ This'll be something to fill me up with," he suggests, letting his hand roam around the waistband of my boxers. My face is flush and sweaty. "Y-yeah," I stutter. Not even a second later, I'm hauled up from the sofa and drags me to his bedroom. This is really happening. I'm going to be screwed by Sonic The Hedgehog. I swear this is the best day of my life. So far, anyway. Welp, let's just hope this goes well...

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