Chapter Eleven: ADifferentAngle

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"(Y/N), your father and I are going to that party now," you heard your mother say outside your bedroom door. "Don't stay up too late, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," you replied.

The door cracked open and your mom peeked in, her face glowing with makeup. "Why, you don't even have the lights turned on!" 

You were sitting in your dark room, hunched over your keyboard as you typed away. The only light came from your screen and the gleaming moon outside.

"If you get hungry, there's stuff in the fridge, okay?"

You nodded, and she left. A minute later, you heard the car back out of the driveway and leave. You were on a virtual roleplaying game, (Random Game Name), and your character was leveling up its combat. On the screen, you were alone, killing zombies, until another character came on. They had the default clothes and weapons - someone new. 

White words appeared above the other character's head. "Hi."

Sighing, you paused in your zombie slaying and typed in a short response. "Hello."

The other character began to train alongside you. "How are you?" 

You checked the player's username. 'ADifferentAngle.' What was that supposed to mean? "I don't know."

"What's that supposed to mean?" ADifferentAngle stole your zombie and killed it. 

Irritated, you were about to change servers when you realized what this person's username meant. When you looked at the character, you were looking at a different angle. How clever. 

"I guess I'm both good and bad," you replied. 

"You can tell me what's wrong. My brother tells me I'm good at solving problems." 

You typed in, 'I don't feel like spilling my feelings to an online stranger.' Then you erased it. After all, this was just another player online. As long as you didn't reveal names, you could just rant and then never see ADifferentAngle again. "Okay, then.

So basically there's this guy I don't really like, yet my two friends are completely taking it the wrong way and teasing me about it. I mean, this guy. . . he makes me feel like poop." 

ADifferentAngle replied immediately. "I know how you feel."


"I know a person like that. She always picks on me because I got what she didn't. It's kind of annoying."

You felt a prickle of sympathy for ADifferentAngle. "I guess we all have people like that in our lives." You smiled slightly when you finally leveled up. "Anyways, this guy kind of freaks me out. Even though he's supposedly really nice according to other people, he guess he hates me and only me."

ADifferentAngle leveled up as well, little fireworks appearing over the character's head. "Same for me. The girl I was talking about can be sour, but she's really ticked off whenever I'm in a one mile radius."

A box popped up on the screen, notifying you ADifferentAngle sent you a friend request. You accepted it and typed in, "You should tell her whatever she lost isn't such a big deal."

"Well . . . it kind of was."

"Really? What was it?"

"It was for me, anyway. And her. I don't think anyone else took it seriously. It was a contest thing. See who had the best item. That stuff."

"Oh. So you two are nerds?"

"According to my brother, I'm a major nerd. So I guess," ADifferentAngle responded. You chuckled to yourself. 

ADifferentAngle continued. "So I should just talk to her, huh? That won't be very easy. She doesn't talk to me. When she does, she pretends to act all sweet." 

Wow. You wish you could meet this girl and tell her to stop being such a sore loser. "Doesn't hurt to try." 

"Alright! I'll do that! It's getting late where I live, so I'll see you later!" 

"Same. Bye." You logged out quickly, and shut off your computer. I should follow my own advice, I guess. I should try talking to Tadashi about this. You got ready for bed, thinking about what you should say to Tadashi. 

Nah. That takes too much effort. And I'll probably look dumb. And Allen will take it the wrong way, again. Another thought flashed through your mind. 

Doesn't hurt to try.

* * *

I'm so proud of myself for thinking of that username it's so clever hahaha

Fun Fact: Emil has a Pikachu collection.


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