Chapter Eight: Memories

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"Guys, come on."

Your irritable voice was unheard by the two boys drooling over whatever they were reading. To be honest, you liked the bookstore, with the crisp scent of new books, but you knew that meant forty minutes of coaxing Allen and Emil to hurry up and buy the thing they wanted. 

You poked Emil, who had his nose buried in some book. "Come on," you repeated.

Emil looked up. "But, (Y/N)-chan, I only brought money for one book. And I can't choose which one I should get."

"Well, which one do you not have yet?" you deadpanned.

Emil thought for a moment. "Let's see, I already bought and read all the books on this shelf," he said, pointing to a large shelf stuffed with manga books. "And I still have two other shelves." 

"You're not going to buy two shelve's worth of books," you sighed. 

"Shitte imasu! Help me, (Y/N)-chan," Emil said. 

You ran a hand through your (H/L) (H/C) hair, annoyed. "I don't know! Get the one you were anticipating the most."

Emil want to search the shelves again, and you turned to Allen. "Well?"

"Hold on, I have nine more pages left," Allen replied, not taking his eyes off of the magazine. 

You sat back down on the bench. "I'm hungry," you said. "And it would be greatly appreciated if you just hurry up and get lunch."

After a painful ten minutes, the two boys bought their items and followed you outside. "You didn't have to rush me, (Y/N)-chan," Emil said. "Now I wish I bought the first option."

You were silent. The truck parked directly in front of the bookstore's large glass doors looked familiar. Very familiar. The blue-white-and-black pattern sent memories flooding into your brain. For many years, you had successfully avoided the truck which drove around your town. 

And now they were conveniently parked right in front of you. 

"Guys," you said in a low voice. "Uh. . . "

Emil noticed your pale face. "Do shimashita ka? What's wrong?"

Allen looked over. "What's up with her?"

You turned on him. "I'm fine!"

Allen held up his hands in surrender. "Whoa there, dudette. Chill."

"L-let's just go," you said, hurrying away. The solemn look on the Robert guy's face. . . the sparking wires that stuck out of (F/N)'s disembodied head. . . An image of (F/N) smiling flashed through your mind, only to be replaced by her dull, lifeless face when her head fell off. 

Your thoughts were cut short when something grabbed the back of your shirt. Was it the robot builders? Was it some angry man who felt the need to scold you for running so fast in a crowded sidewalk? Your vision cleared to see Emil blinking at you. 

"Chotto, (Y/N)-chan, stop running so fast. It's not safe," he said, concern lighting his pale purple eyes. He wore contacts because of his eyesight, and of course he chose purple to look even more like APH Iceland or something.

"Sorry," you said quietly as Allen caught up. 

"(Y/N), what's going on? It's like you saw a ghost," Allen remarked. 

No, it's even worse! you thought. "Sorry," you repeated.

"You must be really hungry," Emil said, his eyes twinkling. "Where do you want to go eat, (Y/N)-chan?"

You didn't answer, because that truck was pulling up to the curb. Were they following you? 

"Hey, didn't we see that truck outside of the bookstore?" Allen asked. 

The door opened and that man stepped out. He strode towards the trio, stopping in front of you. You remembered him all too clearly. Except his hair had whitened some. 

"Hello," Robert said cheerfully. "Do you rem-" 

You didn't bother staying to hear the rest of your sentence. You tore away from the group, running blindly to where ever your feet would take you.

* * *


Well, here's a Fun Fact. Callaghan (in my version, anyway) was always interested in robots when he was a kid. So when he was in his twenties, he started an organization, the Elite Bot Builders. The job wasn't enough to provide money for him and his daughter, so he worked as a professor in SFIT. Since it was right in the town, it worked for him.

The organization boosted his reputation in bot building land, making Hiro recognize him and his awesomeness when he came to SFIT with Tadashi. It was around that time period when he fought (O/Y/N) and Tadashi died. Callaghan supposedly died as well, but it turns out that was just a decoy. He was a robot, and since he made lifelike robots, (O/Y/N) and the rest of BH6 were convinced it was the real him. 

That's just some foreshadowing for later on! ;)


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