16 Lucky

22 3 0


Friday, October 7, 2:14p.m.

Le français est super ennuyeux. I much rather be with Sonic right now. Actually, I want to be with him all of the time. Ever since my brain has caught up with heart, there has been urges to kiss him every time I see him. He's mon amour. I want him in this very moment to burst through the door and drag me away. Though, he doesn't. Disappointed, I reach for my turquoise water bottle and chug half the cold liquid. Eric is all I see in my peripheral vision. All of a sudden, he appears behind the seat that's in front of me and leaning on the chair. "If you two got married, and had children, one boy and one girl, what would you name them?" WHAT!? I spit my water out. "I'm just askin'. Don't need to spay me," he wipes himself dry and frowns. I apologise to him over and over again but I eventually give up. 

Saturday, October 8, 3:45p.m.

Help. I've been enclosed in a place with dumb, sweaty teens to learn French. How did they even get into college? You can only get in if you performances at High School were impeccable. I'm next to Rouge, who's nailing every pronunciation. I'm pretty sure Sonic can speak fluent in 7 languages. French, Danish, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Russian, excluding English. He also know British and American sign language. However, I don't know if that counts. I'mma say it does. He now knows 9 languages. God, he's so talented. I basically envy him. 

Friday, October 7, 4:18p.m.

I had to stay for a bit because the fucking teachers decided to escort us 'row by row'. What the chaos?! Anyway, I had to leave almost last as I kept getting pushed by the other dickheads. When the crowd clears, I catch a glimpse of something blue. Wait. I stop where I saw it. "Hi~" Immediately, I pull him into a tight hug. Sonic giggles through my shoulder. "What was that for?" he says, muffled. I mumble happily, finally seeing him again is sending my heart into a storm of positivity. "No reason."

Walking to the next lesson, I'm buzzing as Sonic is going to be there too! That's the best part of the day. Watching his cute, concentrating face and his ability to do anything he puts his mind to. "Ooh, we have science," Sonic smiles at me. He's so adorable. Just as we reach the door, I quickly check if anyones there. Sonic tilts his head the side, clearly confused "What's wrong--" A strong urge falls over me. I take him in my arms and I kiss him. It lasted as long as we could hold our breaths for. "What was that for?" he asks again, grinning. I shake my head, chuckling softly. We enter the class, secretly, hand in hand. That takes me back to what Eric was asking me. 

I'd say, if me and Sonic got married and had children, if the child was a boy, Rei. Don't judge me okay! It was the first that came to mind. Also, I could imagine him pretty vividly. But, if it was a girl, I'd name her Sasha. Now, that  I know for sure would be a good name for our daughter. God, why am I even thinking about that? Good chaos... 


Friday, October 7, 4:31p.m.

What's the longest time you have gone without sleeping? A day? Two days? Five days? Try two weeks! My body aches all over and I can't feel anything down my lower half. My brain is buzzing and my eyes are numb. My mouth is dry and my hearing aid has run out of battery. For the second time. I've grown weaker ever since the last time I fell unconscious. When you are unconscious, the only things you can do is have a sense of appending doom and awareness. You can not hear but feel the movement of others and touch the sense of appending doom. It is truly a strange sensation to go through. Once you wake up, pained blood travels to your head and makes you top-heavy. 

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