Chapter Twenty-Six: Tadashi is Here

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You plopped down at your desk, scanning the notepad. You were alone at home, and everyone else was out having some happy reunion. You had decided not to join. 

I don't get it. . . You frowned and leaned back in your chair, absentmindedly tapping a pen against the edge of the desk. The information Hoshi provided was very little, and you couldn't get anything significant out of it.

"Michiko wasn't around much after my parents divorced," she had said. "She just left my dad and me. My dad was, um, not around much either. . . I'd rather not talk about it. Anyway, my situation was similar to (O/Y/N)'s, I guess. When Michiko came back with a new man, she just took me back from my dad. My dad didn't care either way."

You ran your fingers through your hair. Hoshi had told you about how Michiko had told her in advance how they were moving. 

"What! So that's why you weren't surprised!" (O/Y/N) had exclaimed. "It's like everyone's keeping the secret away from me. . . !"

If that's it, then I guess Michiko is next. You threw the papers back onto the desk and looked around your bedroom. Hiro's and (O/Y/N)'s stuff was scattered around the room. Baymax's box sat at the food of the bed. 

Out of curiosity, you went to examine it. Now, you wouldn't activate it, or else you would be trapped in your home with a robot. Shudder. Carefully, you walked over and ran a hand over the box. It was a cute little button on the side. 

Baymax was nice, but you weren't going to bring him out when you didn't know how to shove him back into the charging station. Turning around, you left the room, and suddenly, a dull pain shot through your foot.

Letting out a screech, you fell onto your butt and reached for your stubbed pinky toe. I'm sorry, toe, you thought miserably. You always get smashed into things. 

You got up and turned for the door again, but instead of the doorknob, your hand landed against a squishy surface. 

"Hello. . . I am Baymax," the robot greeted in a computerized voice. "I have heard a sound of pain and dist-"

You let out another scream, jumping a few feet back. After a few moments, you glared at Baymax. "Get back into your charging station!"

"Does your toe hurt?" Baymax inquired, pointing at your foot. 

You deadpanned at being ignored. "It's numb, but it's okay. In you go." You pointed at the now-open box. Baymax disregarded your command and went to look at pictures you hung up, scanning the faces with his scanner. 

Sighing, you decided to let him be and sat back down at the desk. After a few moments of comfortable silence, a loud thunk was heard and startled you. "Baymax, what did you do?" you asked, turning around. 

Baymax had pulled an entire drawer filled with photographs out of a dresser, and several photos fluttered to the floor. You groaned. 

The white robot stared at the drawer in his arms. "I have made a mess," he said, as if it wasn't obvious enough already.

"Yeah, you definitely did," you snapped, getting up and walking over to scoop up the pictures. Many of them were from years ago; you just stashed them in a drawer because you felt as if they were unimportant. You picked up a photo and turned it over to see a picture of you and Tadashi, in line at a rollercoaster. You huffed and tossed it aside, and picked up another. You and Tadashi about to share a huge cone of cotton candy.

Oh, right. You and Tadashi had several memories together. Who cares? Baymax looked over your shoulder and scanned the photo. "Tadashi Hamada - deceased," he intoned.

"Thanks for the reminder," you muttered.

"I am sorry. Tadashi is here," Baymax backtracked. You looked up, jaw dropping. Did Baymax know Tadashi was alive? 

Baymax's stomach flickered to life, showing a screen. You peered at it, confused. "Baymax, what are you-" Someone stepped into the screen. You stiffened. 

It was Tadashi.

* * *

I'm so sorry for the messy/short chapter. ;-; 

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