Chapter Eighteen: Pocky

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"Is Tadashi here?" You hated to ask, but you wished he would at least wave at you before you left.

"Sorry, dudette," Allen patted your shoulder. "But it's just me and Emil this time. He seems set on leaving you like this."

"O-oh. Okay." You pulled your legs to your chest and hugged them. Your parents had allowed you to spend your last week freely with your friends, and you didn't want to waste it. "What do you want to do?"

Allen glanced over at your silver-haired friend, who was curled up with a pillow and staring solemnly at his feet. "Emil, want to go get some ice cream?"

"Ie," he mumbled, letting his bangs fall over his eyes again. You and Allen exchanged a look.
He had been quiet the entire ten minutes you were here.

Allen forced a laugh. "That means no, right? We're not going to have any fun if you keep acting like that," he said. 

Emil mushed his face into the pillow. "You can go without me."

Half an hour later, you stood in Lucky Cat Cafe with your friends. You had managed to weasel on a Totoro hoodie onto Emil and force him to come with you.

"What flavor, guys? It's on me," Allen said.

"You don't even have any money," you retorted. You grabbed Emil's arm, who had his hood pulled up and was trying to sneak away.

"Then get something cheap!"

You turned to Cass, Tadashi's aunt. She owned the cozy cafe, and to be honest, you chose this place in hopes of seeing your nerdy friend.

Well, ex-friend, whatever.

"Can I have a (Favorite Ice Cream Flavor/Favorite Snack), please?" you asked politely. Allen ordered after you, and you both turned to Emil, waiting for his input. He was drifting away to the exit.

"Emil!" You both lunged for him and dragged him back.

"I-I'm not that hungry," he said sheepishly.

"Well, just get something," Allen said impatiently. He pulled out his wallet.

Emil shoved his hands into the big pockets of his hoodie. "Can I just have a box of chocolate Pocky?"

"Pocky? That's really expensive!" Allen complained, shaking out all his money. "Get something el-"

"I'll pay for it," you interrupted. "Geez."

A twenty minutes later, you and Allen both finished your food. Emil was still eating his second chocolate-covered biscuit stick.

"Dude, hurry up," Allen said.

Emil shoved the box towards you. "You guys can have it. I said I wasn't hungry."

There was a moment of silence, then you finally said, "What is up with you?"

"What do you mean, (Y/N)-chan?" Emil asked. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. It's because I'm moving, right? I told you that I don't want you to be sulking. You should be enjoying what time we have left, because once I'm gone, you're going to feel more bad." You lifted the box of Pocky and peered inside. Before you could try one, Allen nudged you.

"Seven o' clock," he muttered. You subtly looked over to see Tadashi walking down the stairs with his brother.

"What the heck?" you muttered. He noticed you, and even though his eyes were neutral, he lifted a hand a waved.

Which was basically all you needed. You hesitantly waved back, and he left the cafe.
You turned back to the table. "Okay, le-"

"I need to go," Emil said.

"What? But we didn't even-"

"Gomen'nasai," Emil said before sliding out of the booth and leaving with his snack. 

"Okay, something's definitely up," Allen said. You nodded in agreement.

"Did he say something to you?" Allen asked, sighing. "Geez, this is all so troublesome."

You pondered for a moment. "Yeah, he said something in Japanese but his voice was muffled so I could barely hear him. Then I had to leave."

"Oh," was all your friend said. Then he asked, "Should we go follow Tadashi or Emil?"

"Well, I did want to talk to Tadashi once last time before I left." You got up. "Let's go."

* * *

"He completely vanished," you spat.

Allen looked up as a streetlight flickered on. "Dude, we just spent the whole day looking for him. I'm tired."

You stared into the dark alley. People were definitely in there, but they were yelling and hollering something like drug prices. "He's not in there."

"Oh, that's a bot fight," Allen said immediately. "I remember Tadashi ranting to me about his little brother and how he would always sneak off. Even though he's not even ten yet."

"Those are illegal," you said immediately. "I'm not going in there. No way."

"Well, I'm going home then." Allen started walking away. "Oh, and (Y/N), just give up on the Tadashi thing, okay? He wants to be left alone."

Then he disappeared.

* * *


It's a short story that's probably temporary.

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