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"I told you to keep a lookout for a hidden gem. Not for one of the biggest playboys at our school!" Hanni exclaimed.

"Shh!" I put my hand over her mouth. "Keep it down would you??"

"What about playboys?" Chanhee passed by us to get to his locker. After my mom had caught word that I walked home alone she made Chanhee stay at school until book club was over tonight.

"Nothing, you misheard." I told him.

"Are you gaslighting me?" Chanhee gasped.

"Shut up." I said. "And stop eavesdropping on my conversations. This is private."

"Whatever, stupid." Chanhee said, but he walked a little bit down the hallway to wait out of earshot.

Once we were sure he couldn't hear anymore Hanni continued. "A hidden gem? Not exactly the term I would use for him." she said. "Maybe hidden sea glass you find at the beach. Sea glass made from a KG beer bottle."

"But.... but he was nice!" I said. I wasn't one to get my hopes up, but this was something I desperately needed to work out. "and his timing is impeccable."

"I mean I'm not one to judge since I've never met him, but half of the rumors from guys at our school usually have something to do with him." Hanni crossed her arms.

I sighed dramatically. "Maybe I should just give up."

"But then again! I could be wrong!" Hanni threw her arms up. "Maybe he's not like that."

"What are the rumors about him?"

"I heard that he dates people to sleep with them, and when he gets bored, he drops them." She said.

My eyebrows shot up.

"Oh? You're into that?" Hanni asked.


"No no, I'm not judging!" She said quickly.

"It's not like that!" I said, and we looked at each other. Well, it was sort of like that.

"Hey I mean, if you're ready for that then I'll support you!" Hanni said. Her pager that was clipped to her backpack made a beeping sound and she glanced at it. "Oh shoot, I have to go. But we'll continue this conversation later!"

"I'll see you," I waved to her and she walked the other direction. I sighed and I turned back to Chanhee.

"You ready?" He asked.

The two of us silently made our way off campus and onto the dark streets. It was less scary with him here.

"Are you...." Chanhee cleared his throat. "If you need someone to sit with at lunch you can sit with us. If you want."

It wasn't very common for the two of us to check in on each other like this. Of course we cared for each other, but we would never admit that out loud.

"I'm not getting involved with bad people." I told him. "I promise."

"Okay, I trust you," Chanhee said, though he side eyed me and I could feel. "I just meant, if you ever need somewhere to go if these not-bad-people don't work out."

I looked at him and I nodded. I wanted him to see that I was fine. I could handle it.

"Thanks," I said.

"Also next time beep Changmin up to walk with you. I didn't know that book club ran so late this is ridiculous, I could have been home two hours ago." Chanhee said with annoyance.

"It's the cost of being an intellectual," I replied.

"Yeah right, we both know that I'm the intellectual in this family," Chanhee said.

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