Chapter Ten: Stalking Him

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You flashed a fake, sarcastic smile. "Oh, just looking for the restroom."

Tadashi gave you a look. "It's downstairs."

You stretched your grin. "Oh, thanks. By the way, do you have your Band-Aid chucker around here by any chance?"

"Excuse me?" Tadashi cocked an eyebrow.

"Nothing! Bye!" You walked back to the stairs. Well, that worked out great. When you got back to your table, you noticed your food had arrived - except your plate was half empty.

Emil noticed your confusion. "Oops! Gomen'nasai, (Y/N)-chan. Allen was hungry, and he didn't think you would mind."

Allen stiffened. "Hey, you took most of it!"

"You took the best part, you buta!"

You ignored the quarrel, since your eyes were trained on the stairs. Of course Tadoozy had to come at that moment and interrupt your investigation. "So he does live here," you mused, not realizing you said it out loud and the two boys were gawking at you. 

"What was that?" Allen said in mock surprise. "Who lives where?"

"Nothing," you said hastily. "I was talking to myself. Idiot."

Allen leaned closer, waggling his eyebrows. "'Cause y'know, Tadashi lives here."

You gave him a bored look. "What are you trying to imply."

"Are you stalking him?"

The very thought sent your mind whirling. "What? What do you mean?"

"Ooooh," Allen snickered. "Real smooth, (Y/N)."

You finally realized what he was talking about. "What? Are you stupid? I'm just looking for his robot! Remember the science fair? You probably don't, because you're such a moron." You regretted talking in a rush, because Allen's grin spread wider across his face.

"That's okay, (Y/N)," Allen crooned. "I'll help you get together with him. In fact, I'm glad you got over your phase of getting revenge on people." He patted your hand knowingly.

You gritted your teeth, facepalming. "You're just jumping to conclusions."

"Hey, now, don't worry," Allen replied. "I'm great at getting people together. Just wait, Tadashi's gonna come in, sweep you off your feet, and-"

You quickly put your hands over Emil's ears. "Don't corrupt the poor child!"

"Huh? Nani?" Emil looked around, confused.

Allen made a tsking noise. "You need to accept the fact that you've totally fallen for this guy-" He stopped immediately when he saw the brilliant blazing in your (E/C) eyes. "Whoa there, dudette, I didn't-"

Your mouth twitched into a sadistic grin. "If we weren't in a restaurant, you'd probably have nine broken bones by now." You were joking, but Allen huffed in defeat and turned back to his drink. 

"(Y/N)-chan, you sneaked into Tadashi-san's home?" Emil asked.

"No. Forget it."

"But Allen just said-"

You picked up your water glass. "I said forget it."

Emil obeyed. Silence fell over the table, but you were silently fuming. You couldn't even execute your plan, and now your friends had the wrong idea about everything.

Wait. . . friends?

You pondered the subject. Were they your friends? You had kind of told yourself not to befriend anyone, but Emil and Allen were basically your friends.

Very annoying friends, but friends nonetheless.

You didn't know whether to be disgusted by the thought of calling them your friends, or grateful they decided to stick with your sour personality for so long. 

Why do they hang out with me anyway? I thought I made it obvious I don't enjoy their presence. But you didn't say your thoughts. It seemed blunt and random.

Looking up at the two boys, you felt a prickle of annoyance. If they wanted you to hang out with them, they could have at least respected the fact you didn't like them talking to you twenty-four seven. 

"(Y/N)-chan?" Emil asked, looking over. 

You stood up, completely confused and irritated. "What?"

Allen scoffed. "Hope you're over it. I didn't even mean it."

You stiffly turned away. "Well, I'm leaving. You guys ate everything, so I'll leave the bill to you." Then you left. 

* * *

Fun Fact: Emil is adopted. Then his adoptive parents divorced.

Fun Fact 2: Allen's childhood friend was Katsu until Katsu left him. REMEMBER KATSU FROM THE FIRST SERIES HAHAHA. 

Dude guys I started watching Free! because I remember someone recommending it to me but I can't find that person in my inbox. Anyways, you were right, this show is excellent.


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