Chapter Sixteen: Breaking the News

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"What?!" Allen exclaimed.

"(Y/N)-chan. . . " Emil said, his face horrified. "Why?"

"I told you. My parents don't want Callaghan to follow me anymore." You bitterly kicked at a rock.

Allen shoved his hands into his pockets. "Man, this totally sucks. I thought we were going to spend the summer all together." He looked over at Emil, who was still standing there. 

"Uh, are you okay?" You frowned at his devastated state.

Emil didn't reply, just stared at his shoes. Allen looked up at you. "Where's Tadashi? Does he know already?"

You looked away. "Yeah. He does."

* * *

You glumly poked at your (Favorite Food). Even though it smelled good, your stomach didn't feel like it. It was awkward since you were sitting alone at the table; Allen was taking a test and Emil was at some club. 

You heard someone sit down in front of you, and you looked up to see Tadashi. "Hello," he said.

Your face hardened. "Hi." When you had logged on to (V/RPG) last night, he had logged out right before you sent your message. What a coward. He didn't even say goodbye. 

Tadashi sighed. "If you're using that face on me, I assume your parents told you?"

"You bet they did." 

"Look, I wasn't trying to get you out of San Fransokyo because I didn't want to see your face again. You're a good friend."

"If I was a good friend, then why would you spill my biggest insecurity to the last people I wanted to have it told to?" you inquired icily. 

"I had to! You were always so afraid. You even put down your pride to ask me for help. You looked so helpless and I felt bad so-"

"I don't need you interfering with my life like that!"

Tadashi frowned. "Fighting won't change the fact you're leaving. Why can't we end this on a high note?"

"Because you don't deserve it." You knew you were acting childish, but you were were agitated that he even had the nerve to act like nothing happened. 

"Fine," Tadashi replied. He began eating his lunch. You did the same, even though you weren't hungry. You just needed an excuse not to talk to him. 

The bell rang shortly after, and Tadashi grabbed his bag and left the table. You sat alone for a moment, trying to keep your emotions under control. 

Oh God. Don't cry. Not at school. But you still recalled the times when you tried to make Emil and Allen leave you alone to carry the burden of (F/N) on your shoulders. But they stayed with you, finally letting you break out of your shell. You could finally call them your friends. 

And then there was Tadashi.

I mean, you guys didn't really like each other at first, but you finally talked to each other (except it was online and you guys were trash-talking each other without realizing it). He was my friend. . . I guess.

But now you were leaving and you had to crawl back into your shell until someone helped you out of it again. You had to start all over. In a new school, a new city, a new environment.

Before you knew it, something splattered onto the cafeteria table. Ugh. (Y/N). You're so lame for crying at school stopthatrightnow-

"Hey, are you finished? I need to clean the tables," you heard the janitor say nearby. All the other students had left.

"Y-yeah. Sorry." You quickly got your things and threw your trash away before running out of there.

Just two more months until I'm out of here.

* * * 

You knocked on Emil's door, a box of strawberries in your hand. He seemed pretty upset so you decided to see him. It was a bright Saturday morning. 

The door swung open to reveal Allen. "Hey, (Y/N). What are you doing here? Are those for me?" 

You scratched the back of your head. "Well, I was planning to see Emil, but I guess it's okay if you're here, too."

"Cool. He's upstairs and he won't open his door so Koyuki called me to get him out. He's not budging. I had to bribe him with a bunch of fairy tale merchandise. You know, the princess and talking animal stuff."

"Allen, it's Fairy Tail. They're two different things, maybe that's why he won't come out." 

"Whatever. Do you have a bobby pin? Maybe we can pick the lock." 

You pulled one out of your backpack and headed upstairs. After making several attempts to open the door, you realized something was holding it shut. A chair, probably. 

"A chair's holding it still," you muttered. 

"Seriously?" Allen made a face. He knocked on the door loudly. "Emil! Dude, open the door already! (Y/N)'s here! And she brought something with her!" 

No response.

"You could climb into his window," Allen suggested. 

"That's creepy. . . but it could work. . . " 

"Don't climb into my window!" Emil shouted. You heard the window being closed.

"Don't make me bust down the door," you warned. "I'd hate to, but I could try."

"Emil, I need to go soon. Open the door," Allen ordered, jiggling the doorknob.

"Then go!" 

"Fine!" Allen barked back. He marched for the stairs.

You watched him storm away. "Uh. . . you're just going to leave me here?"

"I need to go to my guitar lessons. You take over." Then he was gone.

Wow, thanks. "Great," you muttered sarcastically. "Emil, open the door-"

To your shock, the door opened. "Is he gone?" Emil asked quietly, hugging a Pikachu plush. He looked even worse than the time you told him you were leaving. 

You nodded. "Yeah. He is. Can I come in?"

He opened the door wider, and you noticed he was wearing his pajamas. "Sure. I want to talk to you."

* * *

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