Chapter One: Elite Bot Builders

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"(Y/N)!" a cheery voice called.

You looked up immediately to see your best friend, (F/N), hurrying towards you. You grinned and waved. "Hi!"

"Where do you want to go today?" (F/N) asked enthusiastically. "I heard there's a new candy store a few blocks away."

You smiled sheepishly. "I don't have money." Typical, broke me.

(F/N) handed you a five-dollar bill. You gawked at her. "You can pay me back when you're really rich and I'm that hobo down the street asking for a nickel," she said, pressing the money into your hand.

You laughed. "Alright. Thanks!"

* * *

"(F/N), I'm tired!" you complained, hurrying to keep up. She had insisted to race, even though you didn't even know where this candy shop was. You dodged pedestrians and turned a corner to see (F/N) standing in front of a huge truck.

"What's this?" you asked, approaching her.

(F/N) turned to you with an excited smile. "The Elite Bot Builders! I love robots! Let's go say hi!"

"Oh. Um. . . " You didn't want to say it. It was a total childish fear that you weren't proud of. You didn't like robots. At all. They're like zombies. "What's an Elite Bot Builder?" you asked, trying to stall by sounding dumb.

"Are you kidding?! They're the best robot builders in the entire universe! They can make a robot look totally human. They helped us a lot with their lifelike robots!" (F/N) chattered. "Like getting data from criminals without hurting anyone!"

Lifelike robots? Your stomach churned. "You must really like robots," you murmured, your mouth dry.

"You bet! Let's go!" She ran up the ramp leading into the huge truck.

"W. . . wait. . . (F/N)!" you called feebly. You peered into the truck to see (F/N) gazing at the rows and rows of lifeless robots. One sprang to life, holding out a hand to shake. (F/N) laughed and shook its hand.

Every cell in your body wanted to run away, but you stayed still. Just going to make sure (F/N) doesn't get devoured by robots. Even though the thought was stupid, you obeyed it.

"FN - 2614!" a voice called. (F/N) looked up to see a man and a skinny lady. They both wore Aegean blue t-shirts.

"Hi!" (F/N) called joyfully, hurrying over. "I was wondering what you were doing in town."

Huh? How does (F/N) know these guys? And why did they call her FN - something something something? 

The man took her arm, rolled up her jacket sleeve, and examined her arm. "You're getting a little rusty, FN - 2614."

"I like (F/N) better," your friend corrected. "Anyway, is it okay if you fix it? I could barely play basketball yesterday."

Your head was spinning. Fix her arm? What?? You wanted to call out to (F/N), but your mouth was completely dry.

The man shook his head in disappointment. "We're still unloading. The last town didn't like us very much, so we're going to settle down here."

"You can come back later," the lady beside him chirped. "We'll be done by then, hopefully."

Settle down? That's one of the worst possible things I can imagine. You crept away from the truck, hearing (F/N) say "Okay!" quite cheerfully.

"I don't think your neck screw is going to stay on for any longer," the man's voice said, concerned. "Here you go." You could hear a small metallic noise clinking against something.

A moment later, your friend reappeared. "(Y/N)! There you are? Why didn't you come in with me?"

"I don't know," you murmured, head spinning. I won't question her about it. Not now.

(F/N) suddenly looked nervous. "Hey, I need to use the bathroom. Be right back, okay?" She bolted off to the nearest shop.

"(F/N)! Wait!" you called. It wasn't like her to be so nervous and jumpy, so you went after her.

You pushed open the heavy door, stepping into the women's restroom. You had finally located (F/N) in a restroom at the back of a small cafe.

A relaxed sigh came from one of the stalls, and a squeaking noise made you freeze. Something small dropped to the floor, making a clinking noise. Then, a large item rolled out from under the door, and your eyes widened.

"(F-F/N)?" you whispered. It was your friend's head. Where the neck was supposed to be, there was a tangle of wires, sparking at the ends. (F/N)'s face was lifeless. There wasn't even any blood.

You approached the head, horrified. "(F/N)!" A piece of skin peeled off her face, revealing a grey surface underneath. Metal.

You swallowed back a scream. Those bot builders must have exchanged her for a robot or something! The real (F/N) must be in the truck right now.

But you were terrified. You ran out of the restrooms, passing an employee with short brown hair and a kind face. She stopped, then set down the plate she was holding. "Are you okay?"

You nodded quickly, then hurried past the little lucky cat statue. You barged out of the little corner restaurant, then hurried back to the elite bot builders' truck.

* * *



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