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I grimaced. My classroom was painfully silent the moment before.

A second later a girl with long, and slightly choppy layered hair zoomed into the room. The people who were waiting in our homeroom stared at her. Not in a bad way though, my closest friend is very well liked by everyone in the school. And by everyone, I mean everyone. The girl was involved in every club, sport, and friend group you could name.

"Guess what?" Hanni stopped by my desk near the middle row.

"What?" I asked. My voice was naturally quieter than hers.

"You got invited to a bonfire party!"

"A what?" I asked, I barely knew what those words even meant.

"A party!"

"No I didn't." I said. "You're lying."

"Okay, well I got invited, and I'm inviting you so technically you got invited to a party!" She said.

"That doesn't count," I turned my attention back towards my work book. "Thats a second-hand invitation."

Truth be told I had never been to a real high school rager before. I've never been noticed by the right people in order to be invited, but I always told Hanni that if someone were to invite me, then I would probably go for the experience.

"Come on! I'm sure they would love to see you there!" Hanni said and slid into the seat next to me.

"Who's hosting?"

"Just some kids from my dance group." She answered.

"Dance group?? Hanni...." I gave her a look. We both knew that those people had no clue who I even was, let alone would they want me at their party.

"Please! It's going to be a bonfire--my friend has a vacation house by the beach, so no adults on the premises at all. It's gonna be so fun! Please?" She looked at me sadly.

I sighed. "I'll think about it."

"You know, I'll take it." She said. "That's a win."

During class I was distracted. I was thinking about how Changmin was in my room a few hours ago, the possible party, and how I'd have to stay after school on a friday to finish Eunjung's book report.

When the final bell tune came on through the speakers, everyone immediately stood up and packed their backpacks. It was beginning to be spring weather, and I assumed my classmates were off to hang out with their friends in the sun.

"I'll see you later!" Hanni was off as well doing who knows what.

I grabbed a few things from my locker before I went through the left wing hallway and into the library. It was mostly empty, and I disappeared into the English shelf to search for the book Eunjung had sent me a picture of. I was going to write her 1000 word essay report by Monday.

Eventually I saw it on the top shelf. I reached up to grab the book and I stood on my tip toes, positive I could reach it if I stretched. I saw an arm reach over my head and a hand grazed past my fingers. I didn't even know who it was, but I felt a spark of electricity at the skin contact so I suspected.

I whipped around as Changmin grabbed the book from the top shelf and inspected it.

"The Scarlet Letter?" He asked. "We're reading this for third year's English class."

My eyebrows shot up. "Yes! I-I know. It's for book club." I lied.

"Book club." He repeated. "I thought you guys read Korean books."

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