Chapter Four: Science Fair

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Five Years Later

"Good job, (Y/N)," your teacher praised. You nodded stiffly, not saying anything.

The other teachers examined your science fair project, whispering things and scribbling on their clipboards. You were standing behind the little table, hands behind your back. Even though you looked calm and collected, your stomach was doing back flips.

"Thank you, (Y/N)," one of the teachers said, then moved on.

"Hey, (Y/N), loosen up," a voice said beside you. You looked over blankly to see your classmate, Emil, grinning at your behavior. "This is just a middle school science fair," he said. "No need to be all stiff."

You snorted and turned back to your project. "Well, I don't know about you, but I want to look professional."

"No offense, (Y/N), but you look like a soldier."

"What's wrong with that?" you inquired coldly. You didn't mean to sound rude; it was just part of your personality. You didn't want to get another friend falling apart, revealing they were a robot, so you didn't really make friends with anyone.

Emil laughed. "You're such a tsundere."

You turned your attention back on your project. "You're such a weeaboo," you replied. The anime-obsessed boy drew back, pretending to be offended.

"Oh, come on, (Y/N), lighten up." Emil adjusted his project, then blinked over at you. "You should try to blend in more with the crowd and make some friends."

"'Blend in?'" you repeated. "Coming from the kid who dyed his hair grey to look like some anime character."

Emil huffed. "Hey, it's cool that I share the same name as APH Iceland, who also has grey hai-"

"Hey, Emil."


"Shut up."

* * *

The blue ribbon.

It was all you wanted.

Well, that and the $100 check for first place. You stared at the silky-looking ribbon on the stage.

You felt something poke your shoulder. Annoyed, you looked over. Emil smiled cheerily at you. "(Y/N), you look like a werewolf when it's a full moon."

"Stop following me." You turned away from the stage and headed across the gym back to your table.

"Aw, come on! I'm just trying to be nice!" Emil followed you, making your mood sink even lower.

"Well, be nice later. They're going to announce the winner soon."

Emil shrugged. "Does it matter, though? You're just going to be considered a nerd if you win."

You glared at him. "Nerds aren't so bad."

"Whatever you say." Emil walked away, heading for his friend's stand. To be honest, Emil and his friend, Allen, were probably the people who were nicest to you. Even though you didn't consider them to be your 'friend,' they always somehow persisted to hang out with you. You usually thought they were annoying, but sometimes it wasn't so bad to have them over for a death match of (Favorite Video Game).

Wait until I get that one hundred dollar check! Mom and Dad will be so proud, they'd take me to (Favorite Restaurant)! The thought warmed you. Although, I don't really like it when the parade around and show me off to other parents.

I guess it's just a parent thing.

"(Y/N)!" Emil's voice cut through your thoughts. You looked over to see Emil and Allen approaching. The judges were almost done examining the projects, and whoever was done with their examination were just milling around.

"Your project was really cool!" Emil enthused. "When you win, you can use the money to buy a cosplay and then we can go to Anime Con together-"

Allen frowned at him. "You're so obsessed with this stuff, man. Soon you'll start calling (Y/N), '(Y/N)-chan.'"

"That's not a bad idea," Emil said thoughtfully.

You coughed. "Sorry, Emil, but I don't plan on using the $100 to cosplay." You brightened. "I'm going to use it to make a new-and-improved version of my project!"

Emil whined. "But-" He was interrupted by the screech of the microphone. Everyone covered their ears, and someone screamed from the back.

"Hello, students," said one of the teachers on the stage, glaring at the person who screamed. "First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for putting so much effort into these projects. I thought all of them were very unique. We wish all of you could get a prize, but. . . " He launched into the cheesy speech about how everyone was awesome and the whole point was to have fun.

Taking this as a sign to tune out, you looked longingly at the ribbon again.

". . . but there has to be a winner," the teacher's voice said. You snapped to attention.

"And that winner is Tadashi Hamada, with his mini healthcare companion!"

* * *

Emil was made in honor of APH Iceland.

I was going to make APH Denmark/America/Prussia but it would not subtle at all.

Mr. Puffin approves.


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